
The Jovian Stellar Empire Compendium/Curation Universe Project
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Author:  Sp3ctra_star [ October 9th, 2023, 11:01 pm ]
Post subject:  The Jovian Stellar Empire Compendium/Curation Universe Project

READ FIRST PLEASE ---> Before you step into this topic further, let it be clear that this Universe does not follow the standards of sci fi. Magic is abundant and most hard sci fi and hard science is thrown out or taken a backseat to creative input and development. As the reader, you can find this in the form of real world jet fighters being used in space without many alterations in regular appearance. Numbers are to be extremely high with millions or billions of ships and fightercraft. So as a reminder, this is not realistic at all. Anyways, ON TO CURATION

Curation is a Galaxy i created back in 2020 along side the Jovian Islands but where as the Islands fell apart, the Curation Galaxy project continued. Curation itself is a spiral galaxy that slowly gets larger and more arms the further from the Galactic Core one gets.
1 - Galactic Core (Center)
2 - Deep Core (4 spiral arms)
3 - Inner Core (8 arms)
4 - Mid Core (16 arms)
5 - Outer Core (32 arms)
6 - Inner Rim (64 arms)
7 - Mid-Rim (128 arms)
8 - Outer Rim (256 arms)
9 - Periphery (512 arms)
10 - The Edge (Edge of the Periphery)

If one were to look down upon the galaxy, they would see billions of stars, thing is, that is not the truth as each star one sees is actually a large cluster of stars so instead of billions of stars, it's billions of star clusters with plenty of stars and planets within.

The Main focus for this topic will be the Jovian Stellar Empire or JSE which is located in The Edge region but it is one of the major powers of the region. This topic will mostly go over their ships, aircraft and vehicles in multiple scales though there will be some other information and details that will slip in now and again because a universe needs to have details to fill in certain information.

Anyways, the JSE is a Federation of 539 different member species including the Jovians[one of the founding races] and Humans...WIP

Universes included:
Star Wars
Star Trek
Battlestar Galactica
Babylon 5
Warhammer 40k
Mass Effect
Armoured Core
The Culture
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Space Battleship Yamato
Command and Conquer [Red Alert, Tiberium and Generals]
GTA[All games]
Just Cause[All games]
Warhammer Fantasy
and Hundreds more.

Author:  Sp3ctra_star [ October 10th, 2023, 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Jovian Stellar Empire Compendium/Curation Universe Project

Jovian Stellar Empire Organizations

The Royal Family
Royal Guard

The Council

The Imperial Military
Jovian Imperial Army/JIA
Main Army Force
Jovian Imperial Maritime Force/JIMF
Main Oceanic Force
Jovian Imperial Air Force/JIAF
Main Air Force
Jovian Imperial Navy/JIN
Main Space Force
Jovian Cosmo Marines/JCM
Super Soldiers.

Jovian Imperial Developers: JID
Jovian Imperial Knights/JIK
Medium Sized Mechs
Jovian Titans/JIT
Large Sized Mechs
Jovian Super Weapons/Ordinance/JIO
Huge Plasma or Fusion weapons.
Cybernetic Legion/JCL
Robotic Soldiers
Tech Guard/JTG
Cyborg Soldiers
Jovian Imperial Engineers. JIE
Responsible for the Maintenance, Repair and Construction of of frontline buildings.
Forge Worlds

Jovian Shinto Church/JSC
Jovian Battle Maidens/JBM
Militant side that will BURN any enemy that gets in their way. Will not shoot allied forces.
Jovian Peace Maidens/JPM
Peaceful side and mostly include translators, medics and law enforcement.
Shrine Worlds
Worlds that have become holy grounds for pilgrims and religious people.

Jovian Imperial Intelligence/JII
Jovian Demon Hunters/JDH
This division hunts down primarly demonic creatures
Jovian Rebel Hunters/JRH
This division typically infiltrates rebel groups and counters rebel activity. Formed due to the rise of rebel forces following the destruction of the 1st Death Star
Jovian Spy Hunters/JSH
This division is made to counter enemy spies by leaving them false information or stealthfully taking each enemy spy out one at a time or removing the entire group.
Grey Shinobi/JGS
The militant arm of the Rebel Hunters
Military Arm of the Spy Hunters
Force Reapers/JFR
Division is mostly used to hunt down Sith Lords while also secretly keeping an eye on Jedi.
Battle Psions/JBP
The Militant arm of the Demon Hunters and double as communication units for other divisions and organizations. Are not used for long range communication unlike the Psykers of 40k

Author:  Sp3ctra_star [ October 10th, 2023, 11:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Jovian Stellar Empire Compendium/Curation Universe Project

Jovian Stellar Empire Ship classification
The JSE itself has a huge fleet of starships that are divided into many different sub types. As more ships are completed, they will get their links which will be found here. All ships will be labelled by their names as well as their Type number. There are as of 10/25/2023: 388 ship designs and classes. Also here, there will be a SB scale list of the aircraft utilized by one of the ships should said ship be carrying aircraft.

Swarm/Light Escorts: 25 meters to 300 meters. 5 Ships
Type-15: Tsume Class Scout: SIS. 25 meters
Type-20: Shobo Class Gunship: GGG. 50 meters
Type-24: Yuki Class Recon Ship: SRI. 145 meters
Type-25: Kunai Class Corvette: EEE. 150
Type-27: Hayate Class Prowler: PRO. 225

Picket ships/Frigates and Destroyers: 325 meters to 630 meters. 7 ships
Type-30: Kaiken Class Frigate: FFF. 325 meters
Type-33: Tessen Class Escort Carrier. CVE. 375 meters
Type-35: Aikuchi Class Destroyer Escort: DDE. 475 meters
Type-36: Uknown Class Destroyer Tender: DTE.
Type-37: Unknown Class Destroyer Rider: DDR.
Type-38: Unknown Class Support Carrier: CVR.
Type-40: Tantō Class Destroyer: DDD. 630 meters

Line Ships/Cruisers: 631 to 950 meters. 12 ships
Type-41: Jōhyō Class Flotilla Leader: CCF.
Type-42: Ninjatō Class Light Cruiser: CCL.
Type-42V: Zenku class Vanguard Cruiser: CLV
Type-43: Rusui Class ECM Cruiser: CEW/ECM/EWS. 720 Meters.
Type-44: Unknown Class Cruiser Rider: CCR.
Type-45: Tsurugi Class Cruiser: CCC. 820 Meters
Type-45S: Dageki Class Strike Cruiser: CCS: 830 Meters
Type-46: Unknown Class Cruiser Tender: CTE.
Type-47: Uchiwa Class Light Carrier: CVL. 860 Meters
Type-48: Dōtanuki Class Aviation Cruiser: CHV 930 Meters
Type-49: Guntō Class Heavy Cruiser: CCH. 950 Meters
Type-49A: Guntō Class Assault Cruiser: CCA. 950 Meters

Capital Ships: 1km to 2km. 333 Ships
Battle Capitals: Type-49 and Type-50 series. 58 Ships
Type-49B: Wodao Class Grand Cruiser/Large Cruiser. CCB. 1km
Type-50BBB: Katana Class Battleship. BBB. 1225 Meters
Type-50BBC: Hwando Class Battlecruiser. BBC
Type-50FBB: Tadugane Class Fast Battleship. FBB
Type-50BBV: Wungeom Class Aviation Battleship. BBV
Type-50BBW: Myōjin Class Line Battleship. BBW
Type-50BHA: Kerudabe Class Battlehammer. BHA
Type-50BCA: Kandosii Class Battle Axe. BCA
Type-50BBD: Mizuchi Class Battle Dragon. BBD
Type-50BCF: Imugi Class Battlechief. BCF
Type-50BBW: Manda Class Battlewagon. BBW
Type-50BBR: Unggeom Class Battlerider. BBR
Type-50BMM: Sundang Class Monitor. BMM
Type-50BBM: Kōtetsu Class Battle Monitor. BBM
Type-50BWG: Jingum Class Battlebarge. BWG
Type-50BCG: Kaikoma Class Missile Battlecruiser. BCG
Type-50BGM: Nagamaki Class Missile Battleship. BGM
Type-50BBO: Krabi class Arsenal Ship. BBO
Type-50BBP: Guando Class Battleplate. BBP
Type-50BPM: Oikeyama Class Mobile Battleplate. BPM
Type-50BBT: Miaodao Class Battle Tender. BBT
Type-50BBL: Kampilan Class Pocket Battleship. BBL
Type-50BBN: Kirene Class Heavy Battleship. BBN
Type-50BBU: Kumauri Class Strike Battleship. BBU
Type-50BBA: Mantikoa Class Assault Battleship. BBA
Type-50BCM: Banshī Class ECM Battleship. BCM
Type-50BSB: Teisatsu class Battlescout. BSB
Type-50BCV: Changdao Class Battlecarrier. BCV
Type-50BKC: Sidonia Class Battle Colony. BKC
Type-50CVV: Hyeopdo Class Carrier. CVV
Type-50CVA: Hengdang Class Assault Carrier. CVA
Type-50CVS: Banshay Class Strike Carrier. CVS
Type-50CVT: Shinto Class Training Carrier. CVT
Type-50CVC: Shikomizue Class Command Carrier. CVC
Type-50SCS: Seigyo Class Space Control Ship. SCS
Type-50CAVS: Kanabō Class Subspace Submarine Warfare Carrier. CAVS
Type-50VVV: Daishō Class Subcraft Carrier. VVV
Type-50VVH: Horimono Class Gunship Carrier. VVH
Type-50VCS: Kyūdō Class Commando Carrier. VCS
Type-50VVT: Shirasaya Class Tender. VVT
Type-50VSS: Chigiriki Class VSTOL Support Ship. VVT
Type-50BIA: Chokutō Class Amphibious Assault Ship. VSS
Type-50LHA: Daikyū Class Landing Helicopter Assault. LHA
Type-50LHD: Yebria Class Landing Helicopter Dock. LHD
Type-50LDA: Ebria Class Landing Dock Assault. LDA
Type-50LPH: Hankyū Class Landing Platform Helicopter. LPH
Type-50LPD: Shiko Class Landing Platform Dock. LPD
Type-50LDS: Yazutsu Class Landing Dock Ship. LDS
Type-50LCC: Yumi Class Landing Command Ship. LCC
Type-50IAS: Fukiya Class Interdiction Assault Ship. IAS
Type-50UXV: Hachinosu Class Drone Carrier. UXV
Type-50WBI: Xiongxiu Class Transport Barge. WBI
Type-50BVI: Cleponji Class Interdiction Battleship. BVI
Type-50BBI: Ninja Class Stealth Battleship. BBI
Type-50BCI: Shinobi Class Stealth Battlecruiser. BCI
Type-50FBI: Hisokana Class Stealth Fast Battleship. FBI
Type-50BIS: Karasu ClassStealth Battlestar. BIS
Type-50CVI: Tengu Class Stealth Carrier

Mass Production Battlestars. 25 Models
Type-50BBS: Janggeom Class Battlestar. BBS
Type-50BBS-Ba: Burezā [Blazar] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ba
Type-50BBS-Bi: Dengeki [Blitzar] Class Battlestar. BBS-Bi
Type-50BBS-Ce: Seresu[Ceres] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ce
Type-50BBS-Ch: Chikyū [Earth] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ch
Type-50BBS-El: Denshi [Electron] Class Battlestar. BBS-El
Type-50BBS-He: Paeton[Helios] Class Battlestar. BBS-He
Type-50BBS-Gr: Gurabatā [Gravatar] Class Battlestar. BBS-Gr
Type-50BBS-Ka: Kasei [Mars] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ka
Type-50BBS-Ki: Kinboshi [Venus] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ki
Type-50BBS-Km: Kometto[Comet] Class Battlestar.
Type-50BBS-Mg: Magunetā [Magnetar] Class Battlestar. BBS-Mg
Type-50BBS-Ms: Meiōsei[Pluto] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ms
Type-50BBS-Ne: Chūseishi[Neutron] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ne
Type-50BBS-Ph: Kōshi[Photon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ph
Type-50BBS-Pr: Yōko [Proton] Class Battlestar. BBS-Pr
Type-50BBS-Pu: Parusā [Pulsar] Class Battlestar. BBS-Pu
Type-50BBS-Qu: Kuēsā [Quasar] Class Battlestar. BBS-Qu
Type-50BBS-Ry: Ryusei [Meteor] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ry
Type-50BBS-Sa: Seitai [Asteroid] Class Battlestar. BBS-Sa
Type-50BBS-Sh: Shinsei[Nova] Class Battlestar. BBS-Sh
Type-50BBS-Su: Suisei [Mercury] Class Battlestar. BBS-Su
Type-50BBS-Tp: Tenpi[Sun] Class Battlestar. BBS-Tp
Type-50BBS-Ts: Tsuki[Moon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ts
Type-50BBS-Wa: Warukyūre [Valkyrie] Class Battlestar. BBS-Wa

Prototype Battlestars. 132 Models
Type-50BBS-Ac: Akuseraron [Acceleron] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ac
Type-50BBS-Ag: Kōnā [Angulon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ag
Type-50BBS-Ai: Akushion [Axion] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ai
Type-50BBS-An: Anion Class Battlestar. BBS-An
Type-50BBS-Ax: Akino [Axino] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ax
Type-50BBS-Ay: Aniyon [Anyon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ay
Type-50BBS-Bd: Buradion [Bradyon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Bd
Type-50BBS-Bg: Bogon Class Battlestar. BBS-Bg
Type-50BBS-Bj: Būjamu [Boojums] Class Battlestar. BBS-Bj
Type-50BBS-Bl: Bogoryubon [Bogoliubon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Bl
Type-50BBS-Bn: Bion Class Battlestar. BBS-Bn
Type-50BBS-Bo: Boson Class Battlestar. BBS-Bo
Type-50BBS-Bp: Bipororon [Bipolaron] Class Battlestar. BBS-Bp
Type-50BBS-Br: Nuka [Branon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Br
Type-50BBS-By: Barion [Baryon] Class Battlestar. BBS-By
Type-50BBS-Ca: Kamotsu [Chargon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ca
Type-50BBS-Cf: Kōsei [Configuron] Class Battlestar. BBS-Cf
Type-50BBS-Ci: Charujīno [Chargino] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ci
Type-50BBS-Cl: Karoron [Caloron] Class Battlestar. BBS-Cl
Type-50BBS-Cn: Toshi [Chronon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Cn
Type-50BBS-Cr: Kuroniton [Chroniton] Class Battlestar. BBS-Cr
Type-50BBS-Ct: Kachion [Cation] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ct
Type-50BBS-Cu: Tegakari [Cluon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Cu
Type-50BBS-Cv: Kābaton [Curvaton] Class Battlestar. BBS-Cv
Type-50BBS-Dd: Deyuderon [Duderon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Dd
Type-50BBS-De: Dekyon Class Battlestar. BBS-De
Type-50BBS-Dg: Diganma [Digamma] Class Battlestar. BBS-Dg
Type-50BBS-Dl: Diraton [Dilaton] Class Battlestar. BBS-Dl
Type-50BBS-Dp: Daifoton [Diphoton] Class Battlestar. BBS-Dp
Type-50BBS-Dr: Doropputon [Dropleton] Class Battlestar. BBS-Dr
Type-50BBS-Ds: Disuron [Dislon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ds
Type-50BBS-Dt: Diratīno [Dilatino] Class Battlestar. BBS-Dt
Type-50BBS-Du: Dainini [Deuteron] Class Battlestar. BBS-Du
Type-50BBS-Dy: Sokoniwa [Dyon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Dy
Type-50BBS-En Enerugī [Energon] Class Battlestar. BBS-En
Type-50BBS-Ex Ekishiton [Exciton] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ex
Type-50BBS-Fe: Ferumion [Fermion] Class Battlestar. BBS-Fe
Type-50BBS-Fr: Feron [Ferron] Class Battlestar. BBS-Fr
Type-50BBS-Ft: Furakuton [Fracton] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ft
Type-50BBS-Ge: Gon [Geon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ge
Type-50BBS-Gk: Gaujīno [Gaugino] Class Battlestar. BBS-Gk
Type-50BBS-Gl: Nori [Gluon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Gl
Type-50BBS-Gm: Gurūino [Gluino] Class Battlestar. BBS-Gm
Type-50BBS-Gn: Kuraun [Goron] Class Battlestar. BBS-Gn
Type-50BBS-Go: Gōrudosutino [Goldstino] Class Battlestar. BBS-Go
Type-50BBS-Gp: Jūmitsuko [Graviphoton] Class Battlestar. BBS-Gp
Type-50BBS-Gs: Guravuisukarā [Graviscalar] Class Battlestar. BBS-Gs
Type-50BBS-Gt: Gurabitīno [Gravitino] Class Battlestar. BBS-Gt
Type-50BBS-Gv: Guravuivuekutā [Gravivector] Class Battlestar. BBS-Gv
Type-50BBS-Ha: Hadoron [Hadron] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ha
Type-50BBS-Hf: Hopufion [Hopfion] Class Battlestar. BBS-Hf
Type-50BBS-Hi: Higushīno[Higgsino] Class Battlestar. BBS-Hi
Type-50BBS-Ho: Ketchō [Holon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ho
Type-50BBS-Hp: Haiperion [Hyperon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Hp
Type-50BBS-Hy: Haidoron [Hydron] Class Battlestar. BBS-Hy
Type-50BBS-Ib: Tōatsusen [Isobar] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ib
Type-50BBS-If: Infureton [Inflaton] Class Battlestar. BBS-If
Type-50BBS-Im: Iseitai [Isomer] Class Battlestar. BBS-Im
Type-50BBS-In: Insutanton [Instanton] Class Battlestar. BBS-In
Type-50BBS-Io: Ion Class Battlestar. BBS-Io
Type-50BBS-Is: Dōitai [Isotope] Class Battlestar. BBS-Is
Type-50BBS-It: Tōchōsei [Isotone] Class Battlestar. BBS-It
Type-50BBS-Iy: Itchon [Ittyon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Iy
Type-50BBS-Ko: Taberu [Kaon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ko
Type-50BBS-Le: Reputon [Lepton] Class Battlestar. BBS-Le
Type-50BBS-Lv: Rebiton [Leviton] Class Battlestar. BBS-Lv
Type-50BBS-Lq: Reputokuōku [Leptoquark] Class Battlestar. BBS-Lq
Type-50BBS-Ma: Senkōkamoku [Majoron] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ma
Type-50BBS-Me: Chūkanshi [Meson] Class Battlestar. BBS-Me
Type-50BBS-Mi: Mainā [Minoron] Class Battlestar. BBS-Mi
Type-50BBS-Mn: Magunon [Magnon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Mn
Type-50BBS-Mo: Monopōru [Monopole] Class Battlestar. BBS-Mo
Type-50BBS-Mr: Gaaru [Meron] Class Battlestar. BBS-Mr
Type-50BBS-Mt: Metoreon [Metreon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Mt
Type-50BBS-Mu: Myuon [Muon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Mu
Type-50BBS-Na: Nadion Class Battlestar. BBS-Na
Type-50BBS-Nc: Kakushi [Nucleon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Nc
Type-50BBS-Nm: Nematikon [Nematicon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Nm
Type-50BBS-Nt: Nyūtorarīno [Neutralino] Class Battlestar. BBS-Nt
Type-50BBS-Nu: Nyūtorino [Neutrino] Class Battlestar. BBS-Nu
Type-50BBS-Ob: Kidō [Orbiton] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ob
Type-50BBS-Oc: Oshiron [Oscillon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Oc
Type-50BBS-Od: Odderon Class Battlestar. BBS-Od
Type-50BBS-Pa: Pōraron [Polaron] Class Battlestar. BBS-Pa
Type-50BBS-Pe: Pureon [Preon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Pe
Type-50BBS-Pf: Fotino [Photino] Class Battlestar. BBS-Pf
Type-50BBS-Pg: Purazumaron [Plasmaron] Class Battlestar. BBS-Pg
Type-50BBS-Pi: Pai[Pion] Class Battlestar. BBS-Pi
Type-50BBS-Pj: Pomeron [Pomeron] Class Battlestar. BBS-Pj
Type-50BBS-Pk: Nittāzu [Plekton] Class Battlestar. BBS-Pk
Type-50BBS-Pl: Puranku [Planck] Class Battlestar. BBS-Pl
Type-50BBS-Pm: Purazumon [Plasmon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Pm
Type-50BBS-Pn: Fonon [Phonon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Pn
Type-50BBS-Po: Yōdenshi[Positron] Class Battlestar. BBS-Po
Type-50BBS-Ps: Feison [Phason] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ps
Type-50BBS-Pt: Porariton [Polariton] Class Battlestar. BBS-Pt
Type-50BBS-Qa: Giji [Quasi] Class Battlestar. BBS-Qa
Type-50BBS-Qi: Kuarukinosu [Quarkinos] Class Battlestar. BBS-Qi
Type-50BBS-Qj: Kuarutinosu [Quartinos] Class Battlestar. BBS-Qj
Type-50BBS-Qk: Kuōku [Quark] Class Battlestar. BBS-Qk
Type-50BBS-Rd: Rajio [Radion] Class Battlestar. BBS-Rd
Type-50BBS-Re: Riyū [Reson] Class Battlestar. BBS-Re
Type-50BBS-Rt: Roton Class Battlestar. BBS-Rt
Type-50BBS-Sb: Taizaisuru [Stau] Class Battlestar. BBS-Sb
Type-50BBS-Se: Serekutoron [Selectron] Class Battlestar. BBS-Se
Type-50BBS-Sf: Suferumion [Sfermion] Class Battlestar. BBS-Sf
Type-50BBS-Si: Sekitsui [Spinon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Si
Type-50BBS-Sk: Sukāmion [Skyrmion] Class Battlestar. BBS-Sk
Type-50BBS-Sl: Surīputon [Slepton] Class Battlestar. BBS-Sl
Type-50BBS-Sm: Sumū [Smuon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Sm
Type-50BBS-Sn: Sunākusu [Snarks] Class Battlestar. BBS-Sn
Type-50BBS-So: Sunyūtorino [Sneutrino] Class Battlestar. BBS-So
Type-50BBS-Sp: Sufareron [Sphaleron] Class Battlestar. BBS-Sp
Type-50BBS-Sq: Sukuōkusu [Squarks] Class Battlestar. BBS-Sq
Type-50BBS-Sr: Supurion [Spurion] Class Battlestar. BBS-Sr
Type-50BBS-St: Soriton [Soliton] Class Battlestar. BBS-St
Type-50BBS-Sx: Sakushion [Saxion] Class Battlestar. BBS-Sx
Type-50BBS-Ta: Haiuon[Tauon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ta
Type-50BBS-Td: Tādion [Tardyon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Td
Type-50BBS-Te: Purēto [Teleron] Class Battlestar. BBS-Te
Type-50BBS-Th: Toron [Thoron] Class Battlestar. BBS-Th
Type-50BBS-Ti: Toripuron [Triplon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ti
Type-50BBS-Tq: Tetorakuōku [Tetraquark] Class Battlestar. BBS-Tq
Type-50BBS-Tr: Torio [Trion] Class Battlestar. BBS-Tr
Type-50BBS-Tt: Tetorion[Tetryon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Tt
Type-50BBS-Ty: Takion [Tachyon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ty
Type-50BBS-Ub: Anata [Bino] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ub
Type-50BBS Ve: Beruteron [Verteron] Class Battlestar. BBS-Ve
Type-50BBS Vr: Beriton [Vertion] Class Battlestar. BBS-Vr
Type-50BBS-Wi: Uino [Wino] Class Battlestar. BBS-Wi
Type-50BBS-Wk: Rinkuron [Wrinklon] Class Battlestar. BBS-Wk
Type-50BBS-Zi: Korera [Zino] Class Battlestar. BBS-Zi

Basestars. 27 Ship models
Type-50BBH: Koshirae Class Basestar. BBH
Type-50BBH-S: Kichihoshi: Standard Basestar/Nu Class
Type-50BBH-Q: Kokuson: Light Basestar. Coxxon
Type-50BBH-D: Fuiteta: Duzakh Class Armored Basestar
Type-50BBH-J: Baruzafu: Barzakh Class. Carrier Basestar
Type-50BBH-K: Akushon: Diyu Class
Type-50BBH-L: Kenhoshi: Swordstar/Laufey Class
Type-50BBH-V: Kūbohoshi: Carrierstar.
Type-50BBH-P Tatehoshi: Shieldstar
Type-50BBH-W: Sekaihoshi: Worldstar
Type-50BBH-B: Sensōhoshi: Warstar
Type-50BBH-N: Mintohoshi: Nanostar
Type-50BBH-E: Akahakusha: Red Spur
Type-50BBH-C: Kuroyokogiru: Black Cross
Type-50BBH-O Okutohoshi: Octostar
Type-50BBH-A: Rōjōhoshi: Seigestar
Type-50BBH-F: Erebosu: Erebus/PurifierClass.
Type-50BBH-T: Nekkusuhoshi: Nexstar
Type-50BBH-I: Bukihoshi: Special Weaponstar
Type-50BBH-G: Kōken: Guardian
Type-50BBH-H: Zasshuhoshi: Hybridstar
Type-50BBH-R: Shijihoshi: Commandstar:
Type-50BBH-X: Genshihoshi: Protostar
Type-50BBH-M: Tōjōhoshi: Boardingstar
Type-50BBH-U: Kozeriaihoshi: Skirmishstar/Adonisu/Adonis
Type-50BBH-Z: Gūruhoshi: Ghoulstar
Type-50BBH-Y: Shiriusuhoshi: Sirius Type

Baseships. BBK. 27 ship models
Type-50BBK: Kubiyoki Class Baseship. BBK
Type-50BBK-U: Kichisen Class Baseship Prototype
Type-50BBK-G: Aporo Class Baseship: Shuruisan/Apollo Class
Type-50BBK-D: Jeurba Class Baseship: Djerba
Type-50BBK-S: Sarashia Class Baseship: Salacia
Type-50BBK-I: Erumesu Class Baseship: Shuruini/Hermes Class
Type-50BBK-W: Rushifā Class Baseship: Luficer Class
Type-50BBK-H: Yomi Class Baseship: Hades Class
Type-50BBK-P: Hepaisutosu Class Baseship: Shuruichi/Hephaestus Class
Type-50BBK-K: Kuronosu Class Light Baseship: Cronos
Type-50BBK-T: Tamuzu Class Baseship: Thamuz Class.
Type-50BBK-N: Nikusu Class Fast Baseship: Nyx Class
Type-50BBK-B: Beriaru Class Carrier Baseship: Belial Class
Type-50BBK-C: Kuratosu Class Heavy Command Baseship: Cratus Class
Type-50BBK-A: Yoka Class Command Basestar: Argos Class
Type-50BBK-E: Kerberosu Class Carrier Baseship: Cerberus Class.
Type-50BBK-Q: Tarosu Class Carrier Baseship: Talos Class.
Type-50BBK-R: Tarutarosu Class Heavy Baseship: Tartarus Class.
Type-50BBK-F: Fenriru Class Light Baseship: Fenrir Class.
Type-50BBK-V: Avuaron Class Baseship: Avalon Class
Type-50BBK-M: Medasu Class ECM Baseship: Medusa Class.
Type-50BBK-L: Sekkōhoshi: BBK-L: Patrolstar:
Type-50BBK-F: Yusōhoshi: BBK-F: Moros Class
Type-50BBK-O: Orukusu BBK-O: Orcus Class:
Type-50BBK-X: Anfisubaena: BBK-X: Amphisbaena Class
Type-50BBK-Y: Iburīsu: BBK-Y: Ilbis Class:
Type-50BBK-Z: Zagureusu: BBK-Z: Zagures:

Type-55:Tamokuteki Class Family BBF. 38 Ships
Type-55α: Tamokuteki Class Command Battleship. BBF-α
Type-55A: Akanagi Class Battleship. BBF-A
Type-55B: Bandai Class Missile Battlecruiser. BBF-B
Type-55C: Chiroro Class Heavy Battleship. BBF-C
Type-55D: Dainichi Class Battlecruiser. BBF-D
Type-55E: Eboshi Class Missile Battlecruiser. BBF-E
Type-55F: Futamata Class Command Battleship. BBF-F
Type-55G: Goshiki Class Line Battleship. BBF-G
Type-55H: Hokuchin Class Battleship. BBF-H
Type-55I: Inamura Class Fast Battleship. BBF-I
Type-55J: Jakuchi Class Aviation Battleship. BBF-J
Type-55K: Kanmuri Class Command Battleship. BBF-K
Type-55L: Lingyan Class Strike Battleship. BBF-L
Type-55M: Mekunnai Class Heavy Battleship. BBF-M
Type-55N: Neishi Class Battleship. BBF-N
Type-55O: Odasshu Class Strike Battleship. BBF-O
Type-55P: Pisenai Class Battlecruiser. BBF-P
Type-55Q: Qiandao Class Battlecruiser. BBF-Q
Type-55R: Reisenji Class Advanced Battlecruiser. BBF-R
Type-55S: Setsuri Class Strike Battleship. BBF-S
Type-55T: Tsurumi Class Missile Battlecruiser. BBF-T
Type-55U: Uenshiri Class Missile Battlecruiser. BBF-U
Type-55V: Vaigai Class Battleship. BBF-V
Type-55W: Warusawa Class Battlecarrier. BBF-W
Type-55X: Xueshen Class Heavy Battleship. BBF-X
Type-55Y: Yakushi Class Battlecruiser. BBF-Y
Type-55Z: Zenibako Class Battleship. BBF-Z
Type-550: Zentarou Class Battleship. BBF-0
Type-551: Ontake Class Battlecarrier. BBF-1
Type-552: Taedong Class Battleship. BBF-2
Type-553: Tsukiyo Class Battlecruiser. BBF-3
Type-554: Fedotych Class Battleship. BBF-4
Type-555: Frolova Class Battleship. BBF-5
Type-556: Saiyeko Class Battlecruiser. BBF-6
Type-557: Suinsan Class Battlecruiser. BBF-7
Type-558: Egota Class Battleship. BBF-8
Type-559: Nozuka Class Battleship. BBF-9
Type-55Ω: Edo/Ezo Class Battleship. BBF-Ω

Heavy Capital Ships. 8 Ships
Type-60: Wakizashi Class Grand Battleship/Super Battleship. GBB. 1500 meters
Type-63: Tsuwamono Class Super Battleship. SBB. 1625m
Type-65: Naginata Class Fleet Carrier. FCV. 1750m.
Type-68: Kaigai Class Mobile Operation Base. MOB. 2.25km
Type-70: Kodachi Class Dreadnought. BDN. 2km

Type-60BDS: Super Battlestar. BDS. 11 Ships
Type-60BDS-M: Mokusei [Jupiter] Class Super Battlestar. BDS-M
Type-60BDS-D: Dosei [Saturn] Class Super Battlestar. BDS-D
Type-60BDS-T: Tennōsei [Uranus] Class Super Battlestar. BDS-T
Type-60BDS-K: Kaiōsei [Neptune] Class Super Battlestar. BDS-K
Type-60BDS-E: Tenga [Milky Way] Class Super Battlestar. BDS-E
Type-60BDS-G: Ginga [Galaxy] Class Super Battlestar. BDS-G
Type-60BDS-A: Andoromeda [Andromeda] Class Super Battlestar. BDS-A
Type-60BDS-R: Sankakkei [Triangulum] Class Super Battlestar. BDS-R
Type-60BDS-Y: Kyokko [Aurora] Class Super Battlestar. BDS-Y
Type-60BDS-H: Hakkō [Corona] Class Super Battlestar. BDS-H
Type-60BDS-S: Seiun [Nebula] Class Super Battlestar. BDS-S

Type-60BDK: Super Baseship. BDK. 3 Ships
Type-60BDK-O: Orochi Class Super Baseship. BDK-O
Type-60BDK-U: Uroborosu Class Super Baseship. BDK-U
Type-60BDK-S: Shigeraku Class Superbaseship. BBK-S

Super Capital Ships: 2km to 9.99km. 6 ships
Type-75: Tachi class Supercarrier. SCV. 3km
Type-80:Odachi Class Superdreadnought. SDN. 3.5km
Type-85: Shinken Class Titan. TTT. 5km
Type-85V: Yatagarasu Class Mothership. TTV5.5km
Type-95: Susanno Class Megacarrier. MCV. 8km
Type-100: Tsukuyomi Class Leviathan. MBB/LEA. 8.5km

Mega Cpaital Ships: 10km to 25km. 6 Ships
Type-105: Amaterasu Class Juggernaut. JJU. 10km
Type-110A: Tsukubo Class Cradle. UCV. 12.5 km
Type-110B: Sodegarami Class Cradle. UCV. 12.5km
Type-110C: Sasumata Class Cradle. UCV. 12.5km
Type-115: Yari Class Mobile Fortress. UBB. 15km
JIN Takemikazuchi. XZU. 25km

Flagships. 3.5km to 5km. 7 Ships
Type-90D Katsura Class Ronin Flagship. Carrier Type. FLG. 3500 meters
Type-90B. Arisugawa Class Ronin Flagship. Battlecarrier Type. FLG. 3500 meters
Type-90A Kanin Class Ronin Flagship. Battleship Type. FLG. 3500 meters
Type-90C Fushimi Class Samurai Flagship. FLG. 3500 meters
Mishima Class Daimyo Flagship. FLG. 4000 meters
Miyazaki Class Shogun Flagship. FLG. 4500 meters
Jovia Class Flagship. FLG. 5000 meters

Auxilliaries and Support ships
Type-5: Dodentai Class Combat Transport. IVA. 5km
Type-4: Scout Courier. SCF
Type-45ASE: Unknown Class Exploration Criuser. ASE
Type-45ADS: Unknown Class Diplomatic Cruiser. ADS
Type-45ABS: Unknown Class Construction Cruiser. ABS
Type-45ACS: Unknown Class Colony Ship/Colony Cruiser. ACS
Type-45ARU: Repair and Utility Cruiser.
Type-45CCM: Minelayer Cruiser. CCM
Type-45CMS: Minesweeper Criuser. CMS
Type-45CMH: Mine Hunter Cruiser. CMH
Type-45CHP: Hospital Cruiser. CHP
Type-45AAS: Inari Class Submarine Tender. AAS. 720 Meters

Subspace Submarines
All Subspace Submarines are based upon real life designs for Russian, Chinese, American and British Submarines. May include submarines from JMSDF, ROKN, ROCN and DPRKN.

Author:  Sp3ctra_star [ October 12th, 2023, 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Jovian Stellar Empire Compendium/Curation Universe Project

Jovian Stellar Empire Space Stations
The JSE has a large array of different space stations which serve as shipyards, anchorages, and orbital cities which allow the JSE to retain their authority over a section of space. More Comming Soon.

Fleet Bases: Kaigun Kichi
Space Fortress
Star Fortress

Author:  Sp3ctra_star [ October 12th, 2023, 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Jovian Stellar Empire Compendium/Curation Universe Project

Jovian Stellar Empire Maritime Fleet
While the Jovian Imperial Navy dominates the skies, the Jovian Imperial Maritime Fleet dominates the oceans. Listed here will be a collection of ships, all utilizing a mix of world war 2 and modern era ships. All ships are fitted with high powered graviton jets allowing them a high degree of speed and with vector control rudder units, able to manuver better than their previous itteratons.

Gerald R Ford Class:
Nimitz Class:

Yamato Class
Montana Class

Kirov Class
Azuma Class
Alaska Class

Heavy Cruisers:
Mogami Class
Takao Class
Myoko Class
Baltimore Class
New Orleans Class
Portland Class

Missile Cruisers:
Ticonderoga Class
Slava Class:
Kara Class:

Light Cruiser:
Agano Class
Ooyodo Class
Brooklyn Class
Atlanta Class
Cleveland Class

Fletcher Class
Gearing Class:
Gleaves Cass:
Benson Class:
Kagero Class
Yuugumo Class
Akigumo Class
Akizuchi Class

Author:  Sp3ctra_star [ October 13th, 2023, 3:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Jovian Stellar Empire Compendium/Curation Universe Project

Jovian Stellar Empire Aircraft
The vast number of Jovian aircraft that make up the JSE is well understood by those of the JSE and those who have I personnally have talked with about. Most aircraft are based upon their real life aircraft counterparts. There are some exceptions to this rule and won't exist in FD scale form. Most aircraft here will be in either SB, FD or both scales. Any SB scale ones will be found in an aircraft roster list that will show the number of aircraft used by some ship classes but also a total number which is used across the entire fleet.


Author:  Sp3ctra_star [ October 14th, 2023, 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Jovian Stellar Empire Compendium/Curation Universe Project

Jovian Stellar Empire Walkers and Mecha
Unlike real life where Walker units and Mecha units are bogged down by technical complexity and screwed by Physics, in Curation, Mecha and Walkers are common place much like tanks. These walkers are used to get around certain terrain types or used for scouting. There are some Transformable Mecha but they usually switch between a vehicle form and a bipedal walker form.



Author:  Sp3ctra_star [ October 14th, 2023, 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Jovian Stellar Empire Compendium/Curation Universe Project

Jovian Stellar Empire Vehicles and Armored Units
The Jovian Stellar Empire's vehicle roster can be identified as vast, combining different vehicles from a variety of nations. Most vehicles are either armored tanks, self propelled anti air, tank destroyers/self propelled anti tank guns, self propelled missile or rocket launchers, amphibious vehicles, skimmers and railroad guns.

Self Propelled Anti Air
Self Propelled Anti Tank/Tank Destroyers
Self Propelled Rocket/Missile Launchers
Amphibious Assault Vehicles
Support Vehicles
Railroad Guns

Author:  Sp3ctra_star [ October 14th, 2023, 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Jovian Stellar Empire Compendium/Curation Universe Project

Jovian Stellar Empire Infantry and Weaponry
The Jovians do utilize Infantry much like those of the real world because how else is one supposed to take over a world let alone defend one? The Jovians have a large variety of troop types as well as a vast array of weapons consisting of SMGs, Pistols, Assault Rifles, Rocket Launchers, Missile Launchers, Flamethrowers[because the Geneva Convention was turned into a Suggestion], Grenades, Plasma Cannons, Sniper Rifles, Carbines, Shotguns, Machine Guns, Miniguns and more. This also will dive into the melee weapons such as swords, knifes, spears, combat axes, combat shovels, Sledgehammers, and energy swords. This list will be vast and will take the longest time to develop not just the weapons but also the troops.

Author:  Sp3ctra_star [ October 14th, 2023, 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Jovian Stellar Empire Compendium/Curation Universe Project

Jovian Stellar Empire Hierarchy and crew roles
The Hierarchy of the JSE's armed forces is quite vast. This part of the development has a vast array of colors and insignia. While some forces will be easier to do because of their ranking system being simple, I.E. Air Force and Maritime Force, some like the Army and Navy will be huge due to their vast officer and enlisted ranking. Some will get numbers because I know as the creator of this Universe, how many I put in for a certain area. Some will be used multiple times so fair warning

Jovian Imperial Army Ranks

Jovian Imperial Maritime Force Ranks

Jovian Imperial Air Force Ranks

Jovian Imperial Navy Ranks

Jovian Cosmo Marines Ranks

Jovian Imperial Knight Ranks

Jovian Titan Ranks

Jovian Super Weapons/Ordinance Ranks

Cybernetic Legion Ranks

Tech Guard Ranks

Jovian Imperial Engineers Ranks

Jovian Battle Maiden Ranks

Jovian Peace Maiden Ranks

Jovian Religious Ranks

Jovian Imperial Intelligence Ranks

Jovian Demon Hunter Ranks

Jovian Rebel Hunter Ranks

Jovian Spy Hunter Ranks

Grey Shinobi Ranks


Force Reaper Ranks

Battle Psion Ranks

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