
Crovenian Empire
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Author:  ABetterName [ April 24th, 2015, 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Crovenian Empire

I didn't need to redesign that much, and there is no option in springsharp to not have all main batteries raised.

It's all better now, and to scale.

Author:  ezgo394 [ April 25th, 2015, 2:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Crovenian Empire

In 1911 Crovenia is doing a sort of fleet rebuilding project that involves a healthy amount of battleships and battlecruisers.
What exactly do you mean by this? If you just mean that your naval fleet is expanding quicker than it has before, then ok, but I'm assuming you're thinking of 20 battleships and battlecruisers. You have to remember that it's not just about the BBs and BCs. There's also Armored and Protected Cruisers, Destroyers, and Torpedo Boats that make up the backbone of your navy. Don't forget these. These are just as, if not more, important than BBs and BCs.

To give you a perspective, here's the Naval listing for my Bundesrepublik Denton, just before Denton enters WWI.
1915 (4 Capital Ships, 8 Cruisers, 13-15 Torpedo Ships)
1 x 1880 Ironclad/Monitor (small ship ca.2000-4000t, used as training ship and in poor condition)
2 x 1900 Pre-Dreadnought (DNS Saarbrucken BB-2 & DNS Innsbruck BB-3)
2 x 1912 Dreadnought (BB-4 Fort Albany Class)
2 x 1905 Armored Cruiser (USS Tennessee)
4 x 1880-1890 Protected Cruiser (small ships, likely more than one class) (USS Atlanta)
2 x 1905 Protected Cruiser
4 x 1890 Torpedo Boat
3 x 1900 Torpedo Boat (TB-6 Hofmann Class)
3 x 1900 Destroyer
6 x 1910 Destroyer

Eswube is credited with figuring the ship numbers of Denton's navy from 1900 to the 1950s. I'd recommend getting in touch with him, or one of the other knowledgeable members to get an accurate idea of how large your navy should be.

I have 4 capital ships and 2 of them are not even capable of combat with current capital ships, so make that 2 capital ships total. Both of these have to be built in a different country (Newport News, US) because, even though Denton is a rising industrial power (and can build Cruisers), it does not yet have the capability to build large capital ships (it will finally have the ability in the late 1920s, but won't build until 1937).
And that's with a population of just over 19 million in 1914. So, if Crovenia has a similar size population (by the way, what is the population of Crovenia?), and assuming a similar construction capability, then you won't have more than 3 BBs or BCs, maybe 4 at the most.

So, when you say 'a healthy number,' that makes me wonder..

Just my 2ยข.

Author:  ABetterName [ April 25th, 2015, 2:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Crovenian Empire

Crovenia is essentially Great Britian in terms of it's navy.

Prior to 1911 their navy is well rounded and all that, but in 1911 they decide to begin to renew their fleet starting with capital ships.

Author:  ezgo394 [ April 25th, 2015, 2:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Crovenian Empire

Well, you didn't answer my other question (it was hidden in there, though).
So, what is the population of Crovenia? Until you determine this, then you can't just spew numbers saying that your navy can kick the UK's ass. You have a map on the first page. In that area that your country encompasses, there will be a limited number of people (it's not infinite), and limited building capacity (nor is that infinite). Assuming you have shipyards capable of producing a capital ship, it's not going to be able to spew out ships that can rival the UK. Then you're going to have to ask other countries for these ships, and it's not likely that they will want to assist another navy in getting much larger and stronger than them. So, there's only two ways you can go. Make Crovenia, and it's associated land area, larger (which is not really the best thing to do) or minimize your navy to less laughable proportions. Small navies are extremely fun, I would recommend it.

Also, from my knowledge, a fleet is updated continuously. There's no 'battleship year' or 'cruiser year.'
"Well, yesterday we were talking about updating the XYZ destroyer class."
"Ahh, ahh, ahh. Don't you remember? Today is New Year's. This year's battleship year!"

A fleet is updated depending on the current state of it's ships (and actually, it often happens way before that on larger navies. They're planning replacements before the predecessor's ships even get built), not because they think it's a good idea to just start replacing whatever ships.

Author:  ABetterName [ April 25th, 2015, 2:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Crovenian Empire

Crovenia's population is 73 million.

The Crovenian navy isn't better than the UK's navy, there just is no UK.

Author:  ezgo394 [ April 25th, 2015, 3:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Crovenian Empire

Ok. Is that in 1911 or current?
I see two problems with that. First, looking at the area that Crovenia is located, I assumed it's near the size of the Ukraine and maybe add Romania into it. Combined, that population would be 60 million, by today's standards. So, a 73 million population seems possible for a current population. However, I'm skeptical of Crovenia having 73 million in population in 1911. A more reasonable number might be half that, 35 to 40 million.
Second, the location of Crovenia doesn't really require it to have a large world class navy. I mean, you need a decent force for protection in the Black sea, and maybe you could delve out into the Aegean and Med, but you don't need a huge navy for that. If I were you, I'd be more focused on the land (and later, air) component.

Right, of course. There is no UK in your scope of operations in the Black Sea, but you may encounter them if you go beyond into the Mediterranean.

Author:  ABetterName [ April 25th, 2015, 3:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Crovenian Empire

No no no, there is no UK in this AU at all, they're owned by a france/germany/UK conglomerate thing.

And Crovenia's area is bigger, I just have to get an updated map.

Author:  ezgo394 [ April 25th, 2015, 3:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Crovenian Empire

Ahh, ok. Well then I'm out. Too much silliness here...

Author:  ABetterName [ April 25th, 2015, 3:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Crovenian Empire

This AU diverges from RL timeline after the fall of Rome.

Author:  ezgo394 [ April 25th, 2015, 3:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Crovenian Empire

Ahh, ok. Well, color me intrigued for just a second. Care to expand on this?

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