ok, had to do some redesigning due to the fact that some of the things I had were not possible with the top view. I'll get back at the top view, but I thought I'd post the changes and see what you all think. I had to redesign the forward bushmaster deck, the bridge wings and I moved the slq-32 to get them farther away from the AMDR antenna. Probably be a lot of interference with the two so close together. I have also added a small RHIB amidships.
Top view is a lot more difficult than I appreciated, But I'm liking the results. I'll Post when I have it farther along.
One quick question. Demon Lord Razgriz suggested I use the already drawn VLS. I looked up the dimensions of the 61cell MK41 and I thought I'd drawn it pretty good. How do you all come to agreement on which representations are the best, and is it a newbie mistake to use their own representations even if well researched and drawn? I would just like to know so I wont stumble into these "new guy" mistakes
One more thing...again haha. Do my keel stabilizers look ok now?
All comments and suggestions appreciated