
Franscale - 1px/1.5cm soldier drawings
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Author:  Colosseum [ March 13th, 2013, 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Franscale - 1px/1.5cm soldier drawings

Franscale is another scale for drawing soldiers (similar to Junior Generals but a bit larger). Emphasis is placed on accurate scaling (nonexistent with JG).

Scale is 1 pixel = 1.5cm

Here are a few examples I've done for North Point and a few RL things:

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A RL "Congo mercenary".

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A mercenary force operating in Questers.

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What I would imagine your average North Point pilot looks like.

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North Point national rugby team uniform.

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Various webbing equipment sets I've drawn, mostly RL

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The Lee Enfield family.

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The FN FAL family.

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the British SLR.

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Toyota truck.

Author:  jabba [ March 13th, 2013, 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Franscale - 1px/1.5cm soldier drawings

Nice! Rugby - a mans sport.

Author:  Bombhead [ March 13th, 2013, 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Franscale - 1px/1.5cm soldier drawings

These are a nice scale to show detail, look forward to seeing more.

Author:  KHT [ March 13th, 2013, 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Franscale - 1px/1.5cm soldier drawings

Wow, really like them! Mind if I borrow the scale?

Author:  Colosseum [ March 13th, 2013, 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Franscale - 1px/1.5cm soldier drawings

No, I posted it here to hopefully get more RL stuff drawn. Most of the stuff made for it has been for Statesmanship.

Just please add a line in the drawing crediting whoever's stuff you use. No rigid crediting rules other than that.

Author:  Ato [ March 13th, 2013, 10:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Franscale - 1px/1.5cm soldier drawings

Hi Colo,

Though I am glad to see you making FranScale more widely visible. I must note that you have improperly labelled and credited several parts sheets, as per the FranScale user agreement Section 4B, Paragraph 2.

Also I see several alterations to the Toyota Tacoma, Model 2010 that have not be approved for release by the FranScale Strategic Review Council (Vehicles, Civilian Sub-committee) .

Please make the necessary changes, so as to properly represent FranScale to the greater public.


-Senior Board Member, FranScale Strategic Review Council

Author:  Colosseum [ March 13th, 2013, 10:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Franscale - 1px/1.5cm soldier drawings

Hi Ato,

Please let me know what parts are not in accordance and I will resolve immediately. Sorry about the confusion.

Also, I had cleared the posting of FranScale here with the review board - are you guys not OK with it being publicly viewable?


Author:  Ato [ March 13th, 2013, 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Franscale - 1px/1.5cm soldier drawings

Hi Colo,

As far as I can see each of your parts sheets are lacking their unique inventory code, and the appropriate Strategic Review Council subcommittee approval mark.

The trigger guards on the FN FAL are at Release candidate 2 standard, please note we are currently migrating to Release Candidate 3 across all publications.

Also please remember to use proper formatting when referring to FranScale, with bolded text on 'scale', and a capitalized 'F' and 'S'.

Standards are very important, especially when introducing FranScale to new users.


-Senior Board Member, FranScale Strategic Review Council

Edit: And yes I just saw, the approval go though on the Public Relations committee sub-forum.

Author:  Colosseum [ March 13th, 2013, 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Franscale - 1px/1.5cm soldier drawings

Hi Ato,

I am a bit unclear on the location each drawing needs to be marked - I had been told the top left corner of each one, but later was told that was incorrect and that there should be no inventory code on each drawing - just on parts sets. So I'm a bit confused.

Re: trigger guards on the FNs, not sure what you mean as I had these cleared by the Small Arms Review Board just last week.


Author:  Colosseum [ March 13th, 2013, 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Franscale - 1px/1.5cm soldier drawings

PS: I pulled the latest version of the SMLEs from Subversion before posting here. Unfortunately my SVN client has been acting up so I'm not sure if I have the right ones but will run a hash check later tonight. Is the compliance team still running a nightly build of those drawings?

Anyway, FN FAL (R2) is being pushed to the repo as we speak.

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