Since I'm the author of the original base drawing, I'd like to relate to some points raised above (just some - those that "I am responsible for"
1) I guess You're right, though probably I had some reason to make that angle non-uniform. I must admit, however, that I don't remember what was it. Towed array perhaps? :/
3, 4, 5) That is another thing that was kept from my design. My idea wasn't to design a La Fayette, but rather a Brandenburg.
Also, it is my understanding, that Trojan has made the choice to use my generic drawing because His goal was - among others - to learn planning the general layout of various elements of the warship, as well as drawing/shading them etc. And it's better done on a ship which hasn't all of it hidden. And that's why torpedo ans AShM launchers, as well as RHIB's remained in the open.
7) Indeed, raising RAM a bit could be a good idea. On my generic drawing there wasn't supposed to be any RAM there, but a CIWS (I was thinking about Phalanx) on top of the bridge. However since Trojan choose very different mast layout and situation on top of the bridge become very cramped, it was my suggestion to move CIWS where it is now (inspired by Brandenburg class).
8) Yes, the issue of the "deck depth" is basically my fault. On the original drawing my point was to show the point along the ships length where the main gun should be, but not how deep should actually be the deck, so I draw it in a manner that could be potentially either in need of modification or confusing (depending on approach).
In general, it's Trojans work and thread, but I admit, I'm rather interested in the feedback as well.