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Post subject: Legends of Galactic HeroesPosted: January 28th, 2017, 7:00 pm
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Ship on the pic is the Ulysses, the flagship of Admiral Yang Wenli.

Short history:

Ship of this class were first launched in last years of 740's (space calendar). Those first ships were designated as GW-H1. Over the course of few decades around two hundred thousand of them were built(i personally do not believe that there were 200,000 ships built of this class. The whole Alliance fleet was not that big. But it is possible since Alliance was in war with Empire for 150 years, and it its possible that between 740's to 801 that many were built, i believe personally that around 20-50 thousand were built and that would be more realistically then 200k. )

Standard Alliance battleship (or simply call it Ulysses type) is 624 meters long(my scale is slightly off). It has crew of 660 officers and enlisted. Armament: 8x 20cm neutron beam cannons (nose or bow cannons), 22x 15cm electron beam cannons, 6x 12cm railguns, 12x multiple missile launchers, 22x lasers in single mounts, 10x dual mount lasers, 12x spartanian fighters (2x main fighter launcher bays).

Its smaller, more modular and faster then its Imperial counterpart. Due fact that both Alliance and Empire had highly advanced shipyards which were almost fully automated, they could built massive number of this ships in relative short time. Civilian experts believed that for every new ships of this class need between 4-8 months although they could be built in shorter time of 2-3 months if needed.

These class of ships served as backbone of Alliance heavy fleet and later Yang fleet. It is unknown if they remain in service after 801, but it is possibly that they did (even as irregulars, once again)
There is few subclasses that were created over the years, like carrier variant, heavy attack variant (Muffanese - possibly only one retrofited).
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Free Planets Alliance - Standard cruiser (unofficially called Thanatos type) (not 100% accurate)

Short History:

Backbone of all Alliance fleets from 740's this small and agile warship was one of most numerous ships in Alliance fleet. It is 372 meters long, it has 393 officers and enlisted. Armament: 6x 12cm neutron beam cannons, 2x 4cm railguns, 8x multiple missile launchers, 3x spartanian fighters.

Built in massive numbers this warship served Alliance from at least 740's(space calendar) to the 801, it is unkown how many survived the war against Empire.
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Free Planets Alliance Standard destroyer

Smallest combat warp capable unit of the FPA, i do not know what is real name of this ship although there was few, i keep calling it standard alliance destroyer. Its not 100% accurate but it looks nice as it is.

Short History:

Backbone of the Alliance attack fleets. Smallest and most versatile ship in the fleet, also most numerous of all classes and types. They usually serve as battleship and flagship escorts, but were often used as scouts. Most common tactic is attacking in wolf squadrons. Alliance destroyer is 208m long (my variant is slightly longer, my mistake). It has crew of 164 officers and enlisted. Armament: 6x neutron beam cannon (foward-bow cannons), missile launchers and short range lasers. It cannot carry fighters and shuttles dock outside.
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Free Planets Alliance - Standard Carrier

Standard carrier that serve Alliance fleet during the last decades Imperial-Alliance war.

Unlike their Imperial counterpart which were larger but carried less fighters, Alliance carrier could carry up to hundred Spartanian fighter crafts. They were built on enlarged GW battleship frame which is heavily changed and in the end shaped into full fledged carrier.

Alliance carrier is 952 meters long and have around 1500 crew. Armament: It has eight battleship sized neutron cannons on its bow and multiple of smaller weapons for protection.

Due fact that is half open and do not have armor on its belly where the spartanians were launched from its usually on the rear of the fleet. Most of Alliance carriers were lost during the war with Empire, and from those that survived, most were scrapped due treaty of Baalat. Few survived and join Yang Wenli fleet. It is unknown if any still exist.

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Free Planets Alliance - Battleship Muffuese

Muffuese is modification of standard Alliance battleship (GW), intended as squadron leader. It is created to for specialized missions like breaking through enemy lines. Most noticeable modification is on its bow. Standard box shaped bow was replaced with hammerhead bow which house more cannons then standard battleship. However four of the eight long range neutron cannons that standard Alliance battleship have was remove to add additional weapons. This make smaller problems as different calibers have different range.

As designed for breakthrough missions, its defenses were boosted, it has stronger shields then standard battleships but armor was the same. Originally Alliance engineers want to add more front armor, however that would make serious problems, more armor means more mass and ship would lose his speed thus it was decided that only shields were to be upgraded, however some armor adjustments were added to the engine block.
Ship is 627 meters long and have 720 crew. Armament: Instead of eight long range neutron cannons that standard battleships have, Muffuese have only four of them located on lower part of the bow. Remaining fifteen guns were medium range beam cannons. Twelve located on hammers (six on each side) and three in the middle). There seventeen port and seventeen starboard cannons, multiple missile launchers and space for three to six Spartanian fighters (although Muffuese usually have only shuttles instead fighters).

Muffuese was experiment, to create better and stronger variant of already proven GW battleship but instead of mass production it was intend to be only as squadron leader ship. While Muffuese firepower was almost double of standard battleship and its forward shields equal in strength to that of Ajax class battleship, it was expensive and rather unfit for longer engagements. Due larger energy demand ship had more energy reactors to power the main weapons however in the end it was shown that although with great firepower and excellent protection, Muffuese suffer from many problems and it has shorter endurance then standard battleships.

Muffuese was the only ship that was constructed although few more was considered. Commodore Marino was commanding officer of this ship. Muffuese survived the battle of Vermilion and later battle of the Coridor and Shiva. It is unknown what happen to this ship but it is quit possible that it is still active with "Irregulars"
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Free Planets Alliance Battleship Hyperion.

Probably one of most known battleships in LOGH universe and royal pain in side for Reinhard von Lohengramm, Hyperion was the flagship of brilliant tactician Yang Wenli.

It was given to Yang Wenli after battle of Astarte. Hyperion was flagship of 13th fleet, later called Irregulars or Yang fleet. Ship saw lots of combat during its active service. After battle of Vermilion it was given to high admiral Merkatz who use it as his own flagship and slowly gathering Alliance forces again. Yang Wenli transfer his flag to battleship Ulysses and Merkatz remain in command of Hyperion. At the battle of Shiva, Hyperion is heavily damaged(possibly destroyed) and admiral Merkatz was killed. It is unknown if ship really survived or not.

Ship is 911 meters long and have 915 officers and enlisted. Armament: 32x forward neutron beams, 80x (40 on each side) cannons, multiple missile launchers, 24 spartanian fighters.

Together with Brunhild, Hyperion is one of two ships never been boarded or damaged in battle, both ships however were damaged (and Brunhild was boarded) during the final battle of the series, battle of Shiva.

(its not fully accurate, but it looks good enough).
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Post subject: Re: Legends of Galactic HeroesPosted: January 31st, 2017, 10:04 am
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Free Planets Alliance - Battleship Diomedes

Diomedes belongs to Ajax class (late Ajax) battleships. It was one of (if not the last) flagships constructed by Free Planets Alliance. It become flagship of newly formed 15th fleet, under command of vice admiral Ralph Carlsen.
Ship's first battle was Rantemario in 799UC. Although 15th fleet suffer heavy losses, Diomedes survived and together with 15th fleet remnants join Yang fleet. It later participates in battle of Vermilion.

Despite that after battle of Vermilion Diomedes and other battleships of Alliance were to be scrapped, new hostility between what was left of Alliance and Empire starts. Once again she was commanded by vice admiral Carlsen. Diomedes and Rio Grande (last two large flagships in the Alliance fleet) lead Alliance fleet in battle against Empire at Mar-Adetta system. Admiral Carlsen lead detachment of ships in attempt of breaking the Imperial lines and destroy the Imperial supreme battleship Brunhild, however it failed. Fleet Admiral Bewcock order surviving ships to withdraw (some 4000 escape and were ordered by admiral Bewcock to join Yang fleet) Remaining ships that refuse to leave together with Diomede remains. During attempt to hold the Imperial fleet, now damaged and without energy Diomedes was finally destroyed, killing probably all of her crew as well her commander vice admiral Carlsen. Fleet admiral Bewcock ship Rio Grande was destroyed shortly after.

Diomedes is 1159 meters long, it had 1195 crew. It had forty neutron beam cannons (on front,) and over thirty on each side smaller caliber weapons and multiple missile launchers. It could also carry up to 20 Spartanians.
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Free Planets Alliance - Battleship Achilles

Achilles belongs to Ajax class battleship(flagships). It was constructed in 794 UC. Achilles participate in battle of Astarte, it survived the battle although heavily damaged. It become flagship of 14th fleet in 1th October 797 UC, commanded by vice admiral Lionel Morton.

In 799 it fought at battle of Rantemario, despite that 14th fleet suffer heavy losses, Achilles manage to survive. However it was destroyed during the late part of battle of Vermilion when Muller fleet arrived. Vice admiral Morton and most (if not all) of the crew were killed after Achilles was destroyed.

As been later built Ajax class it features more or less the same armament like its sister ship Diomede.
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Free Planets Alliance Battleship Ajax

First of the Ajax class command battleships (or simply flagships). It was launched in 775 UC. Ajax was designed as replacement for older types of flagships that were in service at the time. Large, more durable and powerful then predecessors. Ajax serve as flagship of the Alliance from 782 to 797, after retirement of the fleet admiral Lobos, Rio Grande become flagship of the Alliance fleet. Ajax remain in service but was badly damaged during battle of Amritsar, it is not known what happen to the ship and who command it after it. It was not reported destroyed in combat nor it surrendered to Empire. It is possible that ship is still active in Yang fleet (irregulars again).

(Ship carry similar armament like the Diomedes, so i wont add it again, lenght and crew size are the same.).
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Free Planets Alliance - Battleship Perun

Perun was launched in 785 UC, in the same year it become the flagship of then new 12th fleet. Although Perun belongs to Ajax class battleships it receive some modifications during construction. Prove was enlarged and merged to mid section as the main bow weapons needed more internal space due larger caliber. Perun was designed for long range engagement but with all secondary weapons it was quit capable of engaging enemy at closer ranges. Due fact that new 12th fleet focus on firepower it was natural that its flagship will focus on firepower and long range capabilities to.

Perun's first real combat was in 794 UC in Van-Fleet starzone(star system). From 793 to 796 it was commanded by vice admiral Borodin. In 796 Alliance started unwise and foolish invasion of Empire. If the Invasion was planned well and if admiral Yang Wenli commanded the campaign, Alliance would probably be successful in taking part of Imperial territory. But leaded by incompetent politicians and fleet officers who blindly follow government orders, the entire campaign end in disaster. Without knowledge Alliance fleets enter into trap set by admiral Lohengramm. 12th fleet find itself in battle against Lutz fleet, without supplies 12th fleet couldn't fight properly and in the end only Perun and serveral ships survived.

Vice admiral Borodin shot himself and rear admiral Connally took command and surrender. It is unknown what happen to the Perun at that moment. Although ship was towed back to Odin.
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Free Planets Alliance - Battleship Patoroklos

Patoroklos belongs to Ajax class, it was flagship of 2th Fleet under command of vice admiral Paetta. In 795 UC it narrowly escape destruction near gas giant Legnica. Year later it was heavily damaged during battle of Astarte and Paetta was badly injured, forcing (then) commodore Yang Wenli to take command.

Patoroklos later become part of 13th fleet and engage rebell Alliance forces (11th fleet) in the Doria system. It is presumed that ship survived the war with Empire. Ship probably end with Yang fleet. However it didn't participate in battle of Vermilion or later battles, probably guarding the Iserlohn fortress. It is unclear if this ship is still active or scrapped.
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Free Planets Alliance - Battleship Leonidas

Leonidas was flagship of the 4th fleet. It was constructed in 786 UC and was incorporated into 5th frontier starzone squadron flagship. Year later it become flagship of the 4th fleet. In 796 it lead 4th fleet in battle of Astarte in which it was destroyed. Its commander at the time was vice admiral Pastolle who died at the battle of Astarte as most of its crew.

Leonidas belongs to Ajax class battleships as that it has more or less the same armament and equipment like other of its class. Prior to battle of Astarte it receive modifications like improved hangar bay, changes to its bow weapons which with modification received more space for weapon systems.
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Free Planets Alliance - Battleship Leonidas II

After destruction of Leonidas at Astarte. Second ship was built and named Leonidas II. The successor to destroyed ship is almost same in appearance. Leonidas II is constructed in late 796 and become the flagship of 11th fleet.

During the civil war Leonidas II and 11th fleet sided with National Salvation Military Council. When Yang fleet start retaking and liberating planets and systems from the NSMC, 11th fleet was sent to intercept and destroy Yang's fleet. In battle of Doria 11th fleet was obliterated, Leonidas II was badly damaged and its commanding officer vice admiral Legrange shot himself. Leonidas II was reduced to twisted wreck, and crew that survived surrender. Since ship sustain such damage that it couldn't be repaired it was left behind.
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Post subject: Re: Legends of Galactic HeroesPosted: January 31st, 2017, 11:33 pm
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These look really cool.

A signature is just for people who say, "I didn't put enough words in my post."
Oh, wait.

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Post subject: Re: Legends of Galactic HeroesPosted: February 1st, 2017, 12:15 pm
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Location: Behind you, looking at you with my mustache!
I love that series, in fact there is not many tv-series that can make me emotional, this tv serie can sometimes do...

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Post subject: Re: Legends of Galactic HeroesPosted: February 1st, 2017, 12:45 pm
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LOGH is true space opera, it can make you cry, it can make you laugh, there many sad moments in the show, even in 36th century humans didn't change much,

but space combat was nice, long, epic fights, you can find everything about LOGH here:

Free Planets Alliance - Battleship Cu Chulainn/Ku-Horin

Cu Chulainn belongs to Ajax class battleship but it was built around experimental upgrades and modifications (battleship Perun is build on Cu Chulainn frame however heavier and stronger then Cu). It was constructed in 782 UC, and its modifications were mostly concentrated on its maneuverability and speed. Cu have less bow cannons then other Ajax class ships, less armor but was faster and required 20% less time to turn 180 degree.

Unfortunately it is this modifications ultimately lead to this ship demise. After invasion of Empire space, Cu Chulainn and third fleet were attacked by Wahlen fleet near planet Lesing. In chaotic situation that follows, without supplies 3th fleet couldn't have 100% of combat reediness, resulting in decimation of 3th fleet. A standard GW battleship, escort of this flagship was critically damaged and lose control, ship ram the Cu Chulainn and force of hit send it into small planetoid destroying it, killing its commander vice admiral Lefebvre and entire crew. Because of sturdy design of Ajax class which was designed in that way that can survive accidental ramming by damaged ships and not allowing damaged ship that rams the Ajax flagships to push them away, this entire modification was seen as major failure. Remaining ships of the 3th fleet either run away (if succeed breaking the blockade) or simply surrendered.

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Free Planets Alliance - Battleship Rio Grande

Rio grande is constructed in 793 UC. It is considered as later variant of the Ajax class battleships. Battleships Achilles and Diomedes share its appearance as those two ships were constructed one year later. Rio Grande saw lots of battles during its seven year of active service. It become flagship of the 5th fleet shortly after finished and first battle where it participates was Battle of Van-Fleet starzone. It participates in Third battle of Tiamat. It was part of reinforcements during the later part of Fourth battle of Tiamat but didn't directly engage Imperial forces.

In 796 UC Rio Grande participate in invasion of Imperial territory. Fifth fleet was engaged by Reuenthal fleet and was forced to withdraw. On the way back to Iserlohn 5th fleet was briefly attacked by Lohengramm forces but again 5th fleet manage to escape. In 799 UC Rio Grande's commander Bewcock was promoted to rank of Fleet admiral and thus commanding officer of all Alliance forces. Bewcock and the fifth fleet and other Alliance fought in battle of Rantemario where Alliance suffer heavy losses but was saved by Yang's fleet.

Rio Grande was to be scrapped as part of Treaty of Ba'alat but before it could be new hostilities between Alliance and Empire started. Fleet admiral Bewcock once again took command of Rio grande and Rio Grande acting as supreme flagship of Alliance forces lead remaining forces into battle against the empire. Five thousand ships were send to Yang to booster his strength and rest of the fleet some 20,000 ships face Imperial force of 100,000 ships. Despite fleet admiral (at the time) Lohengramm brilliance, the old admiral was not to be thrown away so easily. He manage to stall Imperial forces enough and causing heavy damage to Imperial fleet. Around twenty thousand Imperial ships were lost during the battle but alliance lost sixteen thousand from twenty. Fleet admiral Bewcock order all surviving ships to withdraw and join Yang's fleet, some four thousand ships withdraw from the combat and escape, wh ile several dozen ships remain including the another Ajax class battleship the Diomedes. Diomedes was destroyed shortly before Imperial forces stop firing and Lohengramm itself offer to spare remaining ships crew and fleet admiral itself. But old solder like Bewcock didn't intend to wait his days in bed, congratulate Lohengramm and toast and politely refused surrender. In the end Rio Grande and rest of the ships that stayed were destroyed and fleet admiral died.

Fleet admiral Lohengramm ordered all Imperial forces to salute the old admiral and his troops as they pass near destroyed Alliance ships. With destruction of Rio Grande, Ulysses become the supreme flagship of the remaining Republic (Alliance) forces under Yang Wenli.

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Free Planets Alliance - Battleship Pergamonn (both variants)

Pergamonn is second Ajax constructed, shortly after Ajax itself was completed, however due some technical problems it is not before 783 UC that this ship is actually completed. Shortly after completion Pergamonn was assigned as flagship of 6th fleet. Its first battle was battle of Astarte under command of vice admiral Moore. During the battle of Astarte 6th fleet suffer heavy losses due admiral's Moore incompetence. Surrounded by Lohengramm fleet, Moore instead of surrendering chose death. Shortly after refusing to surrender, Pergammon and any ship that failed escape was destroyed.

There is two variants of this ship. The upper is original while second one is modification (upper is one seen in first episode, or battle of astarte, while second is from the movie).

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Post subject: Re: Legends of Galactic HeroesPosted: February 3rd, 2017, 3:48 am
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Nice work!

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Post subject: Re: Legends of Galactic HeroesPosted: February 3rd, 2017, 7:05 pm
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Judah14 wrote:
Nice work!
Thank you.

Free Planets Alliance - Battleship Quetzalcoatl

One of first Ajax class battleships (third constructed) it was launched in 783 UC. Quetzalcoatl was built with long range engagement in mind. It has modifications on bow section which allows the cannons to fire farther then other ships, the only other battleship that beat it in long range was Charlemagne.
Ship become flagship of 7th fleet. Quetzalcoatl participate in invasion of Imperial territory in 796 UC and was later engaged by Kircheis fleet. Low on supplies and unable to continue fighting vice admiral Hawood (commanding officer of the fleet) surrenders and Quetzalcoatl end in imperial hands.
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Free Planets Alliance - Battleship Krishna

Krishna was heavily modified Ajax class battleship. This ship was focused on firepower with 60 frontal neutron cannons and 75 secondary cannons on each side. It has more firepower then any other Ajax class ships. Unfortunately due all additional weapons this ship doesn't carry fighters and rely on other ships for protection.

Krishna was constructed 784 UC and become the flagship of 8th fleet in same year. 8th fleet participate in invasion of Imperial territory in 796, however due shortage of supplies fleet find itself in bad situation. The situation was even worse when Mecklinger fleet attack in Wandsteidt system. Low on supplies 8th fleet was forced to withdraw. It regroup with remaining Alliance fleets at Amritsar star system. 8th fleet came under heavy attack from Black Lancers. During the battle, Krishna receive direct hit into engine room, heavily damage it. Ship was unable to maintain orbit, and commanding officer, vice admiral Appleton order crew to abandon ship. He himself remain on board and died when Krishna fell into the star.

After destruction of Krishna, another Alliance battleship take mantle as most armed ship, the Charlemagne.

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Free Planets Alliance - Battleship Palamedes

Palamedes is constructed in 785 UC. In the same year it become flagship of the 9th fleet. Like the Quetzalcoatl was designed for long range combat. In 794 UC Palamedes received moderate damage in battle of Van-Fleet starzone. In 796 9th fleet participate in invasion of Imperial territory. Due Imperial attacks on Alliance supply route, 9th fleet like all others was in shortage of supplies. It soon get attacked by Mittermeyer fleet. Palamedes received heavy damage during opening of the Alviss battle and was forced to withdraw together with surviving ships of the 9th fleet. After the failed invasion, 9th fleet was disbanded and surviving ships were added to other fleets. Most of the 9th fleet ships were added to 13th fleet or 1th fleet while small number was send on patrols. Palamedes saw combat during Rantemario battle and during Vermilion battle. It manage to score twenty four kills during Rantemario alone. Shortly prior to battle of Marr-Adetta, Palamedes was to be send together with 5000 other ships to Yang, boosting his defenses. However rear admiral Garrene (who replaced injured vice admiral Al-Salem who retires after the illed invasion on Empire). Swamp places with another battleship, Rustam and thus Palamedes and few of her escorts were part of the 20000 ships under fleet admiral Bewcock.

In January 16. 800 UC Bewcock fleet engage much larger Imperial fleet. After long battle, fleet admiral order retreat for all ships, 4000 surviving ships including Palamedes reluctantly withdraw from combat and escape to Iserlohn. Remaining two flagships Diomede and Rio Grande and what remains of ships that disobey order and stay was destroyed.

Palamedes was part high Admiral Merkatz fleet during battle of Corridor, and was later dispatch to find battleship Shiva, surviving ships from the Shiva squadron report that flagship was destroyed by Black Lancers, Palamedes confirm that later. Palamedes survived all other battles including the last battle, battle of Shiva. It remains in service, although Julian Mintz manage negotiate autonomy of the Ba'alat system and surroundings and having small Alliance fleet to guard it (although kaiser agreed on only small guard fleet), Palamedes and all other surviving ships were still active but as rebels (who were in direct command of autonomous region).

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Free Planets Alliance - Battleship Bang-goo

Bang-goo was designed as balanced variant of the Ajax class between offense and defense. It has large shuttle bay capable of carrying more shuttles and Spartanians. Bang-goo first battle was Third battle of Tiamat. In 796 UC as flagship of 10th fleet under command of vice admiral Ulanhu, it participates in ill fated invasion of Imperial territory. At the planet Lugen, 10th fleet try to hold its ground but due been low on supplies they were unable to hold the Black Lancers. Ulanhu order his fleet to retreat but he keep Bang-goo and some other ships as rear guard, holding Lancers as lost as possible. As part of last upgrade, Bang-goo had large missile launcher beneath the hull, this launcher was hit by enemy fire causing catastrophic explosion that rips the ship apart killing vice admiral and entire crew. This type of weapon was discontinued from use and all other ships had standard missile launchers which were well protected as part of hull. 30% of entire 10th fleet survived thanks to the Ulanhu actions.

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Free Planets Alliance - Battleship Epimetheus

Epimetheus was launched in 784 and become flagship of the 11th fleet. During its active service it had several skirmishes with Imperial forces, but probably best known and its last one was the Third battle of Tiamat. Vice admiral Holland dominated the battle until arrival of Imperial reserve fleet under command of Reinhard von Musel (Lohengramm), Reinhard execute a timely single point artillery attack which results in destroying the Epimetheus and leaving the 11th without leader. 11th fleet suffer heavy losses before retreating. After that 11th fleet was rebuilt and battleship Leonidas II become its flagship, until been destroyed at battle of Doria by Yang Fleet

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Post subject: Re: Legends of Galactic HeroesPosted: February 4th, 2017, 10:12 am
Posts: 762
Joined: January 1st, 2012, 7:01 pm
Location: Germany
Very nice work!

Legend of the Galactic Heroes my favourite series there is, such a great show. From the start when they showed the main ship names on screen I knew I would love it.

A while ago I had started to draw the many different fleet badges of the FPA Star Fleet, I probably should get back to it...

My worklist
Any help and source material is always welcome.

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Post subject: Re: Legends of Galactic HeroesPosted: February 4th, 2017, 4:34 pm
Posts: 545
Joined: July 21st, 2015, 2:10 pm
Bismarck Germany meets Babylon 5. Nice.

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Post subject: Re: Legends of Galactic HeroesPosted: February 4th, 2017, 4:36 pm
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Thank you,

Free Planets Alliance - Battleship Triglav

Triglav is designed as squadron flagship (not the fleet flagship), and was experimental class of ship. It was constructed in 796 UC and was given to commodore Attemborough. Triglav was assigned to 13th fleet.

It first battle was ironically against Alliance rebel 11th fleet. Later it participate in several smaller battles against the Empire, it protected Iserlohn in eight and ninth battle of Iserlohn. It's last battle was battle at Vermilion. After Vermilion by the terms of treaty of Ba'alat it was to be scrapped. Unlike some other flagships, Triglav was among the first batch of ships that was scrapped Thus ending its short active service.

Triglav was also heavily armed with 80 neutron beam cannons, 24 side mounted neutron cannons, 16 missile launchers and 2 rail guns.

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Free Planets Alliance - Battleship Airget-Lamh

Constructed in 790 UC, Airget-Lamh was assigned as flagship of 6th Border system squadron. Originally it was built as test ship and to be dismantled after all testings were done. These tests were for improving the firepower, one of designs that follow was Triglav.

It participate in battle of Doria against rebel 11th fleet. Later protected Iserlohn twice from Imperial forces and finally participating in battle of Vermilion. After the Vermilion it was scrapped due treaty of Ba'alat.
Airget-Lamgh was well armed with 72 forward neutron cannons, 42 neutron cannons, 15 missile launchers, 6 rail guns and 15 point defense cannons. During its service it was commanded by vice admiral Fischer.

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Free Planets Alliance - Battleship Shiva

Shiva is constructed early in 780's using one of three original prototype hulls of Ajax class. Created to study benefits of operating fighters in larger groups, Shiva was constructed from leftover of prototype hulls, multiple external cranes were added on the hull and each could hold max of 3 fighters. Up to fifty fighters could be attach to the Shiva. It was expected that if successful she could be converted into large flagship type carrier that could hold up to 100 fighters, however Shiva ends as training carrier.

After heavy losses in ill fated invasion of Imperial space, she was converted to battleship and send to front lines as part of 13th fleet. Due all of the external equipment, Shiva was one of slowest of flagships in Yang's fleet.

She was to be scrapped after battle of Vermilion but was taken by vice admiral Fischer and was added to admiral Merkatz squadron. She later participates in retaking Iserlohn fortress where she literally ram on the surface of the Iserlohn and delivers troops that take the fortress again. Her last battle was battle of the Cooridor. She was lost in Black Lancer charge, killing most if not all of her crew including vice admiral Fischer.

She was very well armed, however due additional weapons and not enough energy supply she didn't have long range, however whatever came in front of her guns, didn't survive.

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Free Planets Alliance - Battleship Masasoite

Masasoite belongs to generation of flagships that preceding the Ajax class. It belongs to the same class as Hyperion. While Hyperion type ships were first launch in late 760 UC, Masasoite was one of later or second batch Hyperion type ships ( i said type since we do not know the name of class that Hyperion belongs), that were under construction from 771 to 779 UC. Masasoite like Hyperion was intended for duties like squadron flagships or system patrol flagship. Masasoite spend twenty years patrolling outer Alliance territory. Masasoite career was unknown for much of its active service. However after Alliance surrendered at Vermilion it was suppose to be scrapped as been a battleship but hostilities started again and ship was one of over five thousand ships send to Yang to booster his forces. Vice admiral Attenborough took Masasoite as his flagship and use it during the battle of Corridor and battle of Shiva. After the truce, Masasoite become one of one thousand two hundred and fifty ships that forms the Ba'alat guard and secondary flagship of the fleet, with first been the Ulysses.

Masasoite is very well armed with fifty forward neutron cannons, thirty one port and thirty one starboard cannons, twelve multiple missile launchers, two short to mid range rail guns. It can hold very few Spartanian fighters. As of the 805, it was the only Hyperion type ship still in active service. Ship received many upgrades during its active service including new bridge, weapon systems and shields and was often considered as subclass as several other ships shared the same look.

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