
FD Aircraft 16
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Author:  Hood [ December 27th, 2018, 10:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FD Aircraft 16

Very nice additions.

Nice work, but it needs just a couple more tweaks.
In SB/FD style, we normally outline the cockpit canopy, airbrakes, control surfaces and undercarriage doors in black.

Author:  The_Sprinklez [ December 27th, 2018, 3:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD Aircraft 16

Hood wrote: *
Very nice additions.

Nice work, but it needs just a couple more tweaks.
In SB/FD style, we normally outline the cockpit canopy, airbrakes, control surfaces and undercarriage doors in black.
I had tried that but it didn't look as good IMO. Here's that version:

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Author:  reytuerto [ December 27th, 2018, 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD Aircraft 16

Oh, no! It looks fine! And now is within the style. Cheers.

Author:  Bordkanone 75 [ January 1st, 2019, 7:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FD Aircraft 16

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Spain, Cierva C.4
First post of 2019! :D

Author:  Hood [ January 1st, 2019, 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD Aircraft 16

A very nice and historically important addition.

Author:  darthpanda [ January 7th, 2019, 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD Aircraft 16

Avro 707
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Author:  reytuerto [ January 7th, 2019, 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD Aircraft 16

Oh, the proto-vulcan and the first autogiro La Cierva! Well done DP and BK!

Author:  Hood [ January 8th, 2019, 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FD Aircraft 16

Nice addition DP.

Author:  Nestin [ January 8th, 2019, 11:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD Aircraft 16

Hello everyone, this is maybe the first time I post any aircraft.

The Mil Mi-8T was introduced with Yugoslav Air Force in 1968. In total 93 helicopters produced in Kazan factory were bought from Soviet Union from 1968 until 1981. Most helicopters had standard Yugoslav People's Army olive-drab paint job with sky blue bottom surface. Here are also presented non standard paint jobs from exercises and MEDEVAC markings from late 80's that was introduced with some helicopters. Few Army helicopters were used as MEDEVAC by Automotive association of Yugoslavia painted in yellow overall. The designation of Mi-8T in Yugoslav Air Force was HT-40.

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In early 90's four helicopters were equipped for electronic warfare known as HT-40E.

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In 1980's also four Mi-14PL anti-submarine helicopters were bought, known as HP-44 with Yugoslav Air Force.

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By early 80's after Tito's death, the large scale riots of ethnic Albanians have started at Serbian southern province of Kosovo. As the provincial police (milicija) forces were not strong enough to suppress rebellion, the join federal special police forces (Združeni odred milicije - ZOM) formed from police special unit of other republics were sent at Kosovo. Army has given two Mi-8T helicopters painted in police blue-white to support those troops.

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With the 1991 secession of Croatia from Yugoslavia, regions of Croatia with large Serb population have organized in to Serb autonomous province Krajina (Srpska autonomna oblast Krajina) which later reorganized in to Serb Republic of Krajina. The Krajina police forces (Milicija Krajine - RSK) have got material support from Yugoslav People's Army, among ground arms also several helicopters painted in police blue-white. After Croatias international recognition in 1992 and withdrawn of Yugoslav People's Army troops, the Krajina Milicija was reorganized in to Army fighting Croatian Army untll it's fall in summer of 1995.

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With secession of Bosnia and Herzegovina from Yugoslavia in 1992 the Bosnian Serbs have formed their republic - Republika Srpska, with aim to remain part of Yugoslavia. It had formed it's own military force - Army of Republika Srpska (VRS) from remaining Yugoslav People's Army personal that refused to withdrawn from Bosnia and Herzegovina and with equipment that Yugoslav People's Army left to them. The Bosnian Serb army had the air force which after all had one transport helicopter of 14 Mi-8T helicopters that remain. Those helicopters played significant role first major Bosnian Serb actions, with over 2900 MEDEVAC flights just in 1992 which evacuated over 1800 wounded fighters. Helicopters remain their flights during the whole war beside NATO operation Deny flight. Two Mi-8 helicopters were lost during the war, and remaining 12 were used after the war. In 2006 the Republika Srpska Army was united with Muslim-Croat Federation Army, with several Mi-8 continuing its service with new united Armed forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, created by remaining republics, Serbia and Montenegro was constituted in 1992. It transformed remaining Yugoslav People's Army forces that have withdrawn from separated republics in to Army of Yugoslavija (VJ). It's Air Force had 50 Mi-8 helicopters left, due the number of older helicopters was withdrawn ore lost in accidents before the war started, and some were destroyed in fighting, captured ore left to Serb forces in Krajina and Bosnia and Herzegovina. These helicopters saw action during the 1998-1999 war at Kosovo, and 10 helicopters were destroyed on ground by NATO air strikes on Yugoslavia during the 1999. Note the helicopter with camouflage paint, it was assigned to the Yugoslav Army and Serbian police 1000-strong detachment that was formed in 2000 with plan to return on Kosovo with NATO permission which never came.

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The four HT-40E electronic warfare helicopters remain several years in service with "new" Yugoslav Air Force until middle 90's when they were converted back in to standard transport version.

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Three Mi-14PL anti-submarine helicopters helicopters remain service after breakup of Yugoslavia (one was lost in accident crush in 1987). They were destroyed in NATO air strikes in 1999.

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In 1996 the Serbian State security service (RDB) has reformed it's special forces and paramilitary units in to one highly operative and modern equipped unit - Special operations unit (JSO). In 1997 two Mi-17 and two Mi-24 helicopters were purchased from Russia for units squadron that operated helicopters and COIN aircraft. That unit took a lot action during the 1998-1999 Kosovo war. When State security's unit was disbanded in 2003 the helicopters were first transferred to the ministry of interior helicopter unit, and in 2005 to the Air Force.

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When State union of Serbia and Montenegro (how the FR Yugoslavia was renamed in 2003) was dissolved, the Air Force was renamed in to Serbian Air Force. Only one Mi-8 helicopter has remain in Montenegro, but never operational. Serbian Air Force had remain small number of operational Mi-8T helicopters due the ageing and harsh maintenance conditions during the 90's economic sanctions during the wars. The new overall green paint scheme was introduced, and three tone camouflage several years later.

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The helicopters of former Special operations unit were overhauled in 2010 also painted in new overall green paint scheme and with new Serbian Air Force markings. One of these two helicopters had fatal crush during the MEDEVAC flight in 2015.

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In 2016 two new Mi-17V5 have been purchased from Russia for Serbian Air Force. The ministry of defense plan is to acquire 3 more Mi-17V5 helicopters in 2019-2020.

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Author:  Hood [ January 9th, 2019, 9:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FD Aircraft 16

A very comprehensive series, excellent work.

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