
FD - AU Royal Scottish Air Force
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Author:  Hood [ March 3rd, 2012, 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD - AU Royal Scottish Air Force

Mia_36 wrote:
The Royal Scottish Air Force is still going strong and now in 2012 they have taken delivery of their latest aircraft, the Eurofighter Typhoon and the Boeing/Lockheed F-22A fighters.
That line killed it for me. Economics is the big missing link in 90% of AUs. You state the AF has twenty planes and then two of the world's most expensive types that do exactly the same job! Building a state around the needs of an Army just for the sake of employment seems a doomed failure like the German Democratic Republic.

Soviet bases in Scotland is going to lead to a quick invasion of Scotland by NATO. Logically not even under Stalin would the Soviet's have been that stupid as to try, nor would they I suspect trust the Scots' motives. NATO is not likely to woo Scotland back, just like they didn't with France, just like the didn't with Albania or Yugoslavia.

I think the AU has some merit but it needs a better backstory. And why the focus on those AU American planes? I know its AU but its AU mixed with another AU.

Author:  Clonecommander6454 [ March 3rd, 2012, 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD - AU Royal Scottish Air Force

Mia_36 wrote:
[ img ]
Wait a second. Does the B-49 looks like that? I thought B-49 looks like this:
[ img ]

Author:  Portsmouth Bill [ March 3rd, 2012, 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD - AU Royal Scottish Air Force

Mia_36 wrote:
Thiel, it is an AU, it doesn't HAVE to make perfect sense. It is an enjoyable way of seeing how the world COULD have been. ALSO, I COME FROM SCOTTISH family and a LOT of Scottish people were VERY annoyed at the UK government towards the end of the war. The mainstream belief was that the government should have sued for a cease fire and allowed negotiations to start aproper.
Well Mia_36, so do I and even more so my wife, who isn't very happy at you appropriating her name for you new monarch :lol: But seriously, do you actually beleive this, that the majority of the people of Scotland wanted the British goverment to enter negotiations with Nazi Germany toward the end of the war? Well, good luck, I'll let you get on with it :roll:

Author:  Mia_36 [ March 3rd, 2012, 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD - AU Royal Scottish Air Force

I want to apologise if i've upset or offended anyone. My 2yr old little girl is not well and it does not look like she is going to get better, as a result ive had a real bad morning. Im sorry if ive upset anyone. I didnt really plan through a full economic plan for this AU, just a bit of fun to see what Scotland would have been like independent and in an ideal world. It was a bit of FUN. Portsmouth Bill, the reason i used the name Mitzi Bell is that it is my wife's name.

I am going to kill this off AU NOW and plan a different AU.

x X x Mia x X x

Author:  Portsmouth Bill [ March 3rd, 2012, 4:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD - AU Royal Scottish Air Force

No need to kill it off. And please don't take criticism too much to heart, its part of going public on any forum, by doing so we have to accept that we'll be asked to justify our ideas. Its not a question of offending or being offended here; I simply questioned a view you posted that was not part of the AU, rather, as a fact. And you may have noticed that I posted a LOL when I mentioned Queen Mitzi, which also happens to be my wife's name (though I usually refer to her as Lady Portsmouth).

It might actually be useful to define what we are doing when we post any AU. I would say that the common perception on all forums like ours is that any AU has some justification, and is not posted for fun. Otherwise, it might be better to make it very clear from the start, but that begs the question of why we are posting anyway? I don't think that the AU you are working on here is fundamentally flawed; the concept of an independent Scotland would be an excellent basis for developing its armed forces; so I'll wish you good luck :)

I'm sorry to hear about your daughter, and I know everyone here will be thinking of you and your wife at this time. If you can put up with the rough and tumble of Shipbucket, I hope it allows you some distraction from your troubles

All the very Best


Author:  Rowdy36 [ March 3rd, 2012, 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD - AU Royal Scottish Air Force

I don't have a great deal of knowledge about the politics and economics of Scotland now, let alone in the 40's so I can't comment on the issues raised above but I do think with a little tweaking and an evolved backstory this could be an interesting AU to follow... :)

Author:  TimothyC [ March 3rd, 2012, 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD - AU Royal Scottish Air Force

Mia_36 wrote:
He Rhade, i uploaded the images through deviantart as png, but for some reason i cant get them to stop pixelating. Im not sure what a standard template is and i will change the name immediately. thanks for the constructive criticism, that's what i like, lol!
When you upload tell it to preserve the original size of the image. I think dA still preserves the original upload so it should just be a matter of editing the relevant deviations to allow for the download of the original file (I use most of the time when I upload to dA so I'm not down on the latest upload procedures).

Author:  acelanceloet [ March 3rd, 2012, 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD - AU Royal Scottish Air Force

also, when you click download (if you have enabled it) on deviantart, and then use that imagelink, it should not be pixelated..... IIRC, as I don't use deviantart for uploading images up here anymore.

Author:  Mia_36 [ March 3rd, 2012, 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD - AU Royal Scottish Air Force

many thanks everyone, im sorry i got so upset.

x X x Mia x X x

Author:  nighthunter [ March 4th, 2012, 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD - AU Royal Scottish Air Force

Mia, first off, Please remember that most of the older member's AU's were developed with some thought to realizm, and honestly you are going to have to go back to the 1400's and re-write history from there. Secondly, please, please repost your aircraft. I know that Photobucket mucks up things rather well until you fix it, which was posted in a link on the first page. I would love to see the proper aircraft my little joke with the Eurofighter inspired. If you can't get it fixed, PM me and I'll respond with my e-mail and you can send them to me, and I can post them for you. I'll even work on a new Scottish Eurofighter for you. Oh, the US, IS NOT selling the F-22, to anyone, so nix those plans for procurement.

Two gifts for you!

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