
Kriegsmarine 1946, second approach
Page 86 of 90

Author:  Dilandu [ August 3rd, 2013, 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kriegsmarine 1946, second approach

I'm sure there's an easier way to say "how awful, remove it immediately from our website!" than those bureaucratic procedures.

Author:  Dilandu [ August 3rd, 2013, 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kriegsmarine 1946, second approach

Ok, what next? Fill in the form of 120 pages and sign it by the Elvis Presley?

P.S. Sorry for my sarcasm, but i REALLY hate bureaucratic. I have it more than enough every single day, and when i saw something like
now your credits are move to the right by... 1 pixel
I just simply want to kill this person.

[ img ]

Author:  Rhade [ August 3rd, 2013, 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kriegsmarine 1946, second approach

Dilandu wrote:
Ok, what next? Fill in the form of 120 pages and sign it by the Elvis Presley?
If you can do this... we will be RICH!!! :lol:

Dilandu, Shipbucket is quality. The highest quality! you will not find another that professional site on net. We are not nationstates. ;) Standard templates, fonts, and everything else are here to maintain that quality. Not to be some bureaucratic bullshit. ;)

And this is pixel art lad, sometimes 1 pixel make a difference. :D

Author:  Dilandu [ August 3rd, 2013, 5:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kriegsmarine 1946, second approach

If you can do this... we will be RICH!!!
Oh, piece of cake. As soon as I find a little bit of ivory for my time machine. ;)
Dilandu, Shipbucket is quality. The highest quality! you will not find another that professional site on net. We are not nationstates. ;) Standard templates, fonts, and everything else are here to maintain that quality. Not to be some bureaucratic bullshit.
Forgive me for my rudeness, but in my point of view - it's just a little too far. Its looks almost like "we want you to go away, but but we do not want to seem rude". Anyway, I already need to make an effort to not take it that way. Maybe - just maybe - you have stepped a little too far?...

Author:  acelanceloet [ August 3rd, 2013, 5:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kriegsmarine 1946, second approach

maybe it is not entirely my place to say it, but to avoid any conflicts here I feel called for it. if I overstep my bounds, I hereby apologise in advance.

guys, the template is mainly important for uploading. it is only controlled by the administration team, and that only when uploading. I think all of us like it when the sb template is used with correct crediting and the sb watermark for the sake of nobody stealing work (especially when it is modified work from the main site) but I hardly have any problem with an cleartype error in the AU forum, let alone a few pixels misplacement of the credit line (which, I think, is not even a problem on the main site.) let's not fight over this guys, that is not worth it.

dilandu, nobody wants you to go away. I can assure you that ;)

Author:  Dilandu [ August 3rd, 2013, 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kriegsmarine 1946, second approach

Point taken. And I apologize for my irritable attitude. :)

P.S. Hmm, and i think, the radar must be repositioned.

Author:  Rhade [ August 3rd, 2013, 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kriegsmarine 1946, second approach

Dilandau lad, I have not said one bad thing about your ship. Because it's not bad, maybe need a little polish here and there and maybe underwater part. But for me it's pretty good. Belive me, we have here some people who will with no problem find 10 things that are wrong in that ship. :D But I'm not spec in that, radar types, antenas and stuff just scares me. :lol:

Template Dilandau is a core of Shipbucket. We build everything in it, it's like base for painting. We need to respect it, that the Shipbucket law. ;) I fight with in defense of this law. :D

I just don't understand sometimes people. We have everything here, proper templates, fonts, logos, size... everything is here. But still there is problem with that, wrong fonts, wrong type of credits, no credits at all. Wrong position of template or lack of shipbucket logo. This is so hard to just watch at others work and do the same thing ? Forgive me if this sound like attack on you, it's not, belive me. I just trying to explain why I always fight for the right template. It's my personal crusade. ;)

EDIT: Voice of reason. ;) also Dilandau forgive me if I sound rude.

Author:  Dilandu [ August 3rd, 2013, 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kriegsmarine 1946, second approach

I understood your point, and I'm sorry that I mistook your intentions as a personal attack. :) Just very difficult not to perceive as mockery, when you see the offer "to move something on one pixel to the left", your understand. ;)

Ok, let's finish with this small misunderstanding, hm? ;)

Author:  Ashley [ November 15th, 2013, 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  CV 'Oswald Boelcke'

The big CV 'Owald Boelcke' was launched at Wilhelmshafen yard in 1955. Designed as a counterpart to the 'Midway'- and 'Jinryu'-class carriers she was shorter than Jinryu but wider than Midway. Empty weight is 49.000 to. Unlike any other new carrier the Boelcke brought in some offensive weaponry. She carries two 6" twin-DPs, introduced with the Hipper-class BCGs and two sixtuple multilaunchers on her aft platform. The new 6"-full auto gun can fire an anti-air-mine, ususal shells and a rocketpropelled shell for surface shelling. Main defensive artillery is 8x 5" twin-DP, along with 8x3cm-quads.
A very new invention is the 'Wacker'-system. Basically a 3cm-quad, combined with direct radar-guidance, infrared-measure and lighting, a 54x-launcher for chaff-missiles, the 'Wacker' is an early ciws. Four of them are installed.
The 'Boelcke' carries the enomous 'Panorama'-radar on top, in 1955 the most powerfull mobile radar worldwide. Guidance is done by several 'Urd'-directors, every 6"- and 5"-turret can use single-guidance.
The airwing contains the older Arado Ar-234Ms (bomber) and Me-262Ws (all-weather-fighter). A new supersonic fighter, the FW-299 'Greif', a twinengined deltawing populates the decks. Four FW-299B twoseaters are based on the ship for training purposes. Finally a wing of four Ar-234W 'Nachtauge' AWACS complete the Boelckes air arm. All at all 'Oswald Boelcke' carries 82 aircraft.
The 'Boelcke' had two sister ships. She was stricken in 1998 after two massive rebuilds and endless smaller upgrades. In 2009 scrapping began.
[ img ]

Author:  bezobrazov [ November 15th, 2013, 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kriegsmarine 1946, second approach

What is that on top of her superstructure? A Merry-go-Round??? - Awesome drawing though. Gives a whole new meaning to the term "superdetailed"!

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