Here is another what-if aircraft, the Hawker P.1121.
Developed as a private venture by Hawker based on work done on the P.1103 and the later private P.1116 ground-attack fighter the P.1121 was designed as a supersonic fighter with AI.23 radar and two Red Top and fifty RPs in two side boxes. It could be used for the tactical nuclear strike role with a drop tank on the starboard side and a Red Beard on the port side, the radar was replaced by Doppler navigation and two cameras.
Hawker pumped its own money into this project and tried to make the Air Staff and Ministry of Supply see sense and abandon F.155 in favour of this more realistic project. No offical funds were forthcoming and the prototype was abandoned in 1958, with only a few million needed to make her fly...
I leave it for the viewer to decide whether the engine is an Olympus or a Gyron.
Some What-if schemes, two fighter (ex Javelin and ex Hunter Squadrons) and one bomber (ex Canberra) sqaudron.