I presume neither of you guys own a car
I lived in Bergen before, all you had to do was going down to the bus stopp, there was always a new buss every 5. minutes to every 30 minutes. But Now I am living far from anything, so I need do get that licens soon... just have to finish off my apprentice (should be finish with my apprentice before this summer, all I have left is one project and then the big test!)
a car license her in Norway is expensive:
it can be from 15000,- NOK (1700 EUR, 2000 USD, 1300 GBP)
up to 25000,- NOK or more (2830 EUR, 3300 USD, 2200 GBP)
do that on a apprentice salary (approx: 10000-15000, minus apartment rent, mobile bill, power bill, food, entertainment, etc.)