You can kitbash my stuff if you do it with respect and according to the rules.
Ok then:
Shipbucket Forum Rules
This list is not designed to cover everything, Administration reserves the right to manage the forums and its members.
1. Do your best to spell correctly. Not everyone here speaks the best English and so writing in terrible grammar won't help them (or us, for that matter). Please try to keep all conversations in English for mutual understanding!
2. Do not spam, flame, bait, troll, snipe, etc.
3. Do not talk about pirated software, games, movies, etc. as this is illegal and will result in your automatic ban.
4. We reserve the right to edit your username, signature, or profile info if it is offensive.
5. Do not advertise other websites on our forum. Contact one of the admins if you would like to (legitimately) advertise.
6. You may not evade a ban by creating an alternate account. This will only increase the duration of your ban.
7. You may not create multiple accounts with the intent to violate the forum rules.
8. Always credit properly when drawing new ships!
9. Judging and giving feedback to drawings is very important part of this forum and the whole shipbucket idea. Good manners, however, are required when you comment on someone else's drawings. Even if the drawing is really bad, remain polite and constructive.
10. Signatures are limited to the following dimensions:
400 pixels in width
150 pixels in height
... with no following text. Moderators will remove your signature if you break this rule.
11. Mutual respect towards other forum members is expected. All personal attacks, remarks and general bashing are forbidden. Swearing and otherwise foul language is also forbidden. If some member(s) cause you trouble, contact the administrators and do not start your own vendetta.
12. This is a forum designed specifically for drawing shipbucket drawings and to serve as a channel for broadcasting them. Discussions of ships and other assorted should be made in the proper sub-forums, not in the drawing forums.
13. The rules and the general code of conduct is policed by the administrators and moderators ONLY. Users who "backseat moderate" will be punished according to the standard punishment scale.
14. The administrators and moderators words are the law. If we tell you to stop, it will be obeyed. Do not argue with management's rulings. Public arguing after moderation means an automatic warning. If you feel you are being treated wrongly, send a PM to an administrator.
Nope, doesn't look like he broke the rules to me.