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Post subject: Pax Universalis, The AUPosted: June 24th, 2011, 6:49 am
Posts: 1971
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This is the main Thread for Pax Universalis. Here is where you can post your country and its ships and equipment.

"It is better to type nothing and be assumed an ass, than to type something and remove all doubt." - Me

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Post subject: Re: Pax Universalis, The AUPosted: June 24th, 2011, 4:42 pm
Posts: 1971
Joined: July 27th, 2010, 8:33 pm
Here is mine as an example:

Dracan Commonwealth, Pax Universalis

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The Dracan Commonwealth is a commonwealth of 13 Islands, following the truest form of the term commonwealth. The Islands were fought over by different Shoguns and War Chiefs for a long period of time, in 1730 EEY a Shogun named Tatsuhiro Dracan united the islands under one government and then stepped down to allow for free elections. His troops enforced the elections and he retired to a private life. The first Prime Minister of the Dracan Commonwealth was Phelan Genkei. The Congress of the Dracan Commonwealth knew of the danger to the east and so built up their military to defend against any invasion. At the time of the Great War the DCN was a formidable naval power in its own right. With oil and fertile lands blessing the Dracan Commonwealth they have made enemies of their jealous neighbors. And during the Spring Revolution, the DCN offered aid to any country fighting against it, making themselves enemies of every SRF country.


The Army and Marines use weapons created by Dracan Commonwealth Arms, the country's National Arms Developer, developed the DC-58 (similar to the L1A1). Armor is a strong element of the two services. The Current MBT and APC are the Type-421 Chieftain and Type-432 Bulldog, respectively, the scout role being taken up by the Type-551 Scorpion.

The Navy used many different vessels since its inception. Before it became a Commonwealth, the Royal Shogunate Navy was the only naval force for the Dracan Islands. After the DC became a commonwealth, the navy consisted mostly of destroyers, frigates and a few cruisers. In 1916 the development of Pocket Cruisers and Pocket Battleships, allowed for some serious firepower in the commonwealth. 3 Essex Class Fleet Carriers are currently active. The DCN built submarines, starting with the Shark Class Diesel Attack Submarine. After that, the Navy developed nuclear submarines, finally culminating in the Orca Class Nuclear Attack Submarine. The Naval Air Service uses F-21N Seahawks for interceptor work, F-11C Tigers as all weather fighters and MIGCAP, A-4E Skyhawks for Attack and Light Fighter roles.

The Air Force was brand new in 1910. The DCAF is currently using F-21C Lionhawks as the primary fighter and the A-4 Skyhawk for ground attack, the long range bomber role goes to the B-58C Hustler.

Earth Equivalent Culture: Mix of Celt and Japanese (best of both worlds if you will)
Tax rate: 35%
Population: 13,158,934
GDP: $507,000,000,000
GovBdgt: $177,450,000,000
Currency: Commonwealth Pound ($)
Administration: 5%
Social Welfare: 10%
Healthcare: 10%
Education: 10%
Dept. of Defense: 15%
Army: 20%: Army: 29,380 active personnel; Yearly Budget: $7,410,000,000; Maintenance, contracting, payouts, manpower & misc expenses: $5,928,000,000; Budget Available for New Acquisitions & Upgrades: $1,482,000,000
Air Force: 30%: Air Force: 44,070 active personnel; Yearly Budget: $11,115,000,000; Maintenance, contracting, payouts, manpower & misc expenses: $8,892,000,000; Budget Available for New Acquisitions & Upgrades:$2,223,000,000
Navy: 30%: Navy: 44,070 active personnel. Yearly Budget: $11,115,000,000. Maintaince, contracting, payouts, man-power & misc expenses: $$8,892,000,000; Budget Available for New Acquisitions & Upgrades: $2,223,000,000
Marines: 20%: Marines: 29,380 active personnel. Yearly Budget: $7,410,000,000. Maintaince, contracting, payouts, manpower & misc expenses: $5,928,000,000. Budget Available for New Acquisitions & Upgrades: $1,482,000,000
Law & Order: 10%
Environment: 7.5%
Infrastructure/Public Trans: 10%
Roads: 25%
Public Trans: 25%
Gov Buildings: 25%
Public Utilities: 25%
Science & Tech: 7.5%
Dept. of Commerce: 7.5%
Customs and Revenue Service
Commonwealth Coast Guard
Social Equality: 7.5%

No State Religion

"It is better to type nothing and be assumed an ass, than to type something and remove all doubt." - Me

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Post subject: Re: Pax Universalis, The AUPosted: June 24th, 2011, 5:39 pm
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Posts: 5376
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Location: Aalborg, Denmark
what model do you use to determine country stats?

“Close” only counts with horseshoes, hand grenades, and tactical nuclear weapons.
That which does not kill me has made a grave tactical error


Source Materiel is always welcome.

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Post subject: Re: Pax Universalis, The AUPosted: June 24th, 2011, 5:59 pm
Posts: 1971
Joined: July 27th, 2010, 8:33 pm
Ask Spambot454, he made it up for me.

"It is better to type nothing and be assumed an ass, than to type something and remove all doubt." - Me

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HMS Sophia
Post subject: Re: Pax Universalis, The AUPosted: June 24th, 2011, 7:33 pm
Posts: 863
Joined: May 6th, 2011, 10:34 am
The Dystopian Emirates, Pax Universalis
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The Dystopian Emirates were originally a collection of micro-nations, city-states and corporate collections scattered along the coast of the North-east continent. The only links between them were trading alliances and mutual protection agreements, in the hopes that many of the larger nations would think them too insignificant to be worth attacking. This all changed in the Spring Revolution of 1919, which tied them into a single state, creating something that could actually act on the world stage, and more importantly, have it's actions felt. The nation has conducted a relatively isolationist policy since it's creation, keeping tightly controlled borders, both land and sea.
The Emirates gained it's name during the 1920's, when the newly unified nations practised a policy of citizen suspicion, with a large number of police present in all area's, and with very tight controls on movement and on what people could do. Citizens of the Emirates were watched as much as possible, and tracked when making any movements, including between cities and counties. Various reporters across the world identified it as the perfect real world example of a dystopia, and the name stuck. While the majority of the policy was dropped in 1933, the name was adopted into officialdom in 1967, after the majority of the population started using the name.
The Emirates Navy, along with it's Air force, are centred around a strategy of patrol, deterrent, and intelligence gathering. Many of their ships carry reconnaissance vehicles, and their air force is mainly made up of high flying spy planes and air control fighters.

The Navy:
The Emirates Navy, like it's other armed forces, is built around patrol and local interdiction, rather than long range war-fighting. Most ships are of destroyer size and smaller, with a large number of patrol boats continuously active in the oceans around the Emirates coast-line. Heavy emphasis is placed on anti-submarine warfare, in order to detect and engage any enemy submarines attempting to bypass Emirates interdiction in nearby waters.
The Navy is currently looking into a much expanded force utilising indigenous weaponry and equipment in order to expand its capabilities several times over.
The Navy of 1970:
The pride of the Emirates Navy are a pair of Oberon class cruisers, which were originally built in 1943. They have since been updated to modern technological standards. This upgrade included a rebuild of both masts, including a brand new radar and ECM set-up. The aft turrets were removed, and the X position was fitted with a Volna SAM launcher. The mid-ships section had it's boat removed, the structure strengthened with underfloor steel beams, and a Shaddock launcher was fitted. The Y position was left clear for further modifications at a later date. This has left them in the state seen below:
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After the cruisers, the main ships of the Emirates fleet are it's frigates. These are used to patrol the waters around the country at all times, ranging out into international waters. Most of the frigates built by the Emirates are designed around a large gun battery, relying on helicopters for anti-submarine warfare, and a minimal anti-air battery for air defence. However, since the mid 1960's, many of these policies have begun to change, and more modern designs have seen increased anti-air batteries, and even some ships mounting ship to ship missiles.
The Freyr class frigate is an older design, built in 1962, with some brand new technology fitted aboard. The M-1 Volna had just been approved for shipboard use and the Freyr class was the first frigate to make use of the weapon. She also mounts two of the older 100mm A-190 guns for ship to ship work. A Ka-25 is hangared aft to carry out ASW operations, and to carry out various tasks which make the use of space for a hanger vital on such a ship.
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The Ingr class patrol vessel is one of the smallest ships in use by the Emirates fleet, and when building began in 1964 to replace the antiquated Hermia class patrol ship, multiple hulls were ordered. The P-15 anti ship missiles was mounted on the very aft section of the ship to give it a powerful deterrent to any enemy vessel venturing into Emirate waters. Just forward of this was an Anti-submarine rocket launcher raised on the aft superstructure, giving it the capability to engage and destroy submarines. Its main gun is a twin 57mm turret, which is enhanced by a 37mm open mount, placed on either side of the ships bridge. A lot of equipment is packed into a very small ship, but the Ingr has proved to be a capable patrol vessel when it is assisting the larger fleet elements.
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The Hermia class was the predecessor of the Ingr, and many of the vessels can still be found in the navy, even with it's lack of modern technology and weaponry. It's main armaments are a pair of twin open turret 57mm guns for anti air use, as well as for discouraging small vessels. It's powerful sonar is used to guide it in the hunting of undersea targets, which can then be attacked using it's pair of fixed torpedo tubes. Originally built in 1955, it is relatively slow for a patrol vessel, and it's range is limited by the lack of space aboard, even with it's tall structure. While proposals were made to either refit the class or to update it, it was found to be easier to build a new class of ships, resulting in the Ingr.
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The Helena class coastal patrol boat is one of the smallest ships of the Emirates Navy. It is heavily armed with anti-air weaponry, and carries a small boat for boarding and search operations. Built across four years from 1966, it is also one of the most numerous vessels of the Emirates Navy, having replaced most of the older hulls that were in service. With a strela missile launcher mounted aft, it can counter most threats against the Emirates coast line, especially those low flying aircraft attempting to avoid the patrols and radar that cover it at all times.
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The Lysander is the foremost fleet support vessel in the Emirates Navy, a fleet support vessel being defined as one that does not actively defend the fleet or engage the enemy, instead relying on it's assets, which on the Lysander are it's helicopters. It carries eight to ten Ka-25's configured for anti-submarine warfare which will often be found patrolling the sea around a fleet on the move, protecting it from any unseen threats. They have also been used in amphibious assault operations, replacing it's standard helicopter load with a set of around six Mi-8's and cramming troops and equipment into it's hangars. The ship is lightly armed for it's own protection, but it relies on other vessels to truly defend it. Four of these vessels are currently part of the Emirate's Navy, with the last of the class undergoing outfitting.
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The Navy of 1980:
The Navy of 1980 has much of the same requirements as the Navy of 1970, however the massive updates in equipment available meant that much of the Navy had to be updated in order to fulfil it's objectives and meet those requirements.
The beginnings of this were the 'future cruiser design', which went on to become the Huon class cruiser. Armed with the newest in missile systems developed by the Emirates for both anti air and ship to ship engagements, as well as a large battery of anti-air guns, the Huon is one of the most capable fighting ships of the Emirates Navy at the beginning of a new decade. It also has the capability to support, but not hangar, any helicopter in the Emirates Navy arsenal. Four ships of the class were built, with the first being laid down in 1972, and commissioned into the Emirates Navy in 1975. The last ship was completed in 1978.
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The Air Force:
The Air Force's main role is too patrol the land borders of the Emirates, as well as to aid the Navy in patrolling the waters around the coast. Emphasis is placed on long range patrol aircraft with enough loiter time to remain on station while strike aircraft or naval elements are brought onto target.
The Emirates Air Force time line ranges from the Mig-15 and the Tu-4 in 1950, to the Advanced Airframe programs (FX, AX, BX) of 1995 and beyond. The period from 1975 to the year 2000 was the era of the swing wing aircraft in the EAF, with all three front-line aircraft (the Mig-23, the Mig-27 and the Tu-22M) being variable geometry aircraft.
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The air force of 1960:
In 1960, the Emirates Air Force was still something of a fledgling force. The newer jet powered fighters had completely replaced propeller driven warplanes, while most of the strike force was still driven by piston engines.
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The air force of 1970:
The air force of 1970 in at a point in its evolution where older aircraft are being phased out, and new ones are just being introduced. It's bomber and heavy attack squadrons are understrength, and it's fighters are outdated, awaiting replacement with more modern aircraft.:
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The air force of 1980 and beyond:
The air force, circa 1980, 'the swing wing force'. The air force will remain in this make-up for many years, until replacement by the Advanced Airframe results in the first decade of the 21st Century:
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The Future of the Emirates Armed forces
The Emirates have been taking several design proposals and running several competitions for future warships, aircraft and other equipment.

Last edited by HMS Sophia on September 13th, 2011, 6:36 pm, edited 20 times in total.

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Post subject: Re: Pax Universalis, The AUPosted: June 24th, 2011, 7:34 pm
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Posts: 56
Joined: July 29th, 2010, 6:35 pm
I'm sorry man, but only unique, creative nations will be accepted. No real world look alikes.

When Britain first, at Heaven's command
Arose from out the azure main;
This was the charter of the land,
And guardian angels sang this strain:

"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

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Post subject: Re: Pax Universalis, The AUPosted: June 24th, 2011, 7:42 pm
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Posts: 56
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The Federal Republic of Krisberg

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The Modern Nation of Krisberg did not take on its current forum until 1777. Prior to this, Krisberg was a loose formation of colonies claimed by various Mercheneux states. However, in 1772, The Colonies rebelled in an effort to gain independence. A long and bloody war raged for nearly 5 years until the Mercheneux forces finally packed up and left.

The newly created Republic of Krisberg was, for nearly 20 years, a small coastal nation, dependant on friendly relations with the Tribes to its south. However, in the mid 1800’s Krisberg’s ever expanding population forced the Government to expand the borders west. This process was carried on into the late 1800’s when the Current Borders were established. It was also during this time that Krisberg went through a massive industrialization process, which brought with it large numbers of immigrants.

In 1911, one year after the Great War began, Krisberg decided to send more that token forces to aid its allies. Eventually, 2 Corps were sent to the battlefields overseas, and Krisberg forces gained a reputation for ferocity. In 1915, with the signing of the peace accords the Proud, but exhausted, Krisberg Expeditionary Army set sail for home in time to quell a Spring Revolutionary movement at home. The Government purged all supports from government and implemented changed to the constitution to ensure the survival of Democracy. The effort spread to most of the nations bordering Krisberg, save for several on the Eastern Border.

From these Spring Revolutionary states that the Natives of Krisberg (who had been quite openly denied the rights given to the predominantly white immigrant population) began to receive arms. It was not long until the various Spring movements became united, and under the Banner of the National Lotu Spring Revolutionary Front (LSRF) the natives continue to cause the Republic concern as they ambush farmers and settlers in the Western Territories. As a result, the Army has been forced to fight a low level, but sporadically violent insurgency within its own borders.

As a result of the Insurgency (where light infantry deployed by Para drop or helicopter are more effective), most Army formations stationed in the Republic are Light Infantry, with small detachments of armour, while various formations deployed overseas to combat SRF forces are more heavily armoured. These Armoured or Mechanized Brigades deployed to fellow Republican Alliance nations are a symbol of how far the peace loving people of the Free World are willing to go to ensure the continuance of Democracy.

Land Force Command Vehicles:
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Naval Command Vessals (WIP):
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When Britain first, at Heaven's command
Arose from out the azure main;
This was the charter of the land,
And guardian angels sang this strain:

"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

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HMS Sophia
Post subject: Re: Pax Universalis, The AUPosted: June 24th, 2011, 9:29 pm
Posts: 863
Joined: May 6th, 2011, 10:34 am
Maple-leaf-Warrior wrote:
I'm sorry man, but only unique, creative nations will be accepted. No real world look alikes.
It will be unique. The name is something I use for an RPG nation, and I like the flag. Nothing else will be based on anything.

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Post subject: Re: Pax Universalis, The AUPosted: June 24th, 2011, 10:21 pm
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Posts: 56
Joined: July 29th, 2010, 6:35 pm
I'm not allowing it. You can go make that AU anywhere but here.

oh, and just a little note. The Pax Universalis run here is independant from the one on Junior General. So that means that Nighthunter, spambot and I run this one, and Tau and I run the one on JG. So, if there is a different path you guys want to take this one, It won't affect the one on JG. ;)

When Britain first, at Heaven's command
Arose from out the azure main;
This was the charter of the land,
And guardian angels sang this strain:

"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

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Post subject: Re: Pax Universalis, The AUPosted: June 25th, 2011, 5:21 am
Posts: 206
Joined: November 13th, 2010, 9:54 pm
Thiel wrote:
what model do you use to determine country stats?
NS Economy. Requires Nation States.

"All your base are belong to us"

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