I have a few comments....
- if you go for shading for the angled surfaces, I would go for lighter grey forward and darker aft, instead of both dark. also, take a look where to use grey and where black lines, less then 90 degrees turns are represented by grey lines in shipbucket style.
- you might want to take parts from this slightly updated drawing of the burke instead of the older ones (notably bridge, phalanx positions and the mast have been much improved)
- I would suggest looking for another RAM position, the current one is very limited in firing angle
- SPS-49 was not really an back up, but the SPY-1 was at first not used as search radar. only from the burke version onward this was the case, IIRC.
- the propellers seem a bit on the small side.
- the hangar height might be a tad low, I suggest lowering the helideck to VLS deck level.
- the bow seems a tad long, you might be able to loose some length by cutting that by about 10-20 meters without loosing any capabilities
- the rudder seems a bit on the small side
- I am wondering why you would go nuclear electric, it might be a tad better for the turbines but your power efficiency is lower..... care to explain the reason for this?
- it might just be me, but have you shortened the height of the phalanxes or something? they look off.
- I also think this ship is a tad oversized, the CSGN's were all between 12000 and 18000 (except for one note of the Mk 2, but that is flight deck version, this would have been 25000 tons) where yours would be 18000...... I see no reason why this ship would go over the long beach's displacement, as her arnament would actually be lighter, her specifications similar and her requirements similar as well.....
this might help, take a look what size the mentioned systems need belowdecks here
http://www.shipbucket.com/images.php?di ... nchers.png and here
http://www.shipbucket.com/forums/viewto ... =16&t=2755 , although you seem to have at least an reasonable grasp of this already.
keep up the good work, ship design wise it seems allright already.