
trojan's generic 2000s frigate
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Author:  Trojan [ October 19th, 2012, 6:24 am ]
Post subject:  trojan's generic 2000s frigate

Hi this is my first real effort on a ship so far. Using the base drawing Eswube posted here ... ate#p65701
and getting a huge ton of advice, general help, and some modifications from an extremely kind eswube, i have finally arrived at a hopefully postable WIP stage
[ img ]
it is still very much a WIP and I have several details (railing etc) and modifications left, but well what do you think?

Author:  TimothyC [ October 19th, 2012, 6:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: trojan's generic 2000s frigate

Well, you will need to color correct the equipment on deck, and the SLQ-32 and the TACAN should be updated, and I'd think about sinking the gun down to the deck - right now you've either got no bulwark on the bow, or the gun is floating above the deck.

All in all, It's a good start. :)

Author:  Blackbuck [ October 19th, 2012, 9:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: trojan's generic 2000s frigate

In addition to Tim's words I suggest the following mods.

[ img ]
  • 1: Uniform angle to the stern
  • 2: Uniform angle to the hangar side skirts (Try to keep the angles of the various superstructures at the same angle or if you require multiple angles try to make even multiples of them).
  • 3: Move the ASW tubes back towards the hangar and where I imagine your torpedo magazine is.
  • 4: Points 3, 4 and 5 are all sort of intertwined. This is a mid noughties design so why not go whole-hog on signature reduction? Shroud the decoy launchers and harpoon launchers in much the same way as the FREMMs do
  • 5: Still somewhat intertwined with the previous points, you're going to need some sort of orifice with which to deploy and recover your RIBs with.
  • 6: Again to do with keeping the number of different angles to a minimum, either match the original ones to another similar angle on the boat or carry on as I have flush to the superstructure.
  • 7: I decided to raise the RAM launcher out of the way of the Mk41 slightly to try to mitigate any motor-burn issues you might get when firing a weapon from the Mk41. Not sure how well it'd work though...
  • 8: Finally, whilst not a Mk.45 the Oto 127 illustrates the point of mounting the weapon actually on deck unless you actually have a flat topped deck?
I'm sure that ace will have something to say as well as heuhen too but this is all I can think of for now. :)

Author:  eswube [ October 19th, 2012, 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: trojan's generic 2000s frigate

Since I'm the author of the original base drawing, I'd like to relate to some points raised above (just some - those that "I am responsible for" ;) ).

1) I guess You're right, though probably I had some reason to make that angle non-uniform. I must admit, however, that I don't remember what was it. Towed array perhaps? :/
3, 4, 5) That is another thing that was kept from my design. My idea wasn't to design a La Fayette, but rather a Brandenburg.
Also, it is my understanding, that Trojan has made the choice to use my generic drawing because His goal was - among others - to learn planning the general layout of various elements of the warship, as well as drawing/shading them etc. And it's better done on a ship which hasn't all of it hidden. And that's why torpedo ans AShM launchers, as well as RHIB's remained in the open. ;)
7) Indeed, raising RAM a bit could be a good idea. On my generic drawing there wasn't supposed to be any RAM there, but a CIWS (I was thinking about Phalanx) on top of the bridge. However since Trojan choose very different mast layout and situation on top of the bridge become very cramped, it was my suggestion to move CIWS where it is now (inspired by Brandenburg class).
8) Yes, the issue of the "deck depth" is basically my fault. On the original drawing my point was to show the point along the ships length where the main gun should be, but not how deep should actually be the deck, so I draw it in a manner that could be potentially either in need of modification or confusing (depending on approach).

In general, it's Trojans work and thread, but I admit, I'm rather interested in the feedback as well. :)

Author:  BB1987 [ October 19th, 2012, 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: trojan's generic 2000s frigate

A minor nitpicking, you should invert the aft RAM because now it's pointing at the superstructure.

Author:  Trojan [ October 19th, 2012, 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: trojan's generic 2000s frigate

I really appreciate all this feedback it's really helpful and isightful! I'm glad that a as wise and knowledgeable and respected drawer as Timothy thinks its a good start. Now blackbuck I really appreciate what you did to modify the design and I think I'll use that one too but I wasn't thinking on really going full blown stealth and more halfway initially as that what the original design was and I was satisisfied considering that there are relatively simpler IRL ships I thought.
All in all though I appreciate very much everyone's help so quickly and blackbuck ill be sure to continue work using your advice and modifications since they do make sence. Btw BB1987 that's because I cannot find the rearward facing new RAM. Hahaha :)

Author:  heuhen [ October 19th, 2012, 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: trojan's generic 2000s frigate

For secondary radars look at the Fridtjof Nansen class frigates, they have a god Layout of their secondary radar suit. Fridtjof Nansen class is an ASW frigate, but many says it is a Surveillance platform that can back it up with weapon! So that you have to think on is what type of role you'r ship shall have ant then thin about what equipment fits that role best.

Author:  TimothyC [ October 19th, 2012, 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: trojan's generic 2000s frigate

Trojan wrote:
Btw BB1987 that's because I cannot find the rearward facing new RAM. Hahaha :)
As far as I have seen, the real world launcher is right-left symmetrical, or at least close enough for shipbucket work.

Author:  acelanceloet [ October 19th, 2012, 5:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: trojan's generic 2000s frigate

correct. and that is exactly why I have not drawn the other side separately :P
expect some more comments after I have made dinner ;)

Author:  Trojan [ October 19th, 2012, 10:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: trojan's generic 2000s frigate

Timothy btw could you direct me to the new TACAN and SLQ-32 because I am unable to locate it. Are they in the US part sheets and I am just too blind to notice them? also by all deck equipment colored does that mean all ECM gear, decoy launchers, directors, and radars are in uniform color? Sorry if this is a dumb question. I am assuming the answer is yes based on other drawings but I could be wrong.
Heuehen by secondary radar do you mean directors, air search, or navigation and is there something wrong with my current set up? I have been looking at your excellent Nansen for help actually
btw ace I am looking forward to you comments
thank you to all commenters

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