
First test - my own AU "Tales of Blood"
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Author:  Sport_21_ing [ November 8th, 2017, 1:27 am ]
Post subject:  First test - my own AU "Tales of Blood"

Hi, my nick is Sporting (the numbers is just times the age of the creation of the account - like this one - or random). Anyway, this is my first try off the Shipbucket (I've already used (and still use and recognise) others artist aircraft to make my own ATL. And I have contact with Bordkanone 75 (we knows me front deviant, discord and steam). No, without any further, wheres my ATL:

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Uruguay FS Battle of Britain

After the Admiral Graf Spee was scuttled in Montevideo and the auxiliary cruiser Carnarvon Castle was not only kept longer for repairs, but also by using the steel plates for the german "pocket battleship" in the same month (!), an infuriating Hitler broke
diplomatic relations and gave 32 hours to all Uruguayan staff to leave the country, on the last week of December/that year, was did Hungary.
A month later, Edward Wood, the Foreign Secretary at the time, went in behalf of Chamberlain, to the embassador of Uruguay, to propose that Uruguay joins the war on behalf off the Allies, and in return, they will gain Tristan da Cunha island. After consulting their president, they accept, with the only condition been that they are only to be used for defense purposes (they didn't want to lose many young men in useless attack, like the Entente did in WWI) and they all are volunteer, been affraid the Argentina could use the opportunity to invade. Edward accepted, and on 28 of January of 1940, Uruguay was formally at war with Germany and Hungary.
The initial forces sent to Europe where 2 fighter squadrons horde of men and 1 infantry division. Too late to take action in France, both squadrons (362 (U) - U for Uruguay; and the 363 (U) )where trained and equiped with Hawker Hurricanes MkI and sent to Group 10, the most western off all groups, while the infantry division was trained with British (and some US lend-lease) equipment to defend the island of Wright off an german invasion (that never happen).
Was seen above, both squadrons had different identification marks that others squadrons based in any part off the UK (and almost themselves, with the only differense been the squadron codes). Both had their UK roundels below the wings removed, an kinda-Mayan sun on a white square behind the cockpit, an blue spinner and a Uruguayan flag on the rudder, to differenciate for the squadrons.

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US Gloster Meteor

With an increase of Me-262's (operating in Germany) and Ar-234's (operating over the Western Front, Italian front and even over England) and with the terrible P-59 Airacomet and a failing P-80 Shooting Star, the USAAF had no other choice but to purchase to the UK their best (and only) operational jet fighter, the Gloster Meteor, in February 1945, until the Shooting Star is improved (is also a good excuse for the US Government to give the British some much-needed hard currency to help Britain with her war effort - there was even an backup plan, that in case of the Shooting Star been cancelled, Bell company will cease production of all their current aircraft and produce the Meteor, but not followed since the Shooting Star entered service).

To increase also the simbolism of this new airplanes, the 3 former Eagle Squadrons (the 334, 335 and 336th Fighter Squadrons) where choosen was the squadrons convertion. All pilots where trained in May 1945 and the first squadrons entered operational service in June 1945 in France, where the Arado's are pissing off the ground forces and all propeller driven fighters.

This Meteor represented belongs to the 335 FS, and it's pilot, Ironwood, became the first american pilot to shoot down an enemy aircraft while flying an jet driven fighter (an Fw-190F attacking an Allied convoy heading to Frankfurt, on 4/6/1945).

The colors show where became standart in the end of spring/beginning of summer 1945, when an number of Gloster's got shoot down by friendly fire doe to its similarities with the Ar-234, so all Meteors operating in the European Continent where painted all white (althrought the Americans added their squadrons "skins" to identified better the respective squadron).

After VE, almost all squadrons switched its Meteor's to the Shooting Stars and 90% off them returned to England (most where scrapped, doe to wearing - including the one above), while the remained when to the US to air shows and museums.

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Spanish GM FM's Wildcat

In spite of this, the height of tensions between Spain and the United States would mark the third stage after the Laurel incident. When the pro-Japanese governor of the Philippines declared the independence of the isles and Spain sent a congratulation telegram, a heavy campaign of ridiculization towards Spain started, and there were filtrations that made Spain think that an American attack on them was inminent. Wether this threat was real of just a maneuvre to make Spain officialize its hostility towards Japan and cut the Spanish supplies of tungsten to the Axis, is beyond the scope of this work, but had Spain called the bet.

The Council of ministers that followed lasted three days and was one of those crucial moments in the History of Spain. After three more days in which Spain recovered the contact with the American diplomats, and an extraordinary reunion in Madrid between the Count of Jordana and the American ambassator in Spain, the third stage had begun. On 1/11/1943, Spain unilaterally declared war to Japan. The 4/11, Spain would retire the remnants of the first Blue Division from the Soviet Union. Shortly thereafter, against all odds, the Spain of Francisco Franco had joined the Allied nations. Spain would only officially declare war to Japan in 12/1945, 5 months after the end of the War in Europe

The Spanish Volunteer Division of the U.S. Army, better known collectively as the second Blue Division, was a Spanish unit of volunteers, that served between 1944 and 1946 in the American army during WWII, in the Pacific theatre, which in deep contrast with the first Blue Division, was mockingly nicknamed in Spain as the “División Azul Marino” or “Marine Blue Division”. The base of them was composed of veteran Falangists and college students, many of those who were integrated in the American army had served before in the first Blue Division (though the Falangist elements of the unit were downplayed, they refused to abandon the distinctiveness of their blue shirts), and their numbers were near 25.000 men, significantly smaller than those of the first Blue Division. Their major involvement in amphibian missions would take place from the battles of Saipan to Honshu. Out of them, there were around 3.000 casualties and an estimation of 10.000 wounded and mutilated.

Alongeside them, the Spanish Volunteer Squadron, or know as the second Blue Squadron or in Spain as the "Escuadrone Azul Marino/Marine Blue Squadron", was also formed alongeside the Division, althrought they had their differences. One of the first difference was that unlike any other USArmy Air Force, they operated FM Wildcat's, which only the USNavy and the USMarines really operated, while their where supported by their own C46 Commando. All aircraft from the Squadron have their tail completed painted white with an black cross almost from tip to tip of the rudder and their national roundel (with the red replaced with orange, to avoid friendly fire) to show the origins of the pilots to the friendly/foes. On 1/1/1945 (3 years since the unofficial war declaration), all allied aircraft (including the Spanish) had to have all their aircraft with 4 red and 3 white stripes in their fuselage and wings, similar to the D-Day black and white, to represente the United Nations Honor Flag (something that Franco managed to achive, since himself has helped created the UN)

About the Wildcats itself, the Spanish ones had their ones with the naval equipment removed when delivered to their owners, making the aircraft unofficialy called FM's-2/3"S" (S for Spanish). Initally flying with FM-2 series, post the Louise Typhoon and the lost off several aircraft, vessels and personnel, Trumman ordered to all destroyed/damaged equipment to be replaced and their FM-2's Wildcats where replaced in the end off 10/1945 by FM-3 Wildcats. These aircraft are different from the former FM-2, in which they have an more powerfull engine (1,425hp (1,063 kW) Wright R-1820-74W engine) and a height adjustable undercarriage (an innovation whereby the fuselage could be lowered for easier access to the engine; this was meant to improve time management and safety). There was also and B and P variants (B been an airborne forward air controller role, with radio equipment designed to enable easier communication with all Allied assets on the ground, in the air and at sea; and P been the photo-recon).

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Allied Thailand

Credits to: Eswube (Blenheim); Nighthunter (A-31 Vengeance); Radome (Fulmar); WhyMe (Kingfisher) and Nighthunter, Eswube and Darth Panda (P-40N)

In late 1941,the Japanese invasion of Thailand was not met with significant resistance, instead the government of Field Marshal Plaek Phibun allied themselves with the Japanese and allowed Japanese troops to pass through unhindered. Phibun’s logic was that an alliance with the Japanese would be preferable to an occupation, a choice that seemed justified as the Japanese repeatedly humiliated American and Commonwealth forces in early 1942.

However the Thai took great pride in their nations status as the lone independent state in Southeast Asia, and most resented the increasing number of Japanese troops in the region, which only exacerbated fears that should Japan lose the war, Thailand would be dragged down with her. A fear that was only exacerbated by the increasing numbers of Japanese troops in Thailand, and the slowly increasing pressure on Thai sovereignty. Whilst Phibun’s government had fallen in 1944 it had been replaced largely by Conservatives who did not want to provoke a full Japanese occupation, a stance they were preparing to renounce in line with Japan’s supposed surrender on August 14th, until the Anami coup had led to the Government adopting a ‘wait and see’ approach.

This attitude was unacceptable to the Thai populace, made all the more so by the increasing dread spread by rumours that the Americans were going to use their new Atomic Bombs on Thailand to open up the Burmese front for their Commonwealth Allies, and the more confident public expressions of anti-Japanese sentiment stirred up by charismatic figures such as Pridi Banomyong. Action had to be taken, and the men and women of the Free Thai Movement were not about to disappoint.

On September 5th, the Free Thai Movement struck at the very heart of the 150,000 Japanese stationed in the country. Under the guise of an urgent message, the Japanese commanders in Bangkok found themselves assassinated by members of the Free Thai Movement dressed as Policemen. Japanese troops in the city were either arrested or shot out of hand as outside the city the lines of transport and communication were quickly secured by troops emerging from the countryside and from miniature forts disguised as air raid shelters. Now installed as Prime Minister, Pridi wasted no time in first renouncing the alliance with the Japanese and then further issuing a declaration of war against their former allies. Whilst more numerous, the blind and beheaded Japanese garrisons were easy prey for the vast guerrilla army that now emerged. 90,000 strong, with their own aircraft and artillery, the Free Thai Movement would no longer simply be involved in hiding American prisoners and negotiations across the ocean, but as the sword of Thai nationalism, the only country to liberate itself from the Japanese yoke.

Unfortanbly, the Japanese managed to capture both Thonburi-class coastal defense vessels (and scuttling the remaining vessels), rename them Aso and Awaki and proceded to Bangkok to shore bombard them and land a few troops as a act of revenge against their betrayal. Know was the Bangkok Naval Bombardment, both ships bombard for two hours until Fairey Barracudas from the No.827 Squadron sunk both with 2 direct bombs hits each. The land troops didn't last longer and in the end, 300 Thai civilians, 120 Free Thai forces and near 400 Japanese troops became casualties (40% deaths).

Besides the naval losses, the remain of the Thailandese armed forces where largely intact, but with outdated equipment (the most modern land equipment was Type 95 Ha-Go and Type 99 Arisakas, while Air Forces been A6M Zeros, Ki-43 Oscars and Hawk 75N's). With this in mind, the British/Commonwealth became their main suppliers off "new" tech (since they where enemies until recently, many didn't like the idea off supplying any modern equipment to them). Their former equipment are now used by second-line troops/training and new identifications marks where added to make them clear that they are now friendlies, with wings roundels based on Interwar roundels/flag; Fin Flash similars to the British ones, but with inversed red/blue and a totally new Red/Blue cross roundel in the fuselage.

Above are all the frontline combat aircraft gifted by the Commonwealth:
- Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV: Althrough replaced by better fighter-bombers, the Blenheim was still used was a training/scout-light bomber by the RAF in SEA, and when Thailand needed to replace their Ki-30 bombers, the Blenheim was the answer. Althrough heavier that the Ki-30, it was better than the former by the fact that had more armor, bomb load and spare parts.

- Curtiss P-40N Warhawk: Formerly used by the Uruguaians volunteers send to the SEA, their where given to the Thailandese once the Uruguaians received their new Tempest. Used was a fighter-bomber, their where also much heavier than the former aircraft, but still, they where loved by their new owners.

- Fairey Fulmar Mk.II: Been on storage in India since February, 1945, they where sent to Thailand to replace their A6M Zero. Unlike the other aircrafts, the only complain the Thailandese pilots had was a lack off heavy machine guns on wings, been the aircraft mostly used to straif light targets (like foot soldiers)

- Vought OS2U-3 Kingfisher: Besides the Thailandese Navy been now mostly land-based troops and a few pilots, nonenless, the Commonwealth gave to them the Vought Kingfisher to just get ride off these aircraft in return of SC Seahawks. Used to spot the enemy vessels/submarines (none where ever found, since the UN now had control off all sea south of japan), they where used to spot for other aircrafts/rescue downed pilots from the sea

- Vultee A-35 Vengeance: Formely from the RAAF stocks, many where sent to Thailand to give to them an dive-bomber aircraft that could perform light bomber attacks alongeside the Blenheim (the attack was that the Vengeance bombed the air defense and distracted the remaining forces before the Blenheim main attack appeared).

After the end off the war, Thailand joined officially after releasing all territory that they controlled during the japanese "co-operation" (only exceptions where the Lan Chang Province, in Laos, for the reason that France allow it just to have less territory to control themselves) and paid small reparations for their participation on the Axis side. Now, they among one off the giants of SEA, in terms off political power.

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Post Louis replacements pt1

Typhoon Louise had first been spotted on October the 2nd as she formed around the Caroline Islands. Initially ignored, her unexpected turn north was not met with much concern as she slowed down, only to intensify, to the horror of American meteorologists, as she passed over Okinawa on October 9th. The staging area for the invasion of Kyushu, thought to have largely avoided the harsh weather seasons, was now struck with 140 mph winds. The typhoon passed and returned over the island for three days, wrecking almost every building above ground, rendering over a million troops/personnel homeless in the process. Dozens of ships awaiting the invasion were forced ashore only to be pounded into scrap by the huge waves of the storm. Dozens of planes were smashed, torn from their runways in impromptu flights, before being hurled back to Earth. By the time it was safe for medical ships to arrive, 4000 were dead, and several thousand more were seriously wounded, with bodies clinging onto wreckage still being washed onto the beaches of Buckner Bay. From the wreckage and the horror came the already clear conclusion, with dozens of ships and hundreds of aircraft destroyed or damaged, the invasion of Kyushu could not occur in November. It was estimated that it could take as long as 45 days to repair the Typhoon’s damage, delaying Olympic to just before Christmas.

In normal circumstances this would have been unacceptable, moving back Olympic ultimately meant moving back Operation Coronet, the invasion of southern Honshu, from early March to mid-April, far too close to the monsoon season, and the serious restrictions on a ground campaign that came with it. Whilst it was clear the Japanese had focused most of their efforts on the defence of Kyushu, a fight in flooded fields, with air superiority hindered from cloud cover should have been unacceptable and indeed was the reason that the Kyushu invasion had been moved ahead by a month to begin with. American engineers had worked miracles before, Truman was sure they could work them again. Meanwhile the Japanese government, convinced that they had witnessed an actual miracle, thanked the God’s for their divine providence. Their troops merely thanked them for the reprieve, before they continued to dig, and prepare for their enemies own, manmade, Typhoon.

By a miracle of engineering prowess and tenacity, the destruction Typhoon Louise had inflicted upon Okinawa had largely been fixed by early November. Truman had been wary of launching the invasion of Kyushu December, both due to the demoralising effect that heavy American casualties over the Christmas season would likely have on the American public and troops, but more importantly, the delays in which it would spell for Operation Coronet., the invasion of Tokyo itself. Between the Typhoon and the engineer miracle, Truman reviewed the campaign again and decided to ask for more help/support from it's allies/it's troops in Europe, and reviewing the Big Blue Blanket and also remembering the D-Day, decided that it will increase the number off aircraft carriers, to a way that there's are more attack aircraft supporting the troops.

Another group of people that they have seen an miracle where the Director's/Bosses of the military factories around the US. Althrough they where shoked with the degree off destruction in Okinawa, they where (inside of themselves) thrilled to see that Truman had decided to increase the military expense to replace the losses from Louis (even by cutting a few million dollars on the Manhattam Project, that it would only be finished in April of 1946 - althrought not enough to cancel it, it was the enough to slow down up to June of 1946). Through this increase of money to replace the losses, they not only replaced the losses before Olympic, but also had replaced many old equipment, mostly aircraft, and even made a few more "experiments".

In terms of aviation, many companies like Grumman, North American and Douglas (others also made the same), even manage to replace all older aircraft that wheren't affected by the storm, like for exemple, 80% of the F6F Hellcats where F6F-6's, 90% of the TBM Avengers where TBM-4's and 70% of the P-51 Mustang's where P-51H's. Also many squadrons that operated older aircraft had many off their aircraft replaced with new models, like 80% off the A-20 Boston/B-25 Mitchell/PHJ-1 Mitchell where replaced by A-26 Invader's/A-38 Grizzly's. Off the older aircraft, up to 60% where given to allied nations, 20% where given new jobs and remaining 20% where modified to stay in service in the US forces. Others companies even manage to push the development off newer aircraft, like the AD Skyraider and F5U Rapier.

Before the Operation Downfall campaign in November of 1945, the US Navy initiated new identifications guidelines for all the US carrier warplanes in the Pacific Fleet. The new regulation simplified the system , concluding its lack of security to be no longer a concern. The standard letter system is usually one letter for fleet carrier's (exception been the Enteprise), while two letters are used for light carrier's. Fleet Carriers with two words have their letters placed vertically. Midway-class battle carriers retained the earlier markings.
In part off lack of security been no longer an issue, almost all squadrons in the Pacific (allied ones included) made the so-called Flying Circus period, where most off the aircraft had their "new" colors to identify their squadron/to add identidy to them/to add fear to their enemies.
On 1/1/1945, all allied aircraft had to have all their aircraft with 4 red and 3 white stripes in their fuselage and wings, similar to the D-Day black and white, to represente the United Nations Honor Flag.

Where are all the aircraft refered in this part:

Republic P-47N Thunderbolt - Designed was a B-29 Superfortress escort fighter, it replaced all Thunderbolt squadrons in US service in the Pacific. Increased internal fuel capacity and drop tanks had done much to extend the Thunderbolt's range during its evolution, and the only other way to expand the fuel capacity was to put fuel tanks into the wings. Thus, a new wing was designed with two 50 U.S. gallon (190 l) fuel tanks. The redesign proved successful in extending range to about 2,000 mi (3,200 km), and the squared-off wingtips improved the roll rate. The P-47N entered mass production with the R-2800-57 engine, and later used the upgraded R-2800-73 or -77.

Ryan FR-2 Fireball - With faster kamikazes been reported between Okinawa and Kyushu, the USN stepped up the FR fighter program and ordered an improvement off its structure. Ryan responded by replacing it's older FR-1's (older only by a few months) with FR-2 series, with the improvements made, plus an Wright R-1820-74W piston engine replacing the earlier one. With this improvements, more squadrons are made, including showing where the VF-2 squadron, based on the USS Hornet.

Vought F4U-4/5 Corsair - The workose fighter-bomber off the US Navy, it's one off the most recognisable fighters off the war. The one represented where belongs to the VF-6 off the USS Entreprise, replacing their F6F's. Also show up where the AU-1 Corsair's (U.S. Marines attack variant with extra armor to protect the pilot and fuel tank, and the oil coolers relocated inboard to reduce vulnerability to ground fire. The supercharger was simplified as the design was intended for low-altitude operation. Extra racks were also fitted)

Bell P-63D Kingcobra - Althrought not very used by the USAAF, when the kamikazes wheren't slowing with hundred off bullet's or retreating throw intense damage, they needed something to stop attack's from reaching their target's, and the Kingcobra was the answer. Between the A and the C (been not been produced), the Air Force used the D-series, been powered by an Allison V-1710-109 (E22) 1,425 hp (1,063 kW), featured a 10 in (25 cm) wingspan increase (11.94 m), gross area being increased to 255 sq ft (23.7 m2) and, most noticeably, a rearward-sliding bubble canopy. Showed where are the 619th Fighter Squadron off the now 477th Composite Group (an all-black group), with many off them been formed Tuskegee Airmen, with the new mission off now protecting the forward airfields, landing fleet and escorting ground-attack aircraft's.

Goodyear P-61C Black Widow - Prioritising the XB-35 Flying Wing Bomber, the Northrop transfered their P-61 aircraft to Goodyear facilities. Over the B-series, As promised, the performance was substantially improved in spite of a 2,000 lb (907 kg) increase in empty weight, with the new turbosupercharged (General Electric CH-5-A3) R-2800-73 engines producing 2,800 hp . However, the aircraft suffered from longitudinal instability at weights above 15,875 kg and from excessive takeoff runs—up to 3 mi (5 km) at a 40,000 lb (18,143 kg) takeoff weightMaximum speed was 692 km/h at 30,000 ft (9,145 m), service ceiling was 41,000 ft (12,500 m), and an altitude of 30,000 ft (9,000 m) could be attained in 14.6 minutes. The P-61C was equipped with perforated fighter airbrakes located both below and above the wing surfaces. These were to provide a means of preventing the pilot from overshooting his target during an intercept. For added fuel capacity, the P-61C was equipped with four underwing pylons (two inboard of the nacelles, two outboard) which could carry four 310 gal (1,173 l) drop tanks. Alongeside the now-mass produced P-38M Lightning, it became the main 2-engined night fighter of the USAAF.

North American P-51H/L/M Mustang - Became the main workhorse off the USAAF, replacing all B/C series, and all D-series on B-29's Superfortress escort squadrons (with the -25NA series, with is an VLR (Very Long Range) variant, with extra internal fuel, VLR avionics and the ability to carry 165 (US) gallon drop tanks from a sub-type-specific underwing pylon (without recourse to the wooden sway braces used on the P-51D - although their size and location meant that the central MG shell ejection chute on each wing had to be routed via the inside of the pylon itself). Besides the H-series, the L/M where also manufactured and flew alongeside (L-series been an H one with an improved engine (2,270 hp (1,690 kW) V-1650-11 engine) and the M-series, with an V-1650-9A engine lacking water injection and therefore rated for lower maximum power). Represented where is an 45th Fighter Squadron ("Sandstorm"), while they where based in Iwo Jima Airfield No.2, alongeside the 462 Fighter Squadron.

North American P-82B Twin Mustang - Also designed was an VLR fighter for escorting the B-29's, replacing the remaining P-38's Lightning's, they where one off the new workhorse off the US, been used in almost any scenario. Been one off the best 2-engined fighter off the USAAF, the C-variant (night fighter) was the last aircraft to shoot down an enemy aircraft in WW2, downing an Ki-94-II Ted on an one-way kamikaze mission.

Lockheed P-80/TO-1 Shooting Star - With the new Ohka kamikaze rockets, plus reports of an nazi jet fighter (actually an near copy - the Kitsuka or Kikka in short), some squadrons of Shooting Star's off both the USAAF and USMC where maid to counter this new treath. Among the first where the 334th Fighter Squadron (already used the Gloster Meteor in Europe, they where an good choice to use it in the Pacific, been more trained to fly an jet that other's squadrons), been also the first to shoot down an jet fighter in an dogfight ("disguided" was P-47N on an ground-attack mission, the reason been that the japanese ordered that they fighters do NOT fight enemy jet's, the reason been that the japanese where not trained to fight jet-vs-jet). On escort mission of B-29's, the Shooting Star's are only allowed to shoot down jet/rocket fighters since most off the japanese ones (with german training) can evade the piston fighters, the exception been if the Superfortress are in risk off been attack by pisto-engines is that the P-80's go after them. In the USMC service, the TO-1 are, like their USAAF counterpart, only allow to go after rocket/jet kamikaze, unless piston-engines ones are to close for comfort.

Lockheed P-38N Lightning - Been mostly replaced by the new P-47N's/P-51H's/P-82B's, the P-38's Lightning they where mostly now relutaded to second duty, with most off them been used was "cargo-fighters", transporting pods in underwings pylons which transport cargo inside (since people dislike to be inside off them, it was forbidden) and even on Operation Coronet, towing Waco gliders to combat, since unlike the C-47's, once they drop the glider, they can defend themselves; was well was the now mass-produced M-series night fighter. But one variant still produced and sent to the frontline was the P-38N "Super-Strafer". This variant (somethimes called P/A-38) had it's cannon removed and 4 more .50 cal mg's added on the nose, plus with one pod in each wing, each with two more .50 cal's, to an total of 12 machine guns, it's main purpose was mostly strafing light target's or to put hundreds off holes on unaware aircraft. Althrought most of the time they carry the mg's pods, it can be removed to add bombs and always carry rocket launchers.

Grumman F8F Bearcat - The F8F Bearcat was the main workhorse of the USN during the Downfall, with most off them replaced most of F6F Hellcat's (they weren't obsolete, just that the Bearcat was better in anyway besides range). They where also built by General Motors (replacing the FM-3 Wildcat's) and by Canadian Car and Foundry.

Grumman F6F-6 Hellcat - F6F-6-series where pretty much F6F-5's with an new engine (2,100 hp Pratt & Whitney R-2800-18W radial piston engine) and a 4-bladed propeller (only outside visible change). Except for the K-series, all F6F-6's add the same variants has the -5's (N and P). Althrought mostly replaced by the Bearcat, nonenless, it is still mainly used by many fighter squadrons off the USN.

Goodyear F2G-1 Super Corsair - Lost to the F8F Bearcat was the main USN fighter, it won for the USMC, replacing most old F4U's and F6F's on their service. The -1 was a land based version, while the -2 was a carrier-based version with tailhook and folding wings. While inferior to the Chance-Vought F4U-4 in top speed, it had the advantage in low altitude climb rate and performance, along with sheer load-carrying capacity due to it's R-4360. Other variant was the AG-1 Basilisk (beefed up structure for a heavier maximum take-off weight, four 20mm cannon instead of six .50 cal machine guns and additional armour).

Boeing F8B Sword - The nightmare off the japanese fighter's, the F8B/AB-1 where the workhorse of the Midway-class carriers, capable off literally doing anything task for. With six 20mm cannons, they are even report's off japanese fighters bailing out when one off them is behind them (some cases, the Sword even DIDN'T fire their guns to make the "kill"). Only downside is that they canno't land on normal aircraft carrier because off been to large.

Bell P-59C Airacomet - An disapointement in Europe, later, all Airacomet's there where recalled and where send to the scrap when an Army Officer came with an idea. Instead off been used was an fighter, upgrade the engine with an General Electric J-33 (same with the P-80) and use them was ground-attack fighter's. The project was aproved and the P-59C Airacomet (or Groundcomet) was aproved. With this jet "fighter", the P-80 was never used in any ground-attack form (unless they had targets off opportunity).

Grumman F7F Tigercat - With improvements on is problems, the F7F was the main 2-engined fighter off both the USN and the USMC, also the night fighter been the main night fighter of the USMC.

Vought F5U Rapier - With the help off the US Army, the Rapier aircraft show's up too late to participate in the first month off Olympic, but nonenless, makes an impact for their almost vertical take-off, big gun-package on an small aircraft and the ability on land literally anywhere. Replacing most off the FM Wildcat's in USN service, they where the main fighter off the light carriers (even on CV-LST).

Douglas AD-1 Skyraider - Replacing most off the USN Avenger's and Helldiver's, the ground-attack workhorse off the USN in the fleet carriers. Called the Blue Death by it's enemies, they are always on top off their foes and always suporting the troops. If any ground forces calls for aerial support, in 2 minutes, there's an Skyraider flying over them.

Douglas A-26/PBD-1 Invader - In USAAF service, it replaced the remaining A-20 Boston's (to the dislike off many pilots) and in the USM, replaced the PBJ-1's Mitchell's. They where one off the most sucessefull ground-attack bomber's off both the branches. The PBD-1 was a slighlty diferent aircraft from the USAAF counterpart, with wing-tip fuel tanks, more powerful engines driving 4 bladed propellers and wing-mounted radar.

Curtiss SB2C Helldiver - Disliked by many, it was almost entirely replaced by the Skyraider by the time of Coronet and none by 1948. Even so, it was send in scouting mission or patrolling suspected japanese submarines activities. All in all, in was been relocated into second duties jobs during Downfall.

Consolidated TBY-2 Sea Wolf - Althrought the Avenger became the main torpedo bomber off both the USN and USMC, the Sea Wolf was still produced and send initially to combat some rebels in the US Mosquito Coast, in Costa Rica. The first main fighting came in Operation Olympic, on board off both the USS Alaska and the USS Guam (designed was Large Cruisers, ended was aircraft carriers). Althrought the Skyraider was the main ground attack off the USN, the Sea Wolf prove to be an excellent aircraft noneless.

North American P-51N Mustang - While most off this extraordinary fighter was replaced by better variants, the D's where send to allied forces/scrap/returned to the US mainland, but a few remained. When night fighters began to attack the B-29's, they where ideas off using the Black Widow's/Night Lightnings to escort them (and somethimes, they where used that way), but they have the punch to destroy/ambush them on the ground, while in the air, they are mostly to avoid dogfights unless there's an target off opportunity or if they are discovered. One idea is to buy some USMC Corsair to equip an squadron, but that will take time, but the idea wasn't drop and instead, the P-51D's are to be converted into P-51N's, with one the radar been added. The impact was tremendous, to the point that now the japanese night fighter will now only boom-and-zoom/pick off alone target's/patrol an different area.

Republic-Ford JB-2/KGW-1 Loon - Been an copy-past of the V-1 Buzz Bomb, the JB-2 was used to attack the Japanese cities in almost an similar way was the V-1 did, but unlike the germans ones that ceased to make them because they where wasting resources; A: the US don't have that problem; B: unlike the germans counterpart, they realized that they can divert enemies squadrons to defend this "easy threath", while having the skies mostly free to enemies. From LST's (not CVE's, since, they can launch them, but they cannot due nothing else at that time), Privateer's, launching platforms in Okinawa and in rare cases, even on B-29's, about 13,000 Loons where launch in total against Japan nonstop. Sometimes, they launch the Loon and while the japanese fighters go after them, the USMC suprises they intended target and destroy them and disappears before the japanese fighters managed to react.

Beechcraft A-38 Grizzly - Replacing the 75mm armed B-25/PBJ-1's Mitchells, the A-38 Grizzly where one off the most successefull aircraft off it's job, having the punch to take out heavy defenses, the size to be harder to hit and the "manouvabrility" to escape trouble.

Curtiss SC-1 Seahawk - Doing the intended, it replaced almost all single-engined seaplanes off the USN/USMC in the Pacific, and indeed, both the SC-1 and SC-2 became the new seaplane off all catapult-carrying Flag Ship. Rarely, they are also capable off ground attack and even some dogfight with slower opponents.

General Motors TBM-4 Avenger - The TBM-4 replaced all TBF/TBM's in frontline service (some variants where also made to replace their older counterparts). With the AD Skyraider replacing most off them, the Avenger was kept in land based units or in light carriers.

Sikorsky R-4 - The USMC, with some lessons learned from the Italian Front, decided to create their own "aircraft carriers", based on 20 LST's, where Grasshopers with tailhook and this new craft, the Sikorsky R-4, began to take off during the landing to be used was forward air control, target observation, directing ships fire, and (the brave ones) to medical evac missions. The last was most usefull for the Sikorsky, simply because it can land and take off vertically, while in the middle off an beach during an invasion it was not an good idea for an Grasshoper. Later, they where even used to insert spec-ops forces behind enemies lines, where they actually dropped the first combat troops on Honshu, 3 weeks prior to Operation Coronet.

North Americna SNJ-5N Texan - From learning with the germans that fought in the Eastern Front, the japanese pilots began to fly night harassment biplanes bombers converted from biplane trainers. All branches, from the US to the Commonwealth fighted this problem, but with little success, since the biplanes are to slow and many are made off wood. It was the USN that figured out that they needed a slow radar equipped aircraft to successfully engage a small, slow, low, nimble, biplane trainer at night. The answer was the SNJ-5N Texan (some SNJ-3 and -4's where also converted, but was test beds/training) was well was PV-1N Ventura. The Texan (althrough an trainer aircraft, it was used was an forward air control aircraft, designated "Mosquitos" and even used was anti-partisans) where given two pods with 2 .50 cal mg's each to combat these "bugger's", was well do night harrassment off their own.

North American B-25R/PBJ-1R Mitchell - While the Mitchells where all been replaced in USAAF/USMC service, the USN had the issue that, the more inland the fighting goes, the less naval support its troops will have. The idea is to bring "the ship inland". The best idea was to modify an B-25 nose, and add a twin-barrel nose arrangement that could fire 10 spin-stabilized five-inch rockets in one salvo (it rotates and the crew can reload, making it more deadly). That way, the Mitchell was the firepower off an cruiser, and unlike the cruiser, they can land the hits on the target directly. Put into production, the B-25R was used mostly by the USMC, althrought the 499 bomber squadron was the only USAAF to also operate the aircraft.

Althrough the personnel on this squadrons are foreign, they are under control off the US military service, therefore, been part of the US Armed Forces, been one of the stones of creating the future American Foreign Legion (AFL).

Martin B-26 Marauder (Mexico) - When the USAAF seen the good use off the "Aztec Eagles" (201st Fighter Squadron), they requested that Mexico (which complied in favor) to send more forces to fight alongeside the US Forces. The 101st Bomber Squadron (Mexico) was one off the result off that proposal, and the "Aztec Bombers" showed to many bomber squadrons how to bomb, to the point that when they ground attack, they go to the strongest defenses, up to the point that they managed to claim 13 jet fighters ready to take off (with german experience, they equiped the airfield the same way to help protect the jet fighters during take-off/landings). Attached to the 345th Bombardment Wing.

General Motors FM-3 Wildcat (Spain) - The final 350 Wildcats built by General Motors were of the FM-3 model, custom-built specifically to support the Operation Downfall. This FM-3 featured the more powerful, 1,425hp Wright R-1820-74W engine and a height adjustable undercarriage (an innovation whereby the fuselage could be lowered for easier access to the engine; this was meant to improve time management and safety). 50 were of the FM-3B subtype, which was adapted for the airborne forward air controller role, with radio equipment designed to enable easier communication with all Allied assets on the ground, in the air and at sea. Another subtype is the FM-3P, which is the Photo-Recon variant. Barely any US squadron had this aircraft (only some VC's had this aircraft - mostly the B variants). The Spanish Volunteer Squadron (SVS) only operated Wildcats, but they where only support the landing fleet. Attached to the Marine Aircraft Group 31.

North American P-51D Mustang (Venezuela) - Post-Dutch-American War, Venezuela helped the United States in any wars they have declared (only World War I and World War II). About the WWII, Venezuela send a few Expeditionary Forces, one ground division in Italy and in the Central Pacific and one fighter in the same area. 102 Squadron was the Pacific one based, flying initialy P-40K Warhawks, then passing direcly to the P-51D Mustang, where they kept up to the end of the war. They where attached the 15th Fighter Group.

Douglas SBD-6 Dauntless (Cuba) - When Fulgencio Batista won the elections of Cuba in 1940, there was a fear that, been an almost copy of Franco policies, Cuba could be used was an landing platform for any attack in America. The fears died out when Batista said to FDR that if the Allies invade Franco's Spain, it will send forces anlongeside any other US-Latino armed forces. That didn't happen, but, when Franco send support to the Allies in the Pacific, Batista send some was well, althrough only a few brigades and an aircraft squadron of SBD-5/6 Dauntless. Like the SVS, they where attached to the Marine Aircraft Group 31.

North American F-6C Mustang (Phillipines) - After the Liberation of most of the Phillipines (few small islands and a few personnel still inside the main ones that refuse to surrender), Sergio Osmeña didn't know how to thanks enough, but to answer the US call of more international support, and send 2 divisions of well capable fighting soldiers and 4 squadrons of aircraft. One off the squadrons are equiped with F-6C Mustangs (assigned to the 4th Recon Group) while the others 3 squadrons (P-70's squadron in the 8th Fighter Command; C-47's in the 403d Troop Carrier Group and; B-24's in the 11th Bombardment Group).

All aircraft designers (some aircraft repeat because it was an co-operation):
- Darth Panda: F5U Flying Disk + Grumman Avenger + Curtiss Helldiver + B-25H + F8B + FM Wildcat + F2G Corsair + F6F Hellcat + F8F Bearcat + F-82 Twin mustang + P-51D Mustang + P-51H Mustang + P-61 Black widow + P-47N Thundebolt + F4U-4 Corsair
- BK75 - XA-38 Grizzly
- makeroflight - Sikorsky R-4
- indiajuliet - T-6 Texan
- Heinkel - V-1 (PS: LoL)
- Demon Lord Razgrig - P-51C Mustang + P-51D Mustang
- Jabba - B-25H
- Radome - B-26 Marauder + Sea Wolf
- Nighthunter - SBD Dauntless + P-51C Mustang + FM Wildcat + P-38 Lightning + P-80 shooting star
- Caddaric79 - Skyraider + A-26B Invader + A-26C Invader
- WhyMe - SC Seahwak
- Kilomuse - P-59 Airacomet
- Redhorse - P-63 Kingcobra
- C Hoefer - FR Fireball

So... what do you think?

Author:  Colosseum [ November 8th, 2017, 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First test - my own AU "Tales of Blood"

Cool, but please make sure to add the credits as the content license requires. This means the original credits must be kept intact on the drawing, and your name must be added after the original author's whenever a modification was made. In your case I would advise just keeping everything in the same original template and just adding your name to satisfy the requirement.

Author:  Charguizard [ November 8th, 2017, 10:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First test - my own AU "Tales of Blood"

First of all, welcome to Shipbucket!
I see you're eager and willing to deliver a lot of content, and you'll find a receptive and helpful community here.

I have to second Colo's statement, proper crediting is part of the rules and very important to every one of us.

Now, I found this read interesting, and some parts more believable than others. But what I think needs more attention is the art itself. Your recolorings are a bit crude to say the least, you have mostly erased all detail from the underlying drawing, including panel lines and shading. There's techniques to recolour quickly, and you can definitely learn these and do recolours much better than this.

I'll also question your colour choice, your additions are notoriously bright, and sometimes strike as pasted on the drawing.

I hope you're willing to perceive these comments as constructive and not as a personal attack, and that you'll be willing to improve on this.

Author:  Bordkanone 75 [ November 9th, 2017, 1:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First test - my own AU "Tales of Blood"

I'll have to agree witb Colo/Char about this.

If you need any help, hit me up.

Author:  adenandy [ November 9th, 2017, 7:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First test - my own AU "Tales of Blood"

Firstly, welcome to Shipbucket :D

An interesting read old chap and a novel idea. Jolly WELL DONE :!:

The points I would raise have already been covered by my colleagues above, so I won't go over old ground except to reiterate the importance of crediting please :P

Am looking forward to seeing more of your work soon and hopefully some original art work too ;)

Once again, welcome to SB :!:

Kind regards,


Author:  Sport_21_ing [ November 9th, 2017, 1:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First test - my own AU "Tales of Blood"

A: Thx for the info about the crediting

B: About colors/shadows, sometimes, I've no time in doing some off the stuff, but if you have some imagination, you get an idea (btw: if anyone want to use some off my plot to use on your won ATL, you can)

C: (mostly to @Charguizard), you don't know the entirety off the ATL (I didn't published anyway, since I didn't make it all :P ) - exemple: the Me-262 where designed only was fighters and Ar-234 was recon/bomber, with early 234's, they found out off the Normandy one week prior to them - too late to prevent and to make effective reinforcment - but with "stronger" defenses and a more willing Hitler, more German soldiers survived both Falaise Pocket and Operation Bagration (+ no operation zitadele), therefore, more strongers defenses than OTL (instead off surrendering in early May, it did on late June/early July)
+ The death off one off the scientist off the Manhattam Project (prior even to the propose off the project), the bomb was delayed to April/1946, but with some money removed because of the Typhoon Louise, it was again delayed to May/1946

Author:  Sport_21_ing [ November 13th, 2017, 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First test - my own AU "Tales of Blood"

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Romania - As Germany takes over Memeland and the rest of Czechoslovakia and Hungary takes Slovakia (*), the European powers ready for war as France and Britain vow to protect Poland. Romania offers to help Poland should Germany attack, and Poland accept it. On 1, September of 1939, Germany and Hungary (with 4 divisions), invaded Poland. Romania send troops to Poland and declares war on Germany, unaware that the Soviets plan to invade both Poland and Romania (**). With German/Hungarian/Soviet/Bulgarian forces invading both countries, both countries fell in October (Poland on 7 and Romania on 31), and they remaining allied forces (including the French 6th Foreign Infantry Regiment the British 23rd Infantry Brigade) evacuated from any means necessary to Turkey (including more than 70% of their navy). About 70,000 Romanian escaped by the end of the conflict and where sent to France to be re-organized was a new fighting force. By the time of the German invasion of France, in May/1940, there where 2 infantry divisions, 2 infantry brigade, 2 armoured brigades, 3 fighter squadrons (althrough 1 incomplete) and several small units in French squadrons. About 10,000 managed to escape to Britain and they formed 2 infantry division, 1 motorized brigade and 3 fighters squadrons (314, 319 and 337) in preparation for the Battle of Britain/Operation Sea Lion. The 314 fighter squadron became know was the "Black Devils", with the Spitfire's bellys been painted black, to represente the death from above.

Uruguay - ... -700336260

Hungary - After the Eastern Front cease combat (later 1st Eastern Front), Hungary contributed to the Battle of France with 1 artilhery battalion, 2 infantry divisions and 1 fighter group off Heinkel's He-112's (been the most German fighter off the Hungarian arsenal, it was the right choice). During the Battle of Britain, the 101 "Independent" Fighter Group was attached to the JG-26 fighter wing, and became the best foreign force on the Axis side during the Battle of Britain

Bulgaria - Althrought neutral until mid-1941, Bulgaria invaded Romania shortly after the fall of Poland and gained not only the territory they lost during the Great War, but also gained Northern Dobruja, now having an direct border with the Soviet Union and making the new Kingdom of Wallachia landlocked. Ribbentrop latter asked for Bulgaria if they can now help the Axis Power. Still neutral, nonenless, Bulgaria sent 2 infantry battalions and enough bomber pilots for an bomber squadron of He-111H's, which now is under control of KG.26. This particular bomber was named "Pyrrha" for the bombardier pilot recently-deceased Greek wife, that died from an broken knee that infected horribly. Both the Bulgarian and Hungarian where the main targets of the Romanian pilots during the battle, with more than 70% off their kills been those respective countries.

* - March/1939: Frustrated by Jozef Tiso's reluctance in supporting German plans for an independent Axis-aligned Slovak state, Ribbentrop starts to make overtures to Hungary, insist that they support the invasion of Poland in exchange for annnexing all of Slovakia. Later, after being threatened with a general trade embargo by Germany and open German support of Hungarist leader Ferenc Szálasi, Miklós Horthy agrees to aid the Germans with 50,000 troops in the event of war, and formally annexes Slovakia with little resistance.
** - Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact also allowed the URSS to invade Romania for gaining Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina at the same time was Poland.

Author:  Sport_21_ing [ November 21st, 2017, 1:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First test - my own AU "Tales of Blood"

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Tales of Blood - East Lebanon Hunter

While early talks with the leadership of Lebanon regarding unifying Syria and Lebanon, ruled by Mahmoud Baydoun of the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party of Lebanon, were promising, Bayound had significantly more opposition to his rule due to the large concentration of Christians in Lebanon and the Ba’ath Party being strictly opposed to any sort of “National Pacts” to appease the Christians and Muslims. Fearing that tightening his grip would start a civil war - or worse yet, a Christian victory – Lebanon would become a flawed democracy where religious strife ruled the political life, any moves at imposing new laws breaking the post-French democratic status quo being violently opposed, the central government, Baydoun and the Ba’ath Party having full control over the Muslim populated areas, but keeping out of the Christian neighbourhoods, who would organize themselves into their own militia’s, oppose the introduction of Koran-based legislation or attempts to form a union with Syria.

Lebanon would descend to a state of civil war, with Syrian and Palestinian refugees taking out their frustration and anger on the Christian population there, joined by the local militant Baathists – the Christians in turn obtaining British, French and Israeli material support.

The treaty would also not cover what to do with Lebanon, the country having fallen into a state of civil war with many of the local Arabs calling for union with Syria to destroy the Christians. Attempts at behind the scenes negotiations in Geneva to stop the flow of guns to the country in spirit of the idea that “without weapons there can be no war” failed, as Syria was not willing to honour its promises, leading to Israel and the west to keep supplying the Christians, thus contributing to ongoing fighting.

Among the countries where Baathism quickly found considerable support was Lebanon, where Baathists held considerable influence since the country obtained independence in 1965. The Baathists quickly found themselves in conflict with both the Christian communities whom they considered “agents” of western influence, as well as the more religious Muslim groups. They were the main force which opposed any kind of “national pact” which was attempted to be reached in the multi-cultural state to prevent civil strife – and were successful at that. Lebanon, which when under French rule was one of the richer and more pleasant places of the middle east and where French administration managed to contain much of the conflicts there preventing an escalation, found it hard to cope with the newly formed democratic system, its first government managing to last only for nine months – and being the longest lasting one. As many were dissatisfied with the government, opposed to the rather centralized administrative system (many of the popular political movements advocating turning Lebanon into a confederate state with a Swiss-like canton system, though that was not implemented for various reasons), their way of dealing the situation was simply to ignore the central powers and refuse to abide by new legislation, sticking to local, traditional laws. With police and the judicial administration proving incapable of remedying the situation quickly enough, the capital’s answer was to introduce more centralization. The Lebanese Army, initially a rather small formation (specifically made small to prevent giving the central authorities too much power) grew in size and influence, being dispatched to aid local administration in their efforts – even in such simple tasks as distributing water or collecting taxes in some cases. This in turn strengthened dislike for the government as well as distrust between neighboring communities – the country turning into a mosaic of various groups, many of which were barricaded in ghettoes or having their own armed militias.

In 1975, Lebanon collapsed into complete anarchy, it’s army not being able to take or enforce control over much of the country, pre-war supplies having run out and only a little material support coming from the Syria. In the south swarms of Palestinian refugees and rebels flooded the cities and countryside, either joining the existing militias or creating their own –the most powerful and known being the PLO and its many military wings.

The Lebanese civil war would take up much of the headlines of global press for years, being a ridiculous situation where the status quo was not accepted by anyone, but which was impossible to break without expected large casualties that any foreign intervention would bring. The expectation that the war can’t last forever and would have to end eventually – one way or other, and in the opinion of most analysists since it’s start “sooner rather than later” – did not come to fruition.

Unofficial talks began in 1979, with a joint UN resolution of a cease-fire between the struggling groups in Lebanon signed by Syria, Israel and other UN members, being voted in on January 17th 1979. The resolution did stop the violence, but did create the hope of the first step towards that end being taken. Unfortunately, problems began already at the second step, as Syria requested to be allowed to enter Lebanon to bring peace by force – even under international observation. That was something Israel opposed. France on the other hand suggested the possibility of partitioning Lebanon into two states, together with a population transfer, with the Syria and the Israel taking responsibility for one each. That in turn was opposed by Syria, as much of its leadership perceived it as denying the Arab people land that was “rightfully theirs”. Damascus misinterpreted the western lack of unity regarding Lebanon as a sign of their will and resolve weakening – and thus being vulnerable to a sudden move.

The UAS forces entered Lebanon on December 20th 1980. This move, meant place the world before a facti accompli, was done together with a huge diplomatic offensive on the western capitals and the UN, the Syrian bombarding them with countless proposals, suggestions and declarations regarding what went on – all meant to discourage western reaction. The strategy worked, but only in part, as Jerusalem would not watch idly as Lebanon was occupied by Syria, nor accept what was unraveling – almost immediately launching a lightning fast counter-strike, while also informing the western powers it would not accept any Syrian proposals until their withdraws. This was a spectacular move by the Israeli Prime Minister Mieczyslaw Biegun (hebr. “Menachem Begin”) as the Syrian proposals sent to London, Paris and Washington were in fact much different from each other, but close to the various suggestions and plans proposed by the western powers in the past. The aim was to cause them to bicker between each other over whose proposal was “best” or “most realistic” rather than to concentrate on what went on in Lebanon, once any answer was ready to have it be placed on a negotiations table while Syria would have a free hand on doing what it wanted in Lebanon in the meantime. Israel’s firm stance that it would not join any such negotiations before an Syrian withdrawal made Western speculations and plans null, as they were all impossible to put to practice without Israel working in that direction too – and Israel kept reminding the west of their past promises and the declarations of the Syrian. The IDF moved into Lebanon from the south with the objective to secure as much territory as possible, though with orders to minimize engagements with Syria. The Arab forces were coincidently given similar orders regarding non-engagement with the Israelis, its officers also given remarkably large privileges in signing field treaties with approached local militias. This did not prevent a number of skirmishes from occurring between the two militaries, especially in the south-east of the country, though casualties were low, only 23 killed and 58 wounded on both sides during the entire “invasion”. In just two days Lebanon was completely occupied, an undeclared ceasefire being present between Syria and Israel – though with both sides preparing for war while disarming their occupation zones and looking for allies there. The middle east stood at the brink of yet another Arab-Israely War.

The goals of all sides were much different – whereas Syria did seek to annex Lebanon, Israel sought to prevent that. France and the USA just wanted for the fighting to stop, as well as to introduce a new democratic government to the country. What was awkward, though not noticed, was the fact that neither Syria nor Israel wanted a war with each other – merely accepted it as a last resort, though declaring things to the contrary, claiming complete willingness to protect their interests with force if necessary or provoked. This made all attempts at mediating in the conflict tough, as the mediators believed the opposing sides were much more willing to escalate the conflict than they really were. Neither was however capable of “loosing face” by backing out or down. A joint British-French-American diplomatic mission was dispatched to Damascus, the fifteen-men group spending almost three weeks flying between Damascus and Israel to prevent the war as well as open a dialogue. Diplomatic efforts to the same were also made in the UN, as well as between Berlin, London and Moscow. The “armed peace” in Lebanon was a cauldron ready to burst, the locals not helping in finding a peaceful solution – to the contrary in fact, as opportunists on both sides were using the occasion before them to escalate the conflict and use it to fulfill their agenda. Mortar barrages and raids on towns and villages occupied by the opposing side or attacks on their patrols were not an uncommon occurrences, which also caused accusations of mutual provocations. Overall however, Syria was more satisfied with the new status quo than Israel, as it well believed that it could “forcefully integrate” the part of Lebanon it held into the Syriaregardless what Israel and the west did. It was Israel that neither wanted to be permanently tied with an occupation, or to have a longer border with the UAS.

Eventually, Lebanon was divided into 112 “cantons” with free elections (in a first past the poll system) taking place while the occupation was still present to ensure its peaceful conduct. With both Israel and Syria having their presence gradually during the process, according to a pre-established “roadmap”, a new legitimate was to form in six months since from the signing of the Schiller-Edwards Plan (signed on the 15th of March 1981 in Geneva), a full withdrawal of foreign forces from Lebanon to occur within another 12 months. Israel agreed to the plan under British, French and American pressure, after being promised the Lebanese elections would be fair and the west would resist attempts at tampering with it or Syria attempts at annexation after it.

Neither of these promises would be fulfilled however. The elections were subject to significant fraud, both on the Arab and Israeli end. Israel refused to grant the right to vote to hundreds of thousands of people on the basis of them not being able to prove to be Lebanese citizens or other made up reasons, whereas Syria would purposefully introduce people from Syria to act as native Lebanese and settle them there, so as to give additional votes to the Baathists. While not as popular as they were years ago, they still performed exceptionally well, thanks to their unity; the non-Baathists group were able to create a common “National Bloc”, but failed to gather all the potential support they could into it, leading to their votes being divided in many cantons – the PLO had proven to be one of the most unruly parties in this regard. The result was an electoral victory of the Baathists who gathered 45 out of the 112 mandates in the National Assembly – not enough to form a majority government, not even in a coalition as numerous mandates went neither to them or the National Bloc (which gathered 38 mandates), but to various “independents” representing local communities, creating a strongly fractured parliament. The introduced “small constitution” also didn’t yet give the new central authorities much power, being thought of as a temporary measure for the duration where new institutions were to be established, in accordance to the new legislature – the legal framework to come before executive powers were granted. The task of creating a new, permanent constitution along with an apolitical military and police force, as well as the reconstruction of the broken country being the first lying before it. The withdrawal of both the IDF and the Syrian army began soon after the elections, though slowly, as neither side was really trusting towards the other – in fact, upholding the plan required periodical British and German pressures.

Few believed this “temporary peace” would last. The National Assembly was incapable of conducting even the simplest reforms, its work being under constant mutual obstruction, the “national unity government” being completely disunited, cabinet members off different political parties hardly communicating with each other. Factionalism was strong, with the high ranking officials being more concentrated on keeping power in “their” cantons and relying on the still present foreign militaries there, as well as the local militias supportive of them. American aid had little effect due to the rampant corruption in the country, most of it falling into private or military hands. With the IDF and the Syrian army having their hands somewhat tied (though the former’s were tied more than less, while the latter the opposite)and the slowly created police and military being dramatically inefficient, most people believed more in doing things themselves and organizing into barricaded, closed communities, than relying on the “new free government”.

The prediction of inevitable collapse would come to fruition on March 21st 1982, when the MP’s of the Baathist Party walked out of the meeting of the National Assembly, resigning after yet another of their attempts at holding a vote of no-confidence against the National Bloc-aligned Minister of Internal Affairs Antoine Lahad was once again dismissed without a vote taking place by the President of the National Assembly. The Baathists had tried to use democratic mechanisms instrumentally on many occasions, offering multiple “constructive votes of no-confidence” on replacing cabinet members with their own loyalists, creating alliances of opportunity with various of the micro-factions in the national assembly. These failed most of the time, as the Parliament’s Presidents would not allow for them to be even voted on. Same went for attempted votes on the dismissing of either the whole cabinet or even the National Assembly itself and holding another election – the “coalition of fear” of the non-Baathists being terrified of potential results. Thus the attempt at introducing in Lebanon failed, both sides using democratic mechanisms so instrumentally, that they eventually broke. The resignation of the Baathists was followed by them invoking the right of nations for self-determination and declaring the independence of the “State of Lebanon” – the entire ruse in the National Assembly being done just to justify the declaration (legally speaking, the small constitution did not deny the right of any canton to secede from the Republic of Lebanon). A hasty referendum was to be organized to determine which of the cantons would choose to leave the Republic of Lebanon, but was immediately declared illegal by the state, action being taken to prevent it, both by the state police and the IDF. WithSyria still not fully withdrawn and neither the Lebanese military or police being able to intervene in some areas, the referendum went ahead in the Baathist-controlled parts of the country. The IDF has been warned that it’s intervention in this “internal Lebanese matter” would cause a Syrian reaction – a warning it did not heed. IDF troops did leave their bases, heading for those areas the government in Beirut had little or no control over, breaking through barricades and attacking the resisting population. The Syrian did not remain idle, also moving in grabbing territory to “protect the Lebanese people’s right of self-determination from Israeli aggression” – though thankfully the relatively low number of soldiers on both sides prevented an immediate escalation of hostilities. Jerusalem called for London and Paris to uphold their promises in defending Lebanon, but both western powers were reluctant to do so – not when Syria was not directly threatening Israel or even all of Lebanon. Israel too did not have a good press in the west at the time, being considered at least partly guilty of the state of events, the idea that it used the west instrumentally to force through its agenda while not being willing to show enough good faith in the entire affair (both before, during and after the elections, Israeli meddling in the Lebanese National Assembly being a subject of much journalist investigations), and that dissolving Lebanon was the best what could happen to secure peace in the region being a common thought among political analysists and western media. Thus London and Paris expressed their dissatisfaction, broke off a number of oil and gas trade deals – but did not go to war, nor even embargo . Israel was not willing take further action without clear western support – and thus matters went their way.

The referendum obviously resulted in almost all of the Baathist/Syrian controlled cantons choosing independence , with only six choosing to stay with the Republic – these six all being in the south east near the Golan Heights, which was thought the Syrian chose not to take so as not to enlarge its border with Israel and keep the Republic of Lebanon as a buffer state (believing that given time, the Republic of Lebanon would itself demand the IDF to move out of the country). From these six the Syrian peacefully withdrew. The Republic of Lebanon, now commonly known as “West Lebanon”, would not recognize the referendum or the “State of Lebanon” (now called “East Lebanon”). Diplomatic talks yielded no results, West Lebanon declaring the referendum a fraud, but not being willing for it to be repeated under any circumstance, invoking the rule of “territorial integrity” to dismiss the legality of the new country. The state itself would not exist for long, as it would last only five months before it’s new parliament voted to join Syria. Much to the displeasure of many, this secession would in fact improve the situation in West Lebanon, which could now try and begin a new “reconstruction”, albeit still facing many problems. With the Baathist Party being delegalized, so was the PLO as well as other violent militias, their members being arrested/outright exiled to Syria – this fate also forced upon the Palestinian refugees from Israel, who would once again be forced to move from one country to another against their will, where they wouldn’t be cared about much. Lebanon did manage to introduce a new permanent constitution in later years, with a confederal character as well as a relatively competent police force – though corruption remained a big problem. The IDF would eventually withdraw from West Lebanon only in 1988, though the country would be given guarantees of its remaining territorial integrity from Israel, France and the most of the UN, establishing a working relationship with all of them. Though not without problems, recovery started to take place, the country beginning to look into the future with more hope.
Represented above is the main fighter jet of the five months-old State of Lebanon/East Lebanon, the Hawker Hunter. Most off the fighters where based on the Eastern side and where integrated into the SLAF (State of Lebanon Air Force), before their integration into Syria, where most where scrapped, but two, send to museums before the Syrian Civil War, where one off them was destroyed and the other send to Jordania, where is still kept on a warehouse.

Author:  Sport_21_ing [ January 8th, 2018, 11:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First test - my own AU "Tales of Blood"

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POD - By an small vote different off one (29 to 27), the Caribbean nation of the Dominican Republic in exchange for assuming the island nation’s debt. Plus, the Virginius Affair escaleted into an full-scale war between the United States and the United Kingdom versus the Kingdom of Spain.

1. Commonwealth of Santo Domingo
- The reason off the purchase was for it could be serve as a new home for southern blacks wanting to leave the repressive conditions in the South. Although only a few thousand American blacks would eventually move to the Commonwealth of Santo Domingo (as the U.S. Territory was called), the island did provide the location for an important U.S. naval base at Samana Bay.

2. Puerto Rico in UK
- In the Treaty of Amsterdan, the Spain was to give Cuba it's independence, give Phillipines to the US and Puerto Rico to the UK (the reason of the last was for the fact that 90% off the "Allies" casualties on the invasion where British, and they only want both the island and giving independence to Cuba, the rest off the claims that the US was will be supported)

3. US Moskito Coast
- The Treaty of Managua (to end the Corn islands war between the US and Nicaragua), it concluded nearly 2 years of formal conflict but did not mark the end of the ongoing liberal insurgencies against American imperialism in the region. The provisions of the treaty effectively reduced the entire country to an American protectorate; the Mosquito Coast was separated as the US Mosquito Coast territory; the Corn Islands likewise became US territories; Nicaragua was to forfeit the 3 million dollars owed in the Bryan-Chamorro Treaty and renounce local alliances; the defeated nation is required to adopt terms equivalent to the Platt Amendment; and the USA assumed responsibility for the military protection and internal order of Nicaragua.

4. Peru Amazon Department
- In 1932, Peru had invaded the Colombian town of Leticia and in a surge of patriotism annexed the territory. The Colombians at first attempted to defeat the Peruvians in Leticia, but during the attempt to capture the city, fired on Brazilian merchant ships. Vargas, in Brazil, used the attack, as an excuse for Brazil to enter the conflict. With Brazilian support, the Peruvians forced a humiliating peace upon the Colombians, limiting their military to almost nothing and forcing them to recognize Leticia as rightfully Peruvian territory. This humilating result, lead to the assassination of President Enrique O. Herrera in Bogota, and lead to a more fervently socialist program for the Colombian Liberals.

5. Bolivia Chaco Region
- Through superior manpower and the use of recon aircraft, Bolivia managed to gain the contested Chaco region from Paraguay to gain it's oil (althrough later found out that there's any)

6. French Andorra
- In 1933, France occupied Andorra, in the midst of a particularly volatile campaign, being the first in Andorra to extend the franchise to all men over the age of 20. In 1934, after Boris Skossyreff declared himself Prince of Andorra in the name of the "King of France", Marshal La Rocque ordered the occupation and annexation of the small mountain state.

7. Hungary Slovakia
- March 3rd, 1939: Frustrated by Jozef Tiso's reluctance in supporting German plans for an independent Axis-aligned Slovak state, Ribbentrop then starts to make overtures to Hungary, insist that they support the invasion of Poland in exchange for annnexing all of Slovakia.

- March 7th, 1939: After being threatened with a general trade embargo by Germany and open German support of Hungarist leader Ferenc Szálasi, Miklós Horthy agrees to aid the Germans with 50,000 troops in the event of war, and formally annexes Slovakia with little resistance.
8. Italian Corfu island
- The Corfu crisis led into an full Italian-Greek War in 1923, that ended in Italian Victory, with the island been annexed in 1923

9. Turkey Dodecanese island
- Post the Italian-Turkish War in 1911/1912, the Kingdom of Italy returned the islands to the Ottoman Empire

10. Belgiam Palestine
- To compensate Belgium for it's rule in the Great War, the Palestinian state was gifted to their Empire

11. Japanese Sakhalin
- When the Japanese forces left the Soviet Union in 1922, in retaliation, they annexed the North of Sakhalin island

12. German Liechenstein
- In 1939, an small "coup" by the locals fascist caught the attencion of Hitler and we decided to intervene, by annexing the country

13. Second Federation of Central America
- Post the Corn Islands War, the countries off El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Costa Rica formed the FCA in June 1921 to combat the influence off the US in Central America (althrought they own constitution make them an almost copy off the US, making them the most democratic enemy of the States). The US tried to gain influence over region and tried to weaken Mexico by fragmenting the state with independence referendums. All but one failed. In conclusion of Los Altos referendum, Mexico released Chiapas province as independent state of Los Altos. Next week newborn nation joined Second Federation of Central America as federal state of Los Altos, and by the treaty between Mexico and Second Federation of Central America became demilitarized zone.

14. Dominica Island in US
- In the 1898, the Dominica island gained resentement to the UK over it's rule, and decided to join the US in the US territory Santo Domingo

15. Portuguese Cape Verde
- While still treated a colony by the First Republic, the Integralist regime of Salazar sought to incorporate Cape Verde into the Portuguese metropole. Starting in the early 1930s, Cape Verdeans who could demonstrate proficiency in the Portuguese language (rather than Cape Verdean Creole) could recieve Assimilado status, which conferred to them the same rights as Portuguese citizens in the mainland. In addition, schools and hospitals were built by the Portuguese government across Cape Verde, to raise the standards of living (and to try to dampen the high emigration rate).

16. British Trindade and Martin Vaz islands
In July of 1895, the British tried to possess the islands near Brazil, basing the claim on the 1700 visit by the British astronomer Edmund Halley, and build there an telegraph cable station. But Brazilian diplomatic effort's tried to claim the islands, based on the island discovery by the Portuguese navigator's (Portugal didn't do anything for the reason than they still fell the "backlash" off the Pink Map dispute)

Next: Tales of Blood - Modern

Original map:…

Tales of Blood - WWII Participants

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Based on this map:…

Green - Allies that joined the war before 7/12/1941
Light Green - Allies that joined the war after 7/12/1941
Purple - Allies that joined the war post-VE
Brown - Country that joined the war, but later reclaimed neutrality
White - Neutral
Grey - Axis Powers/"independente" allied countries (not counting puppet states)

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In 29 of May, 1944, the Serpa Pinto (former RMS Ebro) was stopped by the U-Boat U-541 in mid-Atlantic. The German commander ordered their entire crew and passanger to abandon the ship and awaiting orders from their headquarters to sink the vessel, and a small group of German sailors where sent to "help" the evacuation. No ones know's how and why, an small incident happen in one off the dorms, where beating between the German sailors and one of the jews passanger's ended in 3 deaths and others 3 severally wounded, while some off the passangers (and one off the Germans) where slighty wounded. The captain off the sub, now with a excuse, ordered the Serpa Pinto to be sunk right after the last lifeboat was more than 100 meters away from the vessel, which sunk after 8 main gun shells and 1 torpedo hit's, with the captain in it (we refused to abandon the ship). After that, the U-541 simply left the area and abandoned the passanger's to the cold waters off the North Atlantic, only to be rescued 2 days later by an American destroyer passing by.

When Salazar heard the new's that not only was one more off is ships lost in the middle off the Atlantic, but also the germans have beaten some off their passangers and crew that have nothing to do with the war, it was is last straw, and on 5 of June, 1944, Portugal declared war on both Germany and Japan. Hitler was infuriating and we was about to send an message to Franco to join the Axis and invade Portugal, but on the very next day, as was anticipated by the new Ar-234 recon jets, D-Day happen. Japan didn't waist any time and placed all the Portuguese civil administration under house arrest and East Timor was placed under direct Japanese authority from Kupang in the occupied Dutch East Indies, thereby creating a unified Timor that eliminated the pre-war colonial borders. A similar move was undertaken in Macau on the same day. Franco also became unsafe for a few months, in fear than an Allied or an German invasion might happen, but both D-Day and the Operation Cobra (in which the later, the German High Command ordered a retreat off all forces to be send behind the Seine River).

With the help off both the US and British forces (that wasted no time to send their own personnel to the Portuguese mainland, like the 10th Armored Division (UK)), the Portuguese Army aligned with the doctrine, organization, training and equipment model of the British Army. Like in the previous war, the Portuguese once again have send an Expeditionary Corp to be under the British Command in France. Unlike their Great War counterpart's, this forces where not necleted and in that, they proved though and hard to crack when on the (Second post-Napolean era) First Battle of Waterloo, they where one the last divisions to retreat their positions before they last stand in Antwerp.

About their Air Forces, Portugal send enough men to equip 2 squadrons off both fighters and ground-attack aircraft. The chosen fighter is the Spitfire Mk. XVI (an bubble cockpit Mk.IX with an US-made Merlin engine - the reason been that Portugal already operated both Mk.I and V variants off the aircraft) and the ground-attack craft is the A-36 Apache (just because they where to many abandoned A-36A's). Based on their British counterpart, they also used an Piper liason aircraft in a way off spotting targets, but unlike the British, the Portuguese send their trainees to spot, which end up with the division with most liasion aircraft lost in the Western Front. At home, the P-38L's Lightnings replaced all Gloster Gladiator's/P-39's Airacobras/P-36's Hawk's/Spitfire I's was the main fighter, protecting the Portuguese skies from any intruser (none where even found)/escorting the Beaufighters on anti-sub patrols (sometimes, even assisting).

On the Pacific side, the Portuguese send was well two Corps, one to participate in Operation Oboe 7 (Liberation of Timor island, with Australian, Dutch, Brazilian and US help) and another later to participate in Operation Coronet, alongeside the Commonwealth Division (reason was not sent to liberate Macau, was A: logistics where already bad in Europe/Timor, in China, was even worse to supply; B: language issues; C: Already with a new deal, once Macau is liberated, its imediatly returned to Portuguese hands). An Portuguese was also sent alongeside the troops, based on the NRP Vasco da Gama (first and only Portuguese built Aircraft carrier), with Fernão de Magalhães (Former HMS Ajax (1912) Battleship).

The Portuguese Naval Aviation send was well a few squadrons (they replaced their normal Order of the Christ Cross roundel with an white variant with an blue inside, to avoid friendly fire), with 2 squadrons off Vickers Warwich anti-submarines bombers (A and B - reason they where send to the Pacific instead of been based in Europe was because there where already to many anti-submarines squadrons based around the Pacific, with British/Commonwealth, US, Polish and Uruguayan squadrons) and 1 squadrons of B-25J Mitchells IV's bombers (both the recon PR.IV and the GR.IV/GR.IVa attack bombers (lasts had H-style nose, an British AI Mk X radar in a wing pod; the a was 4 x 20mm cannons instead of the machine-guns). B and C squadron never left the Southeast Asia theather while the A squadron was based in Iwo Jima, when japanese submarines activity started to increase dramatically after Op. Downfall

On Carrier based Aircraft, an Fairey Barracuda squadron replaced both the Blackburn T.5 Ripon and the Fairey IIF. Althrought it was not the best torpedo-bomber off the Allies, it was the best by Portuguese standart, and they where used effectally in both Timor and Japan, even participating in the last naval battle of World War II in the (Second post Great War) Battle of Tsushima Strait, where an Portuguese Barracuda was responsible for the sinking of the Japanese aircraft carrier Ise. Initially, both carrier-based squadrons where equiped with former FG-1's Corsair's IV's from the British Pacific Fleet (they replaced them with F4U-4C Corsair V, F8F Bearcats and Hawker Sea Furies). When the Portuguese fleet arrived to Japan, they replaced one off their squadrons with F8F-1 Bearcat's while the other Corsair Squadron became the Fighter-Bomber one.

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