I'm surprised Klag. You usually come on people like a ton-o-bricks when they post something like this.
Yeah, I know. The conclusion is that I seriously need to look into some blood pressure medication.
But it also depends on what the work itself is trying to come off as. When it's pretty obvious that the guy doesn't know crapola about ships or what he's doing (ala turkishnavyguy), then yeah, it's time for me to reach for my blood pressure medication, so to speak. But when it's clear that he's at least learning, then I'm a lot easier on him.
heuhen's pretty clearly in the latter camp. First of all, he's done quite a bit of real drawings and they're pretty fine (though, yeah, I did explode on him when he didn't follow the guidelines on his first ship, but a part of that's because first of all it's pretty clearly outlined in the style guide [BTW, I lurked here for two months before registering - well, at the old board at least], and second of all, it was such a fine technical drawing actually to begin with - and I got sick and tired of otherwise fine ships getting rejected because they didn't exactly follow the shading guide, ala what kept happening to lazer_one...plus probably some of Colo rubbed off on me, the parts that you don't necessarily want to rub off
) so he's up to snuff from a technical perspective. But secondly, there are very strong hints that he's learning, maybe even experimenting.
To be honest with you, the guess that he had assumed the 4-inchers were single-purpose was just that - a guess erring in his favor. But I've observed that this seems to be a common mistake with people not as familiar with ships, since people seem to assume that a DP gun has to be in a turret - and there's some reasoning behind this assumption as turrets have very visible local directors and etc., plus in USN use there aren't too many DP guns that are in open mounts, while the opposite is true for single-purpose medium-caliber guns. But also, the layout seems to suggest to me that he's either learning, just getting the hang of, or experimenting with turret and gun layout. Like I said, he seems to be trying to emphasize a strong, pre-dread-like secondary armament. But yeah, it's a step in the learning process, and some interesting personal experimentation. And finally, like I said, it shows a lot of technical proficiency in terms of drawing - the hull's a bit overloaded on detail, but it shows he's getting the Shipbucket technique down, which is most important.
And a bit of a note - if you'll recall the AU that I'm working on and just introduced. The hull shape is practically exactly what I've been envisioning for some of the dreadnoughts I want to draw, and it would save me a lot of time in having to draw one from scratch
And yes, heuhen will be credited, naturally.