
Stranger Ships
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Author:  superboy [ October 1st, 2014, 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  Stranger Ships

I have decided to make a personal design topic to create new and good idea. because sometime real design, never built design or my AU have many rules.

Yes i have a few rules to manage and control myself, but it's look easy and easy (i hope).

1 use the other author ships.
2 real hull, real specification, and real timeline.
3 try to little modify superstructure (but you can if necessary).
4 use all weapons and sensors from the other nations.
5 full makeup with your idea.

this is an opening topic, if you need to join welcome :D

DDG-1 Chalee 1973 Destroyer Escort.

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base on DDG D38 Perth (Australia) or America Charles F. Adams class. i'm use weapons and sensor from UK like Type 42 Class, Type 965, Type992 and Type 1006 radar, 2× 4.5 inch Mark 8 naval guns, 2x40/60 machine guns. deck penetration for sea dart surface-to-air missiles twin launcher is very fit (ok or raises it ?),

DDG-2 Garcia 1975, replace aft 4.5 inch gun with helicopter deck, type 965m radar had a bigger antenna and install 4xExocet anti-ship missiles.

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Author:  superboy [ October 1st, 2014, 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stranger Ships

DD-1 Mary Jane 1955 Destroyer.

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DD-1 Mary Jane Base on Australian Daring class destroyer and change all UK weapons to swedish. 3xBofors twin 120/50 guns, 2x Bofors twin 40/60 guns and 2xsingle 40/60 gun, 1xBofors quad ASW Mortar, 4×533 mm TT model 30 torpedo tubes. All sensors from Netherlands 1xDA-01medium-range surveillance and target radar, 1xZW-01 surface search and navigation radar, 1XHSA RT F1 120 mm. gun director and 2xHSA RT C1 40 mm. gun directorS.

Australian Daring class is very very beautiful. when start i'm thinking a day for a ship, but when finish i'm used a week for a ship. :mrgreen:

Author:  superboy [ October 11th, 2014, 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stranger Ships

DDG3 Masha 1965 Guided Missile Destroyer

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Base on Russia Ship EM Pr.56A Skormnyy and use USA weapons and sensors

-AN/SPS-52 3D air search radar
-AN/SPS-10 surface search radar
-AN/SPS-67 Surface Search Radar
-AN/SQS-26 Sonar
-AN/SPG-51 missile fire control radar
-AN/SPG-53 Mk68 Gun Fire Control System
-AN/SLQ-32 V1 Electronics Warfare System

-1×Mk 22 launcher for RIM-24 Tartar 16 missiles
-1XMk-42 5-inch/54 caliber gun
-1XMk-16 8 cell missile launcher for ASROC ASW Rocket
-2xM2HB machine guns
-2xMark 32 3-tube torpedo launchers for Mark 46 torpedoes
-2xDepth Charge Rack

Author:  superboy [ October 11th, 2014, 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stranger Ships

DDG3 Masha 1985

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refit by install SATCOM, Phalanx CIWS, Mark 36 SRBOC Decoy Launcher, add 8RIM-66 Standard (and 8 RIM-24 Tartar), add 2 Harpoon anti-ship missiles :mrgreen: (and 6 ASROC ASW Rocket)

Author:  Charwhick [ October 11th, 2014, 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stranger Ships

Looks good, but a few questions

1. Tartar and Standard together? Why?
2. I understand the ASROC box gives you a flexible loadout choice between Harpoons and ASROC, but can you not find room for a single quad-rack of Harpoons? Perhaps move the SVTT and mount Harpoons like the Type 21 mounted Exocets

Author:  superboy [ October 12th, 2014, 2:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stranger Ships

thank you Charwhick for your comment :D

1. for this tipic a half of all Tartar missiles were expired in 1985 and a half in 1990, i'm replace a half with Standard missiles and a half in 1990.

2. DDG3 Masha was a 1965 Guided Missile Destroyer and will decommission in 1995, so i'm don't change all sensor and don't built new superstructure. i think the SVTT area not fit for mk-141 harpoon launchers, in the real ship Kotlin-class use RBU-6000 asw rocket.

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Depth Charge Rack area fit for mk-141 but i'm selected Phalanx, harpoon missile in service in 1982 i'm only upgrade mk16 launcher to support them. ;)

Author:  Obsydian Shade [ October 12th, 2014, 6:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stranger Ships

You might consider replacing your gunnery FC radar with a WM-25 "egg" which can also act as another missile director, in addition to handling the gun.

Author:  acelanceloet [ October 12th, 2014, 9:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stranger Ships

looking at that DD-1....... ... =13&t=4550 :P
that said, sea dart does not fit a a one on one replacement for Mk 13 (check the belowdeck parts thread for proof :P)

Author:  superboy [ October 12th, 2014, 12:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stranger Ships

thank you Obsydian Shade, but what is the ship (DD-1?)

acelanceloet Daring VS Super Daring :D , seadart launcher not work DDG-1 not work, when i have new idea i'll update again :mrgreen:

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