Hello, long time browser first time poster. Crossing my fingers that I did this right. I decided to design a part, it took me a long time to get photoshop set up (gotta disable that anti-aliasing). So this is a 34 inch coastal defense gun, but it also has a somewhat diabolical secondary use. Being a turret, it can turn around all the way and fire inland. It is my own design for my own timeline, meant to watch over the Panama Canal doing triple duty as a not-terribly-practical propaganda weapon, coastal defense gun and able to cover the Panama Canal region from possible attack from Columbia.
Alright, here it is. I hope I followed the style rules correctly. It was really a challenge to scale things at least somewhat correctly.
Alright, this second one is more to illustrate how the gun works. I realize that the lines are screwed up because I directly rotated the object instead of rebuilding it, which is what you need to really do at this scale. I just went into Preferences>General> and changed the image interpolation from Bicubic to Nearest Neighbor to reduce anti-aliasing and keep it closer to the required style. But it still butchers the lines at this scale.
Oh, and I used a template from the main page, but I wasn't sure if templates should be used with a single part.