Firstly, I have no clue about whether this ship will even float, or even work. This is mainly a time-killer, and a way to improve my skills.
All Parts are made by me. This was sprung from the idea of a "Modern Battleship" The main powerhouses of the Navy way back when, and doing some updates on the type of weaponry. The elevated area behind the Main Structure, is going to be reserved for VLS, and most likely AA-Related weaponry, and maybe some 7". The Estimated Era of this being built is somewhere between 2005~2020. The Main Cannons featured are Single 25" Concealable Cannons, capable of firing Guided projectiles, as well as Rocket-assisted Projectiles. Secondaries are 7" Stealth.
-Should I make the Hull deeper?
-Should I make the Hull Wider/Longer?
-Ideas for detailing superstructure (Going for a Zumwalt-type stealth ship)
-For the Bow, should I remove the curve up and make it flat for a more stealth look?
-What type of Propulsion should I use? Power source is going to be Nuclear for sure.
Anything else to address?