
Banana Republic FFG(?)
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Author:  Obsydian Shade [ September 5th, 2010, 1:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Banana Republic FFG(?)

What's the big deal with kitbashing anyway? We aren't all artists, and sometimes, such as is the case here, you *DO* need to combine two things that already exist, so why go to all the trouble to make something someone has already done? If the kitbashing can be done creatively enough, then Bravo! Myself, my talent lies in world/nation building, not artistry; I'm typically looking to create something to fill a specific role, not show off talent I do not, nor have ever claimed to have. Normally, if I post something at this site, it is because I have a technical question regarding it, not because I wish to present it as an actual work of art. That said, I do like the look of the "Nanya"....

Author:  Novice [ September 5th, 2010, 6:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Banana Republic FFG(?)

All this said and done, but this forum is for ship drawings and not nation building. Kitbashing in a way can be considered as drawing as it has some creativity put into it. Heck my first drawing was a kitbash, and abad one at that.

Author:  Gollevainen [ September 5th, 2010, 8:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Banana Republic FFG(?)

Like I said Kitbashing is not forbidden when done by the rules, and I have not stated that this wouldnt be the case in here.

That said, nothing also prevents us orginal artists to have that bit arrogant scorn over the entire practice, along as it doesen't go overboard.
Kitbashing migth produce better looking firs attempts than drawing something from the scrathc first time, but only the latter will make people evolp as drawers.
And everyone can be an artist. If one can drawn something that even remotely resemples a ship, then one can evolp and improve his skill to be come as good as rest of us. Its just matter of dedication.

Author:  Portsmouth Bill [ September 5th, 2010, 11:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Banana Republic FFG(?)

I seem to have provoked some reactions here ;) I rather like SpamBots 454's take on combining two ships, and we've seen much worse in Kitbashing. I began 'kitbashing' by actually bashing two airfix kits together to create a strange Battleship :oops:

Author:  Obsydian Shade [ September 6th, 2010, 3:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Banana Republic FFG(?)

but this forum is for ship drawings and not nation building
Perhaps so, but I like to know that what I've put together actually will work. I recongnize that just because you can cut and paste a Kirov Superstructure to a Nimitz hull to produce the ultimate "Battlecarrier" doesn't mean it's a good idea, or even a workable one. Sometimes, you don't even know, based just on the drawings if an idea will work. Case in point, was my attempt to upgrade the OHP on the last board. It appeared to be a simple thing, but I didn't know about that stupid support beam on the bow, that prevented you from cutting into the deck. That was very informative, and while I'm sure I could have gotten the same info elsewhere, being able to talk to people who are both artists and naval enthusiasts gives a unique perspective, which is why I frequent the site.

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