Finaly its Finnish time! After struggeling with the Soviet side of this AU, the Finnish one has managed to remain suprisinly stable at my mind after I've setled to the almost campy exaggeration of the Finnish eastbound dreams to Pacific Ocean and greating so absurd AU concept that it has actualyl turned out to be really cool... Atleast for me. The history of this version of Finland is pretty much the same as descriped in length in the other
thread, so I wont repeat it here.
The entire idea of trying to figure out how to defend two such drastically different maritime regions so far away from each others, with only fraction of the Industrial capacity and potential that of OTL Russia/Soviet Union, has been almost as fun and inspiring exersise as have been the creation of proper Blue Water Soviet carrier fleet. Lots of Soviet ideas for naval defence, that I've discarded justly in my Soviet version have started to make lot of sense in my Finland reversion. This exersize is far from beeing complete, this time I will present you only the Fleet in 1939-1945, leaving the Orginal Principal Grand fleet (that orginates this) and the more contemporary cold war fleet to other time (after I've done with the Soviet Carriers)
Most of these ships have been laying in my archive for really long time, some even for years, and all educated ones will naturally grasp the idea that is the base in this fleet when they see the familiar ships in newly guises. Some migth argue that proper AU should have all ships 100 % orginal, and I agree, but Im not shipdesigner, so before we see that, I need to reorientate my mindset for something else
. All drawings are naturally 100% done by me (unless otherwise indicated)
So as a starters, here is the weaponchart and since the AU finland for me is not just ships, but some sort of socio-political statement against trend of things, here is bit more detailed idea of some basic military decoration.