I'm trying to work on a FD scale pic of the different variants of the Sparviero. I know that there's already one of them drawed, the SC version, however there were many more versions of it, and each of them had their own different measures. So far, using internet, i've gather the following ones:
SM79P - 15,6m?
SM79 I - 15.80m
SM79 II - 16.20m
SM79 III- 16.20m?
SM79B - 16,2m
SM79C - 15,6m
SM79JR - (IAR 79/JIS-79B/JRS-79B/JRS-79B1) 16,82m
SM79K - 15,80m?
SM79T -15,6m?
Those marked with an interrogation symbol mean that i'm not very sure... anyone know a good source?
BTW, data taken from:
And, Signal Squadron, aircraft in action 71.