
Independent State of Newfoundland
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Author:  whitey_nl [ March 6th, 2011, 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Independent State of Newfoundland

After taking a look at one of the more developed AU maps, I noticed my home was made an "Independent State" bordering the Kingdom of Quebec. Notwithstanding the fact that Quebec has Labrador, I felt that my "nation" deserved to have a representative navy. Being an island nation, surrounded on three sides by a rather militaristic society, even our rather modest nation deserves a strong navy to protect our interests.

(In reality, in 1949 Newfoundland [and Labrador] joined Canada as a result of a massive war-debt from World Wars I and II [which Britain decided was too much for them to forgive...god save the king] rather than remain independent or enter into a trade deal with the US. I'm assuming in this AU that as a result of Quebec and the like Britain figured us remaining independent would be better than being almost fullly cut-off from the rest of Canada or being a part of the Atlantic Confederation.)

The IS of Newfoundland is a parliamentary republic (within the commonwealth, as represented by the Union flag in the canton of the ISN flag) with a population of about two million, made up of the traditional ethnic groups of the island (Irish, Scottish, English) but also Anglo-Quebecois who went east after the Kingdom was established, Cape Bretons who fled for similar reasons, and Anglo-loyalists who left the Confederation.

The IS has a liberal-statist economy based around heavy industry, manufacturing, natural resources, agriculture and the fishery. While the economy may not be as strong as it's neighbours, it provides for a good standard of living for it's people with a economy worth about $200 billion, a GDP per capita of about $60,000-$70,000 and an unemployment rate of about 8%.

The military has always commanded a fair bit of respect in NL, so a well trained and equipped Newfoundland Defence Force would be a must, with a small active force but a large reserve force. Because of it's unique position, it maintains a policy of permanent armed neutrality, but keeps close ties with Canada, the Confederacy, US, and Europe and a rather arms-length relationship with the Kingdom.

Anyway, below are the ships of the Newfoundland Maritime Defence Force, or Newfoundland Navy:
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This is the Cabot Class guided missle frigate, the mainstay of the Newfoundland fleet. Named for the modern discoverer of the island, John Cabot, this is a Meko 200 design with a few minor changes for the climate of the North Atlantic and the defensive nature of Newfoundland's navy. Is a general purpose frigate with a strong ASW capability due to Newfoundland's location in the North Atlantic.

Displacement: 4,000 tons full-load, Length: 117.5 m, Beam: 14.8 m, Draft: 6.0 m
Propulsion: 2 gas turbines, 2 diesel turbines; Speed: 31 knots (gas) 21 knots (diesel); Range: 8,000 km
Sensors: Signaal radars, Raytheon sonars, Nixie torpedo decoy; Complement: 173
Armaments: 76 mm Otobreda DP main gun; 16-cell Mk-48 VLS for RIM-7 Sea Sparrow or RIM-162 ESSM; 8 RGM-84 Harpoons; 2 triple torpedo launchers for Mk 46 torpedoes; 2 30mm Goalkeeper CIWS.
Aircraft Carried: 1 AgustaWestland AW101 Cormorant ASW helicopter
Ships of the class: John Cabot, Jacques Cartier, Leif Ericson, Erik Thorvaldsson

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This is the St. John's Class patrol boat, which is the main patrol vessel of the Newfoundland fleet. Also known as the City class, four ships of the class were transferred from the Royal Navy after the Chinese regained control of Hong Kong. No real changes were made to this class, save for some cold and rough-weather improvements.

Displacement: 712 tons full-load, Length: 62.6 m, Beam: 10 m, Draft: 2.72 m
Propulsion: 2 diesel turbines; Speed: 30 knots
Sensors: N/A; Complement: 30-40
Armaments: 76 mm Otobreda DP main gun, 2 20 mm machine guns, 2 7.62 mm machine guns
Aircraft Carried: n/a
Ships of the class: St. John's, Corner Brook, St. Anthony, Gander

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The Avalon Class attack and patrol submarine is the backbone of Newfoundland's ASW capabilities and are locally built versions of the Type 209 diesel-electrics designed by the Germans for export. Named after peninsulas on the island, this class augments the surface capabilities of the Cabot class to protect Newfoundland waters from foreign submarines.

Displacement: 1,454 tons submerged
Length: 62 m, Beam: 7.6 m, Draft: 5.8 m
Propulsion: 4 diesel engines; Speed: 10 knots surface, 21.5 knots submerged
Sensors: n/a; Complement: 30
Armaments: 8 21-inch torpedo tubes; Mk 48 torpedoes or UGM-84 Harpoons
Aircraft Carried: n/a
Ships of the class: Avalon, Bonavista, Humber, Burin

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The Hibernia Class represents Newfoundland's ocean-going replenishment capability and is a locally-built version of the German Berlin Class AOR. Named for the Hibernia oil field on the Grand Banks (itself named after another name for Ireland) it gives Newfoundland it's blue-water capabilities by providing long-range replenishment and refueling.

Displacement: 20,400 tons, Length: 173.7 m, Beam: 24 m, Draft: 7.6 m
Propulsion: 2 diesel engines; Speed: 20 knots
Sensors: n/a; Complement: 139 (+94)
Armaments: 4 27 mm autocannons
Aircraft carried: 2 x AgustaWestland AW101 Cormorant MP/ASW helicopters
Ships of the class: Hibernia

Apologies for how they are posted, am doing it from another computer so it got a little frigged in the shuffle.

Author:  Blackbuck [ March 6th, 2011, 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Independent State of Newfoundland

Rather interested in this one. I was doing albeit mainly the air and ground portions of an AU for Newfoundland. Will be nice to see how this pans out.

However your thumbnails don't link to the full images.

Author:  Novice [ March 6th, 2011, 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Independent State of Newfoundland

I would have like to comment on this, but seems that imageshack and my computer don't see eye-to-eye, that is I cann't see anything from imageshack :(

Author:  CanisD [ March 6th, 2011, 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Independent State of Newfoundland

Using Firefox I right clicked the pictures to view in a new tab then deleted the ".th" from the url and got the full sized picture.

Author:  acelanceloet [ March 6th, 2011, 9:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Independent State of Newfoundland

interesting ships. few things though:
- you will have to replace some of the parts on your ships with the new ones. look for them in the parts sheets discussion, if you can't find them or if you need help which ones, PM me and I will help you out.
- I am a bit worrying about the credits, have you scratch-drawn these ships or have you used parts from other drawings? if the first, you are an great new artist, if the second, you should add credits for the original authors.
- on most if not all of your ships, I am missing air defence missiles........

Author:  TimothyC [ March 6th, 2011, 9:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Independent State of Newfoundland

Because I'm taking a break from fixing physics lab reports:

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All fixed.
Major detail: You removed the original credits. This is something that is easy to forget, but should be fixed ASAP. Because (other than the Sub) you didn't change much you should have left them as MConrads; Mosquito; MConrads, Enrr; and MConrads as you've cloned the ANZAC class, Peacock Class, Various Subs, and the Berlin Class
Minor detail: Helicopters that are embarked are shown as having landed on the respective pads, and the Cabot class needs it's missiles.

Author:  Thiel [ March 6th, 2011, 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Independent State of Newfoundland

Unless you change something on the drawing you shouldn't credit yourself at all, at least not in my opinion.
And no, removing flags and hull number doesn't count in my book.

Author:  whitey_nl [ March 6th, 2011, 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Independent State of Newfoundland

Yes as I said I had a few issues with imageshack on the loaner computer I was using, and also loaded first drafts rather than the finals, so that will be fixed later when I have my proper hard-drive with all the completed files in them. (First drafts also lack appropriate credits, so apologies to anyone who's work I may have plagarized as a result, if apology insufficient, my lawyer will call your lawyer.)

Author:  Thiel [ March 6th, 2011, 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Independent State of Newfoundland

What do you need the Hibernia for?
From what I can read you want a navy optimised for defending your country, not attacking another or international missions, so you're better of spending the money on more patrol vessels and/or a fifth Frigate.
Oh and the aft Goalkeeper installation on the Cabot is impossible. There's a hangar underneath it and the GK has a decent deck penetration.

Author:  whitey_nl [ March 6th, 2011, 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Independent State of Newfoundland

Alrighty, got my normal computer back up, and have removed the offending images (apologies to Enrr, MConrads and Mosquito) and uploaded the finals I had done. Made a slight change to the Cabot as a result of Thiel's comments. Had forgotten about the deck penetration of the Goalkeeper. With regards to Hibernia, while this navy is designed for defence inkeeping with neutrality principles (and as such would not need long distance capabilities) being Canadian and watching our AOR's being deployed has shown me that often times these ships are used more for disaster relief than international missions (for example last year when Hurricane Igor struck the island and caused $200-million in damages, such a ship would have proved extremely useful).

Cabot Class
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St. John's Class C
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Avalon Class
[ img ]
Hibernia Class
[ img ]

Have been toying with idea of some sort of air defence destroyer, maybe one or two. Nothing fancy, maybe a modified-Adams class or something along those lines. Given the strength of the Quebec navy, and the fact that St. Pierre and Miquelon is an airbase located only five minutes flying time from the island makes me think that even one aging destroyer armed with SAM's would prove useful...kinda like Canada's Iroquois class, but less of a make-work project.

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