
Republic of Unified Korea
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Author:  gordo8000 [ April 27th, 2012, 8:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Republic of Unified Korea

This is my first AU, so I kept it short and sweet.

Republic of Unified Korea

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RoUK Backstory

In 2013, North Korea was in turmoil. After the death of Kim Jong Il and the take over of his son, Kim Jong Un, the country began to rapidly deteriorate. There were several coup attempts and the government began to execute anyone that was even remotely thought to be connected. With rogue factions running amok and the government resuming long range missile tests, the US began deploying ABM assets from Japan and Hawaii. On a cool day in September, an extremist faction of the North Korean Army broke in and highjacked a long range missile facility, intending to launch an Unha-4 Rocket, a more developed version of the Unha-3 that massively failed in 2012, hastily fitted with a stolen nuclear weapon at Japan. The world collectively crapped its pants. With its finger on the button (literally) the US waited for the launch. At 6:18 PM on September 9th, 2013 a rocket was launched from the Sohae Satellite Launching Station. Right as the Guided Missile Cruiser Shiloh was about to launch an SM-3 to intercept the missile, am interesting thing happened, the Unha-4 exploded about 1 minute after launch. The Nuclear warhead that had been hastily fitted was never recovered.

Although the missile launch failed, the world, especially South Korea, was not going to let North Korea run rampant, especially a nuclear-armed North Korea. Economic Sanctions had repeatedly failed, so the South Korean government put forward a much more drastic plan, calling for enacting of OPLAN 5029 ( The particular scenario called for a joint US and South Korean invasion of the North. After that, the UN would start pumping in aid. The UN promptly rejected the plan, still convinced that the situation would work itself out. After waiting a year without the situation improving at all, the South Korean government launched OPLAN 5029. The US only played a supporting role, providing air support and sending Special Ops teams into North Korea to secure their nuclear weapons. Although the UN wouldn't support the operation, they did not complain or try to stop it. The South Korean Army met heavy resistance, but thanks to a number of factors, including massive technological superiority and the fact that the North Korean army was made up of mostly conscripts, most of whom decided to surrender with the promise of food, the South Korean Military suffered only moderate losses. Once it reached Pyonyang, it discovered that the remains of the DPRK Government had fled to parts unknown. Once the South Korean Military reached the border with China, the UN did begin to send aid to North Korea.

The South Korean Government made Seoul the capital of the new Republic of Unified Korea and began to rebuild the North. Thanks to the massive influx of people, this went rather quickly. By 2021, what was North Korea had become a very industrialized region. The economy of the RoUK had become the second largest in Asia, rivaled only by China. During these seven years, the Korean military had fallen into complete shambles. With no perceived enemy left, the process of keeping the military armed with the most current weapons and training was considered too expensive. This changed rapidly in 2022 when China, becoming more and more belligerent, began to position more and more troops on the border between the RoUK and Herself. The RoUK Government began a massive rearmament and expansion program, updating and expanding its armed forces with both foreign and local equipment.

Republic of Unified Korea General Information
Establishment Date: September 21, 2014
Government: Unitary Semi-Presidential Republic
Capital: Seoul
Largest City: Seoul
Official Language: Korean
Secondary Language: English
--Korean (95%)
--Other (White, Hispanic, Negro...etc) (5%)
Total Population: Roughly 80 million
Total GDP (PPP): 1.912 trillion
Per Capita Income: $43,976
Chief Exports: Electronics, Robotics, Automobiles, Military Products, Iron Ore, Tungsten, Nuclear Reactors
Currency: Korean Won
Area: 85,219 square miles

Ship Designs will follow shortly.

Author:  LEUT_East [ April 27th, 2012, 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Republic of Unified Korea

very ambitious AU mate but certainly a worthy one. Shame this is not real life as both North Korea and South Korea need a swift kick in the ass to knock some sense into them.

Author:  gordo8000 [ April 27th, 2012, 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Republic of Unified Korea

Damn right.

Author:  gordo8000 [ April 27th, 2012, 9:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Republic of Unified Korea

My first design: the Iedeu Pinigseu-class Guided Missile Frigate.

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Iedeu Pinigseu-class Guided Missile Frigate (Standard Configuration)
Speed: 30+ knots
Sensors/Processing Systems:
-- 1x Thales I-Mast 500
-- 2x STIR IK Gun/Missile Directors
-- 1x DSQS-21BZ Hull Mounted Sonar
Electronic Warfare and Decoys:
-- 10x Acoustic Decoys hidden behind stealth panels
-- 2x Nulka Decoy Launchers
-- 1x Otobreda 76mm Super Rapid Gun
-- 1x 32-cell Mk41 VLS carrying RIM-162 ESSM (quadpacked)
-- 2x Quad-cell Mk141 Launchers carrying SSM-700K Hae Sung I ASM's
-- 1x 30mm Goalkeeper CIWS
-- 2x Mk38 25mm Remotely Operated Weapon Stations
-- 2x Mark 32 TTT's carrying K745 Chung Sang Eo Lightweight Torpedos
Aircraft carried:
-- Hangar with capacity for 1x MH-60R Seahawk LAMPS III Helicopter or 2x UAV's

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Iedeu Pinigseu-class Guided Missile Frigate (Land Attack Configuration)
Speed: 30+ knots
Sensors/Processing Systems:
-- 1x Thales I-Mast 500
-- 2x SPQ-9B Surface Search Radar
-- 1x DSQS-21BZ Hull Mounted Sonar
Electronic Warfare and Decoys:
-- 10x Acoustic Decoys hidden behind stealth panels
-- 2x Nulka Decoy Launchers
-- 1x BAE 155mm AGS Lite
-- 1x 32-cell K-VLS carrying Hyunmoo-3D Land Attack Missiles
-- 1x 30mm Goalkeeper CIWS
-- 2x Mk38 25mm Remotely Operated Weapon Stations
Aircraft carried:
-- 1x MH-60R Seahawk LAMPS III Helicopter (open deck only)

Comment away.

Author:  Trojan [ April 28th, 2012, 4:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Republic of Unified Korea

Is there anyway that vls can be equipped to also carry air to air missiles and why get rid of the asms that area looks a little empty right bow
looks pretty good to me though overall

Author:  gordo8000 [ April 28th, 2012, 4:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Republic of Unified Korea

Well, it was meant to be a dedicated surface attack platform, so I will probably put the ASM's back, but I had to remove the missile directors to make room for the cannons director and to make a place for the Goalkeeper. The patrol variant is meant to handle anti-air.

Author:  Trojan [ April 28th, 2012, 5:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Republic of Unified Korea

yeah i totally get that i just feel that that may limit its overall capabilities
is your gun not able to use the same director as your other ship uses for its 76mm?

Author:  gordo8000 [ April 28th, 2012, 5:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Republic of Unified Korea

I have had this discussion with some of the more knowledgeable members of this site and none knew what directors could be used with it. Unfortunately the AGS Lite (which is what that gun is) is only brochure wear, so to speak. Since the regular AGS, the only production version, has not been equipped to any warships yet, and sice the folks at BAE Systems are keeping there traps shut, there no way to know what kind of director can be used. I only went with SPQ-9B because it seemed like the logical choice.

Author:  Trojan [ April 28th, 2012, 5:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Republic of Unified Korea

ahhh ok well u seemed to be better informed than me then

Author:  gordo8000 [ April 28th, 2012, 5:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Republic of Unified Korea

Trust me, I was just wingin it with the director, I have know idea whether its even remotely feasible or not. The AGS fires GPS-guided shells, so it may not even need a director.

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