
Antaraverse in FD
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Author:  Shigure [ March 18th, 2021, 3:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Antaraverse in FD


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Author:  Shigure [ April 22nd, 2021, 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Antaraverse in FD


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The BH2 'Vulture' entered service in 1343, several months into the World War for the Antarans. At its introduction, and even into the mid-late war period, it had unrivalled service ceiling , speed and payload. By 1346, it had entirely replaced the BH1 and had become the mainstay strategic bomber for the Antarans. Despite its fine points, the BH2 had the highest loss rate of any aircraft on the Alliance side of the war. Sieg high-altitude interceptors quickly caught up and nullified the altitude advantage the Vulture had savored. In light of enemy developments, the Vulture's successor, the BH3, further prioritized the already heavy defensive armament among other attributes.

The most common variants of the Vulture had up to 10 12.7mm heavy machine guns as defensive armament. For short range missions, the BH2 was capable of carrying a little over 3000kg of ordinance, and 2000kg for long range missions.

From variant C onwards, the fuselage was lengthened to allow for a longer tailward bomb-bay, giving aircraft the option to fit larger 1000kg bombs. This was a requirement for missions that required precision strikes with high effective but smaller room for error that couldn't be afforded with smaller and more numerous loud outs.

The C variant was an anomalous production variant for the purposes of testing the feasibility of twin tails. It was ultimately not pursued from the D variant, onwards.

Author:  eswube [ April 22nd, 2021, 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Antaraverse in FD

Nice drawings, but I have a feeling that not only it would be nose-heavy and the wings look bit thin, but most importantly, that the forward wing spar goes right through the middle of the forward bomb bay (in B-17 forward spar is in front of the bay and rear one behind it) and the wing is far too low to have both spars above the bay, like Lancaster.

Author:  Shigure [ April 22nd, 2021, 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Antaraverse in FD

eswube wrote: *
Nice drawings, but I have a feeling that not only it would be nose-heavy and the wings look bit thin, but most importantly, that the forward wing spar goes right through the middle of the forward bomb bay (in B-17 forward spar is in front of the bay and rear one behind it) and the wing is far too low to have both spars above the bay, like Lancaster.
I might be able to get away with a very large mono spar if the forward bomb bay was moved forward, of course its hidden away by the engines so you wouldn't be able to see it anyways.

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The B-29 has the same thing going on.

With regards to the wings, you're probably right. With the nose-heaviness, it's similar in vane to the Liberator and Privateer

Author:  eswube [ April 23rd, 2021, 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Antaraverse in FD

Indeed, a mono-spar would work. I assumed the arrangement of bomb bay largely from the drawing of the possible bombloads provided by Yourself in the challenge thread, which shows both bays arranged closely one to each other.
And Liberator/Privateers are not tail-draggers. Which means, that they are bit differently arranged vis their centre of gravity. (and I assume that BH2 Vulture is a tail dragger from the outline of possible tail wheel cover aft of the door and the very forward location of main wheels - with 3-wheel arrangement, all wheels would be forward of centre of gravity)

Author:  Shigure [ April 24th, 2021, 2:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Antaraverse in FD

eswube wrote: *
Indeed, a mono-spar would work. I assumed the arrangement of bomb bay largely from the drawing of the possible bombloads provided by Yourself in the challenge thread, which shows both bays arranged closely one to each other.
And Liberator/Privateers are not tail-draggers. Which means, that they are bit differently arranged vis their centre of gravity. (and I assume that BH2 Vulture is a tail dragger from the outline of possible tail wheel cover aft of the door and the very forward location of main wheels - with 3-wheel arrangement, all wheels would be forward of centre of gravity)
You assumed correct, that was the intention. And yeah it would be tail dragger.

Author:  Shigure [ May 4th, 2021, 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Antaraverse in FD


Author:  Shigure [ June 9th, 2021, 1:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Antaraverse in FD


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Author:  Shigure [ June 9th, 2021, 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Antaraverse in FD


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Author:  Shigure [ June 9th, 2021, 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Antaraverse in FD


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