
Commonwealth of Malpusian States
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Author:  acelanceloet [ January 3rd, 2014, 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Commonwealth of Malpusian States

not neccesarely, if you have 2 launchers and 2 directors already you could put them next to the mast and have an way larger field of fire.
that said, the ship is quite oversized in weight for the used weapons now and you will have to ballast the ship.

Author:  Shipright [ January 3rd, 2014, 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Commonwealth of Malpusian States

You control tower is too big. Having been an HCO I would have certainly appreciated such spacious digs. But in reality all I had was a 3'x2' window and maybe 40 square feet of space behind it. Take a look at some current CRUDES ships to get an idea of what I am talking about. The ones I used looked exactly like this:

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Author:  acelanceloet [ January 3rd, 2014, 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Commonwealth of Malpusian States

actually..... ... 0-1959.jpg
this is the base ship :P
for an destroyer, yes, it is too big. this cruiser however had the helicopter load or an small helicarrier, and thus carried an helicopter control like we often find on LPD and OAR ships these days.

Author:  swin_lad [ January 30th, 2014, 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Commonwealth of Malpusian States

A few designs I've been working on.

1st: - AAW Destroyer. Designed as a long endurance AAW escort with secondary ASW/NGS roles. Got a 64 cell VLS, 155mm gun, 2 Phalanx

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2nd: - Short Range FAC. Designed to do short range work in the littorals. 2 Phalanx, Harpoon and RAM

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3rd: - Fast Reaction Patrol Craft. Based on number 2 with a single Phalanx and a space for a helo to land. Used to for quickly reacting to things such as rescues and time critical smugglers etc

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Author:  swin_lad [ February 15th, 2014, 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Commonwealth of Malpusian States

Note: - In my AU T45 never existed.

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This is a "Support Cruiser", designed to provide support to Littoral fleets and Ampib Ops. The vessel operates 3 Large Helo's (Chinook or CH-53(I need to change the RAF Image I know). In an open ocean war it will operate as a support vessel for ASW ops with 6 FightHawk helo's.

Author:  klagldsf [ February 16th, 2014, 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Commonwealth of Malpusian States

This "support cruiser" looks like one of the worst examples of "muddled mission syndrome" I've seen in a good while. Such a long vessel, especially with hull cut-outs for vehicle ramps, brings in my mind questions of both stability and whether or not the hull is even going to break. Plus, it's meant to support fleets - but operate independently? Those two missions are mutually exclusive! You would design two separate ships for that! If it's meant to support fleets you can remove the VLS and the guns (as presumably the ships its supporting would have them) and just have a replenishment ship. If it's meant to operate independently you can remove any replenishment equipment as there'd be nothing to replenish.

Author:  acelanceloet [ February 16th, 2014, 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Commonwealth of Malpusian States

unless you have an carrier-like beam, the hull is going to break. you have not enough depth to keep this hull in shape.
it is not an purely bad concept, but the ship you drew is.... well, not cutting it. if you want I can give some advice how I would shape it?

Author:  swin_lad [ February 16th, 2014, 11:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Commonwealth of Malpusian States

Please Ace :), any comments on the three vessels above the Support Cruiser?

Author:  swin_lad [ May 23rd, 2014, 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Commonwealth of Malpusian States

Been fiddling with these designs for a while:

During the mid-90's the Navy was looking for a replacement for it's Type 42 (AAW) and Spruance Class (GP) vessels with a single class of ship. The main requirements were very long range and room for future upgrades. Several companies responded to the RFP which didn't state a weapon system and was designed to give maximum capability. Several designs were considered including the Arleigh Burke, Horizon Class and some new designs, all of which said one vessel should replace both types allowing for double the number of ships. The design settled on actually was the only one using the same basic design but modified for use in each role.

The first batch to be built were the AAW batch which consisted of the Sampson and S1850M Radars and the Guardian missiles. This vessel, although capable of carry a large variety of missiles in its A70 VLS only carries MRCAMM (Quad Packed), and Guardian AAW/ABM missiles. It retains a 4.5 inch gun for ASuW/NGS. It was decided during the design phase that these vessels would have a high end sonar fit to allow them to act as ASW search vessels and then bringing outside assets or their helo to "kill" the sub.

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The second batch (they were built in alternation so one AAW then one GP and so on) were the GP batch which added Sea Streagle SSM and a wider range of VLS missiles are carried. It's electronics fit is based around an IMast as it wasn't deemed to need a high end electronics suit. This means that it doesn't carry LRSAMs but it is capable of doing such if operating alongside a vessel with a better radar fit.

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Still large amounts to do in detailing etc but it would be good to gather opinions first.



Author:  swin_lad [ March 27th, 2016, 11:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Commonwealth of Malpusian States

Some "new" and updated vessels:

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1. Cove Class FAC

I took one of RP1's vessels and fitted it out as a proper little littoral FAC. Armed with Phalanx and Sea Eagle II it is specifically designed for close to shore duties. 20 procured with 2 currently at Akrotiri to support the British garrison and 6 in the Persian Gulf.

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2. Flower Class Corvette

Designed for the dreaded constabulary tasking's. Based on the VT Cerberus it is modified to Malpusian requirements including an Artisan Radar, Bofors 57mm and 12 MBDA Sea Ceptor missiles.

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3. Channel Class LPH

Base on the Island Class LPD design these vessels are designed to be used to put forces ashore quickly with a secondary role of providing ASW Helo's to an ASW Force.

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