
A source on danish CoA
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Author:  mtl [ September 7th, 2012, 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  A source on danish CoA

Hi guys.

I have no artistic abilities by any measurable standard, but I love to follow your ships and CoA evolve from a blank page to accomplished drawings.

So when I came across the publication "Dansk Orlogsheraldik" from the RDN homepage I thought some of you might like to use it for source material. Basically it is a rather comprehensive overview of the danish CoA from 1959-2010 with descriptions and explanations.

It is unfortunately only released in danish but I hope you can use it to some extent.


Author:  KimWerner [ September 8th, 2012, 12:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A source on danish CoA

8-) Yes it's unfortunate that it isn't translated to english because it tells about heraldic rules in a very good manor. It includes a bit of the british, swedish and norwegian badges history too.
BTW it's my main source for the danish CoA's :D

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