
AU ships by Skyder
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Author:  Morten812 [ August 8th, 2015, 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AU ships by Skyder

No lifeboats in 1980?

Author:  Skyder2598 [ August 8th, 2015, 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AU ships by Skyder

@Hood, JSB, superboy: thank you :-)

@Morten: No not yet because I'm not sure what kind of lifeboats to use... the classic boat or this newer look... or a kind of RHIB...? I only place life rafts for the moment... ;-)

Author:  heuhen [ August 8th, 2015, 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AU ships by Skyder

Skyder2598 wrote:
No not yet because I'm not sure what kind of lifeboats to use... the classic boat or this newer look... or a kind of RHIB...? I only place life rafts for the moment... ;-)
lifeboat is standard for a vessel like this, perhaps in the same color as the ship. And I would go for an RHIB, they are more comond for a vessel like this. There main task would be chase possible small boats that get to close, and tow and hold control of life-raft. But the most important thing for an RHIB is to handle a man over board situation, something that can easy happen on a ship of this type.

Author:  Skyder2598 [ August 15th, 2015, 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AU ships by Skyder

Hi all ;-)
I want to show you a new design because I'm not sure about it...

K-90 class
[ img ]
[ img ]
I think I have to change the sonarbulb...

Otherwise any advise/ criticism? Please let me know....;-)

Author:  heuhen [ August 15th, 2015, 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AU ships by Skyder

have a smaller sonar aft for the gun, with an smaller sonar bulb. The sonar it self penetrate often 1 deck on some ships it can penetrate 2 or 3 deck, due to the sonar equipment.

the 76mm gun do also have an deck penetration.

One thing you are going to need is liferafts. or are you'r men going to drown, when the ship sink?

Author:  Skyder2598 [ August 15th, 2015, 9:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AU ships by Skyder

Thanks for your Input heuhen, fixed this points, see above ;-)

Author:  Skyder2598 [ May 4th, 2016, 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AU ships by Skyder

Hi all,
I finished a new vessel, this time in an post-sowjet AU setting:
Pr.510 F100-class
[ img ]

Hope you can give me some input about russian systems/ russian ship style, since I'm not so used to that setting ;-)

Author:  adenandy [ May 4th, 2016, 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AU ships by Skyder

Nice looking ship Skyder. Well drawn matey ;)

Author:  citizen lambda [ May 4th, 2016, 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AU ships by Skyder

That looks nice for sure. Great drawing, nice looking ship overall.
The color I find particularly interesting, with some outstanding relief shading here and there.

Now, for the post-Soviet side of things... *cracks knuckles* from the top of all my 2 months experience drawing post-Soviet AU ships in SB format, here's what I can add to make this look more Soviet (if I understand you right and that's the goal):
- What's with the fire-director radars? You have one Puma over the bridge, which goes with the A-190 gun turret, and then an MR-123 just in front? That would be for the AK-630, but is it necessary?
- Also, isn't the Puma backwards?
- Might be worth it swapping the Garpun and Pozitiv radars for a better detection range against air targets? That's a matter of mission, really.
- You have two home-brewed SAM systems but not a single guidance radar? Do all your SAMs have active guidance?
- Simple matter of drawing standard, but if the first missile (*8) on the right is a VLS-launched SAM, shouldn't it be drawn vertical?
- Wouldn't it make more sense to have two separate VLS cells for the same missile type instead of mixing 2 systems?
- Is there enough space on top of the helo hangar for a VLS? Even if your missiles are cold-launch, that looks like a tight fit for a Ka-27 under there. Also, launching missiles right behind the stack?
- Where is the ECM suite? The main mast should be bristling with bulbs and cylinders for the ESM and jammers.
- Is the tube box on the stern an RBU or a chaff launcher?
- If the double line on the transom the door for a towed-array sonar? If so, the machinery would probably take up all of the volume below the helo deck, leaving no open space.

A couple of general design remarks, Soviet or not:
- You could do with deeper blast cutouts behind the Uran tubes, as it is you only take up the two top tubes of each quad.
- The panel sidings on the bridge wings look like they block the view from the bridge to the sides. You can probably cut them down or bring them back to the level of the bridge further aft.

We might come back to the topic of post-Soviet ships once I stop procrastinating and post what I have on it. There's probably going to be some evolutionary convergence at play on small frigates like this one :lol:

Author:  erik_t [ May 5th, 2016, 12:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AU ships by Skyder

Yes, I think the electronics fit is not well defined. But we can't sort that out until we know the mission. What, exactly, is the role this vessel is designed to fulfill? Doctrinally, this looks like a small ASW frigate but it's paying a heavy price to try to support all other sorts of roles.

A few other things:
  • Apparently gas-turbine powered, but with a dearth of air intakes.
  • Probably too many weapons systems types generally.
  • The liferafts on the bow are hopelessly prone to storm damage.
  • I do not think your hangar is large enough to hold a Ka-27. It's not obvious on a ship this size that you should pay the price for a hangar (cf. helo deck) -- again this will be mission-dependent.
  • I think a lattice mast full of corner reflectors is unlikely on a ship designed to have a relatively small radar signature.
  • Speaking broadly, I think the gun is bigger than makes sense on a hull this size, although again some missions could justify it.
It's attractive and well-executed, though.

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