After I have got some information over the phone, but i hop i can get a complete drawing of this system if my man remember.
sorry for spelling problem i'll fix them tomorrow if it is a big problem.
He told me something funny, ASROC is bigger system and has it firepower and range but Terne III ASW has a big advantage and that is it is silent when it hit the water. He told me when the ASROC hit water it make so much noise that a submarine have time to go to action, but with Terne III it know about the vessel but it can't her the Terne III coming specially in bad weather. But and it is a big but, modern Sonar can most likely her the Terne III ASW be launched from the ship. So what do we chose long range but noisy when hitting the water and moving to the target, or short range and no noise (some noise is there always)? are you in Norway Terne III is perfect, in the ocean, only when it is talking about close in defense or trying to take out torpedoes.