Since the Republic of Rossiya was an utter failure, I decided to redo everything with a new life and now she is called the United Federal States of Lothringen. She will be redesigned and restructured.
If you see a resemblance to something from the map, I congratulate your keen eye.
Flag of the United Federal States of Lothringen
Flag of the Lothringenese Federal Armed Forces
Flag and Ensign of the Lothringenese Federal Army
Flag and Ensign of the Lothringenese Federal Navy
Flag and Ensign of the Lothringenese Federal Marine Corps
Flag and Ensign of the Lothringenese Federal Air Force
[list]Official Name: United Federal States of Lothringen (Vereinigte Bundesländer Lothringen)
Capital: Chuikov Stadt
Date of Independence: 1st July 1776
National Anthem: Tapferkeit von Lothringen (Valour of Lothringen)
Motto: Einigkeit macht stark (Unity is Strength)
Demonym: Lothringenese
Population: 345 million (2014)
Military Strength: 8 million (2014)
Currency: Lothringenese Lothmark
GDP: $ 15.5 trillion (2014)
Type of Government: Federal presidential constitutional republic
Legislature: Bundeskongress
[list]Upper house: Federal'nyy Senat
Lower house: Bundesrepräsentantenhaus[/list]
Official Religion: None
[list]50% German
20% Russian
12% Others
10% British
5% French
3% Spanish[/list][/list]