
Renewing the old parts sheets
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Author:  ALVAMA [ December 15th, 2010, 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Renewing the old parts sheets

Novice my friend could you add my SAM?

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Author:  Gollevainen [ December 15th, 2010, 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Renewing the old parts sheets

Like I said, we are not making any national spesific sheets.

Author:  erik_t [ December 16th, 2010, 4:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Renewing the old parts sheets

Gollevainen wrote:
maybe there is an better way of showing it, but we will never get guns placed on the wrong positions again
I have never felt Shipbucket itself should have educational responsibility to teach the kids some of the very basics of ship-engineering. I don't want to give them free pass, I want them to suffer with foreing language manuals and boring historic journals as much as I have :mrgreen: If someone doesen't know that a turreted gun usually takes deck-penetration, I think he should not be drawing warships on serious level.
Well, I agree that someone who doesn't recognize the need for penetration is probably in the wrong place. However, I think there's a difference between educating on concepts and educating on specifics. Some years after I've begun drawing these systems seriously, I still have not happened upon an open-literature source for the exact below-decks dimensions of the USN Mk 26 GMLS family. I've done a number of isometric scaling exercises, none terribly satisfying. It's in my own personal interest to broadcast to the world the extent of my own knowledge, both so other folks won't screw it up horribly AND in hopes that someone more knowledgeable than myself might correct me. The education is never completely one-way, no matter how much we may think we know.

We ought not belabor ourselves with the most obvious of facts, but if there is an easy and low-pixel-count way of showing our current knowledge, I would surely endorse it. Not as a requirement, but as encouragement. My own example, thought it may be somewhat excessive:

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As best I can figure, 22 pixels wide, 22 pixels deep, with lengths associate by Mark number.

I mean, you can't show the associated missiles in that height. Are we really in the business of restrictinge information? That doesn't make any sense to me. I won't do some whiny kid's research for him, but I won't tell him to 'GO FIGURE IT OUT FOR YOURSELF YOU STUPID KID' either. If I know something, why not share it?

In my opinion, there is a happy medium between 'GO FIGURE IT OUT FOR YOURSELF YOU STUPID KID' and 'LET ME DO ALL OF YOUR WORK FOR YOU'. I'd phrase it something like: 'This is what I know; I encourage you to do your own additional research and give me rational arguments if you come to a different understanding'.

Author:  Gollevainen [ December 16th, 2010, 9:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Renewing the old parts sheets

In my opinion, there is a happy medium between 'GO FIGURE IT OUT FOR YOURSELF YOU STUPID KID' and 'LET ME DO ALL OF YOUR WORK FOR YOU'. I'd phrase it something like: 'This is what I know; I encourage you to do your own additional research and give me rational arguments if you come to a different understanding'.
I agree, Im not wanting to be all of the option 1 myself, just that in these sheets, I've myself found out that more extra lines and stuff you place there, the harder it is to use in copy/pasting. The sheets are about to bring the needed systems to near the hand. If we go too detailed in them, then they will grow over sized, or we basicly would need to make seperate sheet out of every single weapon system.

My most concern is in extra lines (that shows the imaginary deck level I guess), extra texture and other trivia. If you guys can make up clever way to put the nesserical information without too much of the mentioned, then we approach to good compromise.

Author:  Lazer_one [ December 16th, 2010, 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Renewing the old parts sheets

A preliminary of Merchant equipments.
A went fast through my drawings picking some elements. During weekend I'll add cranes and (maybe) some anchors.
Please give me some feedback and please post your elements to be added.
I don't know it it would be worth to insert in this chart the Alvama's containers.

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Author:  WhyMe [ December 16th, 2010, 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Renewing the old parts sheets

Propulsors from X-Bow ships:
I provided some basic info on each of them but feel free to drop it ;)

Author:  ALVAMA [ December 17th, 2010, 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Renewing the old parts sheets

Could this topic temperorly stricky?

Author:  ALVAMA [ December 17th, 2010, 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Renewing the old parts sheets

127mm AA.png

Author:  Lazer_one [ December 18th, 2010, 3:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Renewing the old parts sheets

here is some elements useful for merchant vessel.
Strictly speaking I normally draw the equipment of the ship but all these could help a lot: as an example the two largest azipods differ mainly by the propellers diameter.
Going through the elements I would like to add some "old" cranes (I remember some fine made by Novice). Moreover It would be worth to add 3 and 4 blade large propellers.

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Author:  Mitchell van Os [ December 18th, 2010, 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Renewing the old parts sheets

I got some large caliber guns for the sheet.
Will show it later.

Mitch ;)

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