Something i made while ago.
I added front and rear views.
The picture is not showing, are you sure you saved it in public folder.
step by step:
1. save in "Dropbox" public folder on you'r computer. (note as PNG)
2. go in to you'r "Dropbox" folder.
3. go to Public "folder"
4. find the file you saved and right click it.
5. go to dropbox in that window that's opened and click on public.
6. Right click and past where you want it on internet. and tag it with the
or if you do it directly to the website:
1. go to and log in.
2. click on public.
3. click on the upload button, you can si it at the top looking like a paper with an blue arrow.
4. Click on chose file, and find it on you'r computer. rest will go automatically. Click done when it is finish (not always nesecery)
5. now right-click on the file you uploaded (It will be down in the list bellow the upload button)
6. click on "copy public link"
7. now you can past it where you want it on the web.