Thanks for all the constructive criticism, Ian, I appreciate it!
Yeah, a lot of old stuff was used, and I corrected things as needed. Thanks for the updates on everything!
1. AAA: Originally it was equipped with the 1.1" AAA, the Bofors was meant as an update, thought it was fleet-wide at the time. OOPS! Will return it to the 1.1".
2. Ah, again, thanks for the information. I'll make sure to update them. As to the .50 cal's there's only the water-cooled .50's on the newest parts sheet... so? I'll keep digging for the newer stuff.
3. I improvised as the Interception Cutters were meant for intercepting bootleggers, not submarines, but due to wartime necessity, K guns were added. Historically, not that I recall, but, I think that some of the Treasury class vessels were used for ASW patrols, on the Eastern seaboard.
4. Thanks for the references, I'll fix that ASAP!
5. The irony of the Harbor-class is that they were designed for interdiction, and the planes were to be used to scout for motherships that the bootleggers used, that would usually anchor just barely in International waters. There was talk about secretly extending US Territorial waters when it involved these motherships, or fudging their location to make the capture "legal". The planes could also scout ahead if running to intercept a bootlegger and to notify authorities on the location of the drop. This thus makes the Harbor-class invaluable as an ASW vessel as it can launch its plane to track a U/I-boat to help the vessel sink it with depth charges.
6. It is probably a crane, I'll delete it.
7. Thanks, I'll make the necessary corrections.
8. I thought about that, but felt that the Mk.33 could also be used to direct the 3".
9. Thought it was shaded?
10. If I recall correctly, Rails and rigging are the same damn color and it would be a complete pain in the ass to color one and not the other