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Post subject: ***EVERYBODY READS AND SIGNS THIS****Posted: June 27th, 2012, 11:38 am
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This thing is not working

In the last uploading session, I had to discard half of all submitted drawings, not becouse there were anything wrong in them drawing vice, but since you guys repeatedly fail at naming the files correctly.

Now, you all know how the mainsite works. Links...just links to the filenames of the ships.
so imagine yourself how it is to navigate trough something like:

and ect...
Makes lot of sense, eh? Thats, even from the days of the actual "buckect", the photobucket account, we learned the art of naming files. It since evolped, but the idea remains simple.

Abrrevation of the ship type, ship name, additional stuff like year in way like:
or DD Kempfelt in 1943, if you know how your uploading sites handle spacebar in the filenamings.
nothing more, and nothing less.
With warships, use the NATO/Janes/Soviet naming destignation, as you please, but allways have some abbrevation at the start of the file.
With civilian ships use SS for steam ships, and MS for motor ships, and if you don't know the difference, don't drawn them. Or ask help, there are plenty of those here who just love to shine in helping people in obvious things.
Or name them Y for yacth for all I care. But dont just give me file that Says "Bore"

HMS something migth sound regal and Nice, and if you insist using such, use it DD HMS Kempfelt....but having all folder full of HMS somethings is not going to ease anything, since the logic of the site works on the abrrevations for ships type. thats the key.

Also, the old bucket account needed Nation spesific TAGs for proper alphapethical order, and this seems to stick as habbit for some older geezers, but try to understand that in the new site its not needed any more and just adds on to the mess.

Now, since this has pissed me off so much and since its quite a hard to keep up the mainsite when I need to correct and fix myself these things that should be on your responsibility, Ive locked all the threads except this one. I urge anyone sign in here that they've read what I've said here and understood it as well.

Also, use this thread for ranting over these actions, don't fill my PM folder for it.
I will open the threads after the bulk of the community have read and signed this thread.
For the uploading, I will inform later

Shipbucket mainsite, aka "The Archive"
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Post subject: Re: ***EVERYBODY READS AND SINGS THIS****Posted: June 27th, 2012, 1:58 pm
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Read it and will conform the the rules.

[ img ] Thank you Kim for the crest

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Portsmouth Bill
Post subject: Re: ***EVERYBODY READS AND SINGS THIS****Posted: June 28th, 2012, 6:15 pm
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Let us all set forth on the Great March, leading Shipbucket into the new age, where file naming is done with Strength and Joy :)

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Post subject: Re: ***EVERYBODY READS AND SINGS THIS****Posted: June 28th, 2012, 9:56 pm
Portsmouth Bill wrote:
Let us all set forth on the Great March, leading Shipbucket into the new age, where file naming is done with Strength and Joy :)
Needed be quoted! It great to see how the mods, make such a story of it!

Obsydian Shade
Post subject: Re: ***EVERYBODY READS AND SINGS THIS****Posted: June 28th, 2012, 10:57 pm
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Portsmouth Bill wrote:
Let us all set forth on the Great March, leading Shipbucket into the new age, where file naming is done with Strength and Joy :)
Don't you mean "Strength *Through* Joy"; ah how you say, Kraft durch Freude?

We can't stop here--this is Bat country!

If it's close enough to cast a shadow, I think the flying house wins initiative.

Bronies are like the Forsworn. Everyone agrees that they are a problem but nobody wants to expend the energy rooting them out.

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Paul Carl
Post subject: Re: ***EVERYBODY READS AND SINGS THIS****Posted: June 29th, 2012, 12:18 am
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Post subject: Re: ***EVERYBODY READS AND SINGS THIS****Posted: June 29th, 2012, 4:56 am
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Although I won't be contributing (at least for a while), I'll go ahead and sign this, just to get my name on here.

-EZ Goin-

Salide - Denton - The Interrealms

I am not very active on the forums anymore, but work is still being done on my AUs. Visit the Salidan Altiverse Page on the SB Wiki for more information. All current work is being done on Google Docs.
If anyone wishes for their nations to interact with the countries of the Salidan Altiverse, please send me a PM, after which we can further discuss through email.

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