To be honest several things strike me in this OrBat.
One is the existence of single-ship squadrons (geschwadern) - mainly with capital ships but also with auxiliaries. For example USN has
separately "administrative" squadrons of ships, and
separately task groups (like carrier battle groups, for example). I guess that these carrier or battleship squadrons are meant to be equivalent of, for example, US CVBG's and escorts would be taken from the other squadrons "as needed"? But with auxiliaries IMHO it would be more practical to keep them together with the ships they are meant to support (like is - or at least was - the case in Bundesmarine, where each squadron of warships, besides the appropriate number of their "primary" vessels had it's "own" tender/AO/AOR/whatever...).
Also these 2-3 ship mine warfare squadrons look bit tiny to be really effective.
And in naval aviation it seems that You're using the word "geschwader" - which in "real world" describes air wing - for formations that are mere squadrons ("staffel") or even flights/detachments.
But overall very impressive.