
ProkhorVLG's FD Art
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Author:  Cruel2BEkind [ August 16th, 2012, 1:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ProkhorVLG's FD Art

Hmmm I guess... sorry

Author:  ProkhorVLG [ August 21st, 2012, 6:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ProkhorVLG's FD Art

New Stuff:

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Flickr: ... hotostream

Mil Mi-24 Superhind Mk5 "Krokodil" Heavy Helicopter Gunship

Mil Mi-24 Superhind Mk5 "Krokodil" Heavy Helicopter Gunship (Krokodil = Crocodile, Russian)


An even more massive and destructive beast than the previous variant. A beast of a helicopter, it is equipped with engines twice as powerful as it's predecessor, enormous turboshaft engines used to turn the two contra-rotational rotors, and two more on the sides are used as backup, more power, and speed making this newer variant good even when fully loaded with people and munitions. Their exhaust is also used for the NOTAR system built into this huge bird.

It is equipped with new equipment ranging from imaging and sensors to radar and weapons. A new camera system is attached to the nose for more accurate gunning, along with eye tracking equipment so that the user can aim simply by pointing their eyes. The new, durable, gatling cannon is now equipped with more than four times the ammunition than it's predecessor.

It can still transport 10 people, not including the pilots, but it can do so at a speed more than two times faster than the previous variant due to it's new engines. It is now considered one of the fastest transport helicopters in the world, setting aside the fact that it can both transport and gunship at the same time.

It isn't that much of a stealthy helicopter, however, but it does feature a slightly reduced RCS. It features two wings with 4 pylons each, and 2 pylons on the bottom of the body. It's wings can give the helo around 15% of it's lift. The outermost pylons can only be equipped with air-to-air missiles, and it's underbody pylons only with either remote controlled autocannons or free-fall bombs. The 6 free pylons underneath the wings can be outfitted with rocket pods, guided missiles, autocannons, bombs, air-to-air missiles, sensor equipment, and more.

It is able to deliver long range missile strikes if a friendly unit in the area guides it (infantrymen can use their on-chest computers.)

As a latest addition, they are equipped with a powerful anti-missile laser equipped in the nose along with imaging suite and a detachable TLS built under the cockpit area aside from other weapon systems.


GC Cost: 28,800 Credits (Tier 3)

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Flickr: ... otostream/

Ilyushin Il-220G "HunterEagle" VTOL Gunship

Ilyushin Il-220G "HunterEagle" VTOL Gunship


An enormous jet. A huge modification to the Ilyushin Il-220 VTOL Cargo Jet, the G model features extreme high-tech modification and additions to basic model.

It features brand new energy weapons, more efficient than conventional weaponry. These include railguns, which fling a tungsten projectile with enormous force and speed. They cause much more damage and are more accurate than the regular munitions. The other type is the laser weaponry, which is generally not as powerful as railguns as they are smaller. In this case, shells are replaced with a battery/diode pack which fire a super concentrated beam of photons with deadly force at it's target. These are extremely accurate, however, are just as deadly as conventional munitions.

The jet is able to switch between it's VTOL and regular modes quite easily. It's rear two engines tilt along with the entire wing setup in accordance to mode.

It has an entire suite of sensors and cameras on the left side built to assist all gunners in destroying their targets. The bulb under the cockpit/nose section houses a series of radars, sensors, etc and the gunship can act as a non-dedicated minimal AWACS system.

It is said that this airframe can take hundreds of hits from SAMs and gunfire and still fly. It is plated in huge amounts of reactive armour and steel to protect it from all threats.


GC Cost: 27,500 Credits

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Flickr: ... otostream/

Ilyushin Il-220 "Eagle" VTOL Jet

Ilyushin Il-220 "Eagle" VTOL Jet


The main military jet used by the UT for basically everything. It is enormous, and has a few variants.

The jet is able to switch between it's VTOL and regular modes quite easily. It's rear two engines tilt along with the entire wing setup in accordance to mode.

It is said that this airframe can take hundreds of hits from SAMs and gunfire and still fly. It is plated in huge amounts of reactive armour and steel to protect it from all threats.

Il-220B Heavy Bomber

This jet bomber is able to destroy anything on the ground. It is capable of carrying an enormous load of bombs, and also features an internal missiles bay that can contain both cruise missiles and anti-ship/sub missiles. Under it's cockpit area is an advanced sonar/radar system. This heavy bomber variant is commonly used on large ships for naval warfare as it can not only do it's main job, bombing, but can also detect underwater craft and distant ships with it's powerful sensory equipment.

Il-220A AWACS/Recon

The AWACS/Recon variant is another major variation of the Il-220. It is the main AWACS craft of the UT Air Force. It is able to detect enemy aircraft for miles and miles.
Aside from it's AWACS equipment, it is also set up with a powerful suite of cameras and imaging devices underneath the nose. It is able to provide ground intel as well as air intel because of this.

Il-220 Cargo Jet

The basic model. Very widely used across the entire UT, and not just by the military.


Author:  Cruel2BEkind [ September 3rd, 2012, 11:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ProkhorVLG's FD Art

Do all the jets have a back opening along like a C-130?

Author:  ProkhorVLG [ September 4th, 2012, 2:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ProkhorVLG's FD Art


Author:  Cruel2BEkind [ September 5th, 2012, 12:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ProkhorVLG's FD Art

What kind of counter measure's do these carry?

Author:  ProkhorVLG [ September 5th, 2012, 1:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ProkhorVLG's FD Art

Never actually thought about that, so I can't answer your question. I don't know what it would use :P

Author:  Cruel2BEkind [ September 5th, 2012, 2:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ProkhorVLG's FD Art

Well whats the equivalent of futuristic flares and chaff? :P

Author:  ProkhorVLG [ September 6th, 2012, 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ProkhorVLG's FD Art

I would assume something similar to the countermeasures suite on the T-90.

Author:  Cruel2BEkind [ September 6th, 2012, 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ProkhorVLG's FD Art

Im guessing since its in the future so much... The Gatling gun in the back could target missile's. And im also guessing that flares and chaff can still be used but it must be used in VERY large amounts because of the new missile tracking technology... or not since flares and chaff could of had an upgrade.

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