
Dutch designed Van Speijk Class
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Author:  acelanceloet [ January 25th, 2014, 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Dutch designed Van Speijk Class

a bit of an what if, although quite close to reality.
the real life Van Speijk class frigates was an modified Leander class frigate. but what if the british shared the welding design expertise and the powerplant, but not the design itself.
the netherlands modified the design to fit dutch systems and design and operating practise, and the resulting drawing work was a lot more then expected, and the ships were because of that costlier then expected. it is known that the friesland class hull was not out of date (it's construction, only partially welded, was) so what if the dutch build an new ship based on the friesland hull, the type 12 construction method (welded and in blocks) and the type 81 powerplant. the resulting ship is shown here.
[ img ]
I have chosen for weapons that were in the dutch inventory already to further reduce costs (as the van speijk class lost their main gun relatively soon because they were the only ships in the navy that used it, while the 120mm was reused on the tromps and even considered for the LCF)
so the limbo and 4,5in gun are replaced by the bofors mortar and the 120mm gun used on the friesland class.

Author:  Trojan [ January 25th, 2014, 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dutch designed Van Speijk Class

Really interesting design and excellent design! Will you be doing upgrade versions that take it through it service life?

Author:  eswube [ January 26th, 2014, 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dutch designed Van Speijk Class

Interesting what-if design work.

Author:  Hood [ January 26th, 2014, 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dutch designed Van Speijk Class

Now that's a really neat what-if idea. The result looks pretty good, it still has a Leander-ish feel to it and in looks. It appears slightly sleeker and I guess the forecastle might be a bit wetter, but overall it seems fairly similar in design.

Author:  acelanceloet [ January 26th, 2014, 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dutch designed Van Speijk Class

it was my intention to keep it similar. after all, the roles are the same, as are the weapon sizes. the gun is on the same position as it is on the friesland instead of the narrower forward hull of the leander though, which opened the space for the bofors mortar.
note that the bridge and some other parts of this ship will soon be on an update of the van speijk in the real design section :P

Author:  acelanceloet [ April 19th, 2014, 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dutch designed Van Speijk Class

updated the drawing in the first post a bit with the latest parts, as on the updated real life van speijk class ;)

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