
FD scale Aircrafts 13
Page 53 of 54

Author:  signal [ February 3rd, 2017, 2:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FD scale Aircrafts 13

Great job on the C-118's. Thank you.

Author:  Colosseum [ February 3rd, 2017, 4:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FD scale Aircrafts 13

Love it. Great work.

Author:  darthpanda [ February 3rd, 2017, 4:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FD scale Aircrafts 13

Great work! Both BB1987 & Caddaric

Author:  Hood [ February 3rd, 2017, 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FD scale Aircrafts 13

Very fine work Caddaric.

Author:  Sheepster [ February 3rd, 2017, 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD scale Aircrafts 13

Both glider versions of the Douglas DC-3

Removed, awaiting @eswube's DC3 series 8-)

Author:  eswube [ February 3rd, 2017, 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD scale Aircrafts 13

Fantastic work on C-118's! :D

Of course You can spend Your time in any way You want, but I just would like to point Your attention to the fact that XCG-17 has already been drawn (by me, btw.) and can be found here: ... 61#p138661
We also have "FD-scale Master Lists" that allow to check wether something has been already drawn.
(I have to admit, though, that for some reason link to XCG-17 leads to old post that was incapacitated by the liquidation of Majhost, but I will fix it in a moment - EDIT: already fixed).

Also, few weeks ago I mentioned ( ... 83#p164783 ) that I'm doing an update of the Dakota family (that is DC-1, DC-2, DC-3/C-47, DC-3S/C-117D, XCG-17, Basler-Turbo BT-67, C-47TP Turbo Dak, Showa L2D and Lisunov Li-2), so as I wrote, You're free to spend Your time any way You like, but I dare to think there might be, perhaps, some better ways for spending your energy. ;)

(Not all of that updated Dakota family is ready - namely I still haven't made all planned paint schemes for "basic" DC-3/C-47, but anyway I'm not planning to post it until the situation with Dropbox will be all clear)

Author:  Colosseum [ February 3rd, 2017, 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD scale Aircrafts 13

Everyone is free to draw what they want. That has always been the case and will always be the case.

Author:  eswube [ February 3rd, 2017, 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD scale Aircrafts 13

Didn't I just wrote that?

Author:  acelanceloet [ February 3rd, 2017, 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD scale Aircrafts 13

eswube wrote:
Didn't I just wrote that?
Yes, you wrote that, but your post was not worded that way. If you truly left him free to draw anything he wanted, why did you make the post at all? :P

Author:  eswube [ February 3rd, 2017, 8:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD scale Aircrafts 13

To spare him the hurt feelings along the lines of "hey, I just draw the same airplane not so long ago! :( " in some six weeks time.
Also, I think that any moderately intelligent person could infer from my post the information that in several weeks time there will be a new version of Dakota available for further modifications. :P

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