I now have the nearly complete collection of Marine-Arsenal, a series of booklets about the ships of Hochseeflotte and Kriegsmarine with very good and rare detail pics of german ships shown. Most are written by the well known S. Breyer.
If you need sources I can send you a highres-scan of special sections.
Hello Ashley!
In the long term, I want to do some Hochseeflotte units (when I get tired of the French). I'm interested in the CLs Regensburg/Graudenz/Frankfurt/Wiesbaden (especially the last, being named after my birthplace) and the Große Torpedoboote 1913 (I have a good drawing of the Vulcan design for this class, but only a sketchy one for the Germania design and nothing at all about the Schichau design).
Greetings and thanks in advance