Well I guess this is rahter expected from me since my main weakness of creating these AU stuff is the fact that I can't stick on one concept but keep flip-flopping to the other incranations from time to time. This happened again...or it did so pretty soon after I posted the "Comintern [chinese based]" stuff and doing the research/reference cathering for the shipbucket fleet. It didn't work. There just weren't enough ideas of transforming the somehwat peculiar OTL PLAN into something much larger and much more powerfull naval force which the AU concept required. It's not that I couldn't have come up the missing stuff from my head, the proplem is that you can't have two seperate concept or "base" of the AU at the same time, at least not for me. It just didn't work.
So while shifting back to the Never-where soviet/russia "base" I did these in the meantime. (And my almoust a year venture into FD scale world is now done)
Additional credits is needed to adress here:
To P_D_M, a fellow "Alternativist" who is responsible of the I-6 (Yak-35 idea)
To Paralay, for his outstanding work on the 4th and 5th generation concepts which serve the base of many of these drawings.
To Darth Panda, for the colours.