
Klags vs. Heuhen, 5/22/2014
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Author:  c_ui10yrs [ May 25th, 2014, 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Lockheed Martin F-35A/B Lightning II - Klag Rant

ashebourton wrote:
Awesome, looks like he's all type anyway, hiding behind his keyboard. I'm a US Marine, no one scares me. hahaha
Hey, I just tried to tell you that there are differences appreciable between the different variants. I'm not trying to hide behind a keyboard, and any Marine who boasts about not being scared by some jackass on the Internet has a fucked up sense of priorities. So if you can't handle that, well, I'm not going to be surprised if you don't advance far beyond corporal, haha. In fact I think I might celebrate your retirement at, what, an E2?

Seriously, if that constitutes as trolling, you're not going to go far. Accept some goddamn light criticism.

Ian, fuck you. If that constitutes as trolling then your priorities are more fucked up than ashebourton here. Like I said, enjoy your glorified PM system if it even exists still in 10 years. heuhen has a traditional history of making less-than-useful contributions besides his drawings (see the F-110 thread where even ERik calls him out) but I guess he gets special protection. Yeah, I know, I'm a jerk who "doesn't draw anything" (ok so you have TWO drawings wow I'm impressed) but I don't outright troll. There have been far worse. Whatever. I don't care whatever corporation you work for or how much you make, you're just as much of a manchild as me, enjoying your little popguns (have fun with that once the NRA finally loses its influence).

Golly, fuck you too. You're just as bad.

Author:  ashebourton [ May 25th, 2014, 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lockheed Martin F-35A/B Lightning II

Actually, I'm up for promotion to Sgt next month and have fought in Afghanistan for 8 months so to read your empty threats mean little to me except appease my entertainment. :D

I understand creative criticism, however your supposed statements of criticism prove otherwise. So please continue to be butthurt, learn to let shit be and move the hell along, it is blatantly clear that nobody wants you here. Shows how much character you really have when it requires you to create another account to bitch once again.

I can at least give you one thing, I am fucked up. I joined the Marines to kill people, and I happen to do a damn good job it. ;)

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