Well whatever lesson learned: don't bother with anything Rhade suggests.
Who appointed you backseat moderator? I'm really tired of this from you.
Drop it immediately. Use the discussion thread for discussion and the drawing thread for drawings, for Christ's sake. It's really not that hard.
Rhade made a big spiel about there needed a discussion thread, and since he doesn't seem to have enough initiative to make one, I did it for him. Demon Lord Razgriz made a big spiel in turn complaining about why we need a thread.
So I hope you can see why I might be a little frustrated, especially when people talk about things but display an amazing lack of ability to do it on their own.
And I fail to see how being a "backseat moderator" has anything to do with this. Besides I'd think you'd appreciate it given how busy you are dealing with people who, once again, are too stupid or lazy to figure out or do things on their own. I don't need to list the usual suspects you know them all too well.