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Post subject: Re: Antara 2.5Posted: April 4th, 2021, 8:07 am
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Very nice work, good to see this AU ticking along nicely with new works.

Hood's Worklist
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Post subject: Re: Antara 2.5Posted: April 4th, 2021, 1:58 pm
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Thx, Hood :D

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Post subject: Re: Antara 2.5Posted: April 6th, 2021, 3:16 pm
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very nice ships. Your personal design/handsign is clearly visible from the smallest to the biggest. Very nice!

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Post subject: Re: Antara 2.5Posted: April 6th, 2021, 6:29 pm
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O'Gara class destroyer

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The O'Garas, commissioned in 1351, used the same basic hull as the Syces, with minor differences. The class was fundimentally the same role wise, in that in was designed primarily around air defense and picket duty, with ASW and surface warfare taking a backseat. Like the Syce, O'Gara sported three twin 127s which had been the staple for dual purpose weaponry in the navy for some twenty years at this point. The medium/close range defense sphere was occupied by four twin 76mm/50s, two on each side, and two-centerline and superfiring. While this armament would have been excellent in the 40s, it was lacking by the Haishang Conflict in 1364. By then the O'Garas had traded an aft gun mount for an MkS1 missile launcher, which proved at least satisfactory.

The O'Garas would be the last destroyers to be built at such a low displacement, as frigates of the same area were nearing in size and capability. The only thing that prevented these destroyers from being classified as lowly frigates was their high speed and range. They were as such judged to be fast fleet escorts.

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Displacement - 2140 tonnes standard
Speed - 36 knots
Range - 8000nm at 16 knots
Main battery - 3x2 127mm/45
Torpedoes - 4x1 with reloads.
Air defense - 4xII 76mm/50, as built
Armor - 15mm anti-fragmentation around machinery and weapon mounts/shields. 25mm turret front plate and conning tower.

Ships in class

O'Gara - scrapped, 1385
Sable - sunk in gunnery training, 1388
Pacella - scrapped, 1385
Garnett - sunk in gunnery training, 1385

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Last edited by Shigure on May 17th, 2023, 4:28 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Post subject: Re: Antara 2.5Posted: April 14th, 2021, 5:44 pm
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Type XII-class long-range submarine

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The Type XIIs were a series of high endurance Sieg submarines (U-boats) designed to operate as far as the Antaran Hampton islands in the Freyatic Ocean in the event the two superpowers went to war. While U-boats had generally good cruising range, additional tonnage was required for extra supply storage and living space for the crew. This enlarged size made it only slightly smaller than Antaran fleet submarines. Another improvement that came as a result of the increased tonnage was an extra two torpedo forward torpedo launchers, however the total torpedo count remained at the standard 22.

While most U-boats would prey on Wesmeric ships at the outbreak of war, Type XII captains were renowned for journeying into Antaran waters and picking a fight with them instead. Type XIIs had the largest share of documented Antaran sinkings of any U-boat group of the World War.

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The most well known incident involving a Type XII was of U-218 in 1346. U-218 was tasked with delivering plans and some components of a nuclear bomb to the Osorans, which required her to journey across the Tiamatic Sea and rendezvous with an Osoran task force to pick up the cargo. A trip across the Tiamatic was rare for the Siegs - who operated mostly in the Freyatic. U-218 made the Atia strait on 15 November, 1346, and arrived in Fuyuang Sea around early December. Unknown to the crew at the time they made sea, the Tiamatic and nearby Fuyuang were contested waters.

To make matters worse, the Antarans had been made aware of the meet up as a result of Osoran code-breaking. The exact details of what occurred leading up to the eventual battle between the Antarans and the Osorans as neither U-218 or any of the Osoran ships survived the engagement. U-218 met up with the Osoran force, made up of six destroyers, around the 3rd of December. U-218 departed the same day, and an hour later the force came under surface fire from an Antaran formation.

The Antarans consisted of a light cruiser, escorted by nine destroyers. Only one ship was of note, destroyer DeMaine, whose sonar officer thought he heard a submerged vessel passing beneath her as the battle commenced. The engagement continued for 40 minutes and resulted in the sinking of all Osoran ships that took part. DeMaine asked for permission to pursue the sonar contact, despite having only a rough bearing of where it went. After permission was obtained, DeMaine gave chase.

For at least 11 hours, DeMaine reported no additional contacts, and a nearby task force had even attempted to fly recon aircraft with no success. DeMaine suffered an engine failure, brought about by the constant running at high speeds during the previous action, and was forced to drop her speed to 8 knots for a day. On the 5th, DeMaine made radar contact with U-218 at a range of about 30 kilometers, presumably because DeMaine had caught up and caught her surfaced. DeMaine corrected her course and steamed at 16 knots. On her new bearing, it was made clear that U-218 was bound for the uninhabited island chain of Lapur, south of Bahatia, halfway between home and the original meeting point. Why they were travelling there was unclear.

DeMaine arrived at the Lapur Islands on the 6th and closed into only 150 meters from the cliff-faced shores. The shores were charted and determined to be safe for a warship of her draught to approach. The close proximity of the islands meant that closing into such distances was necessity. By then, DeMaine's skipper had come to the conclusion that U-218 was expecting the destroyer to simply pass right by while the boat hid in the confined waters of the islands, where she was invisible to radar.

What neither vessel was expecting, was how quickly they would encounter one another. DeMaine spotted U-218 hugging the shore, blended in perfectly with the terrain, surfaced and motionless, 200 meters away. U-218 already had crew on deck and scrambling to man the deck gun, while DeMaine wasn't yet at battle stations. General quarters was called and DeMaine accelerated, intending to ram at full speed. DeMaine fired no shots, but took fire from U-218, a round striking her bow. At a speed of 21 knots, DeMaine rammed 218's aft and cut across her amidships, tearing the boat in half. Unable to decelerate and steer clear, DeMaine inadvertently slammed against the cliff face only a dozen meters away from the U-boat.

With U-218 destroyed, DeMaine was now fighting flooding created from both rams. The destroyer made a distress call. Over several hours of damage control, DeMaine's captain ordered his crew to abandon ship and the destroyer eventually sank, partially submerged. On the 9th, a Bahatian frigate arrived and rescued the survivors of both crews. 193 members from the DeMaine, and 6 gun crew from U-218 survived.

Displacement - 1320 tonnes surfaced, 1480 tonnes submerged
Speed - 16 knots surfaced, 8 knots submerged
Range - 11 000nm at 10 knots
Maximum depth - 212 meters
Armament - x1 88mm deckgun. 22 torpedoes, 6 launchers fore, 2 launchers aft

Ships in class

U-204 - lost, 1342
U-205 - lost, 1344
U-206 - sunk in surface action, 1345
U-207 - lost, 1343
U-208 - surrendered, 1348, scrapped 1350
U-209 - depth charged, 1345
U-210 - sunk by aircraft, 1347
U-211 - sunk by aircraft, 1346
U-212 - grounded, 1344
U-213 - lost, 1344
U-214 - surrendered, 1348, scrapped 1350
U-215 - torpedoed by aircraft, 1345
U-216 - lost, 1344
U-217 - depth charged by aircraft, 1345
U-218 - rammed, 1346
U-219 - surrendered, 1348, scrapped 1350
U-220 - sunk by aircraft, 1346

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Post subject: Re: Antara 2.5Posted: April 26th, 2021, 1:11 am
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Colonet-class battleship

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The Colonets were a step up from the Duke of Umbaras in terms of speed and armament. Colonet was also a departure from the previously established style of battleships, most of which carried two main battery guns and numerous medium caliber and small caliber guns. This time around, Colonet ditched the large secondary battery of the Umbaras, and traded it for an additional main battery gun placed centerline in the middle of the ship. This was following a similiar trend from other competing navies at the time, all of whose battleships were growing larger and increasingly choosing to mount one or even two more main battery turrets. In this regard the Colonets weren't special, however they were faster at 20 knots, albeit lighter in armor to her contemporaries.

The Colonets saw combat in the Great War, where they served mostly as shore bombardment vessels in the Veravane islands. This was due to the Admiralty not seeing them fit enough for action against the Wesmeric Home Fleet, but rather the smaller colonial fleets in the Veravane. Notably, the Colonets participated in the Battle of Southlee (July 1317), initially covering naval landings. To the utter horror of the Antarans, the Wesmeric Homefleet had sortied out to contest the landings and met them in battle. Over six hours of action, the Antaran fleet was forced to withdraw. They were outnumbered three battleships to eleven, escorts covering the escape. While the Colonets had little effect on the Wesmeric battle line, her destroyer escorts caused significant disruption and managed to sink a cruiser and a smaller battleship at the cost of six ships. While the battleships' retreat isn't brought up much, it further proved the obsolescence of the ships by the time of the Great War.

Almost as if payment for cowardice, Princess Kyoko was torpedoed by a Salian coastal submarine a year later to the day (July 1318) while covering another naval landing. When the Great War ended, the navy was already thinking of ways to dispose of the vessels. The Evinheim Naval Treaty gave the Admiralty a sound excuse to scrap the ships in order to free up tonnage to comply with the treaty limits. Colonet and Duke of Cascadia were broken down and sold for scrap in 1324.

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Displacement - 16 900 tonnes standard
Speed - 20 knots
Range - 8000nm at 10 knots
Main battery - 3xII 305mm/40
Secondary battery - 4xII 203mm/45
Tertiary battery - 14xI 76mm/50 (as built)
Torpedoes - 4xI 450mm underwater launchers
Armor - 254mm main belt, 127mm extended belt, 178mm upper belt, 305mm MB turret face, 254mm barbettes, 203mm SB turret face, 65mm decks, 305mm CT

Ships in Class

Colonet - scrapped, 1324
Princess Kyoko - torpedoed by submarine, 1319
Duke of Cascadia - scrapped, 1324

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Last edited by Shigure on April 30th, 2021, 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post subject: Re: Antara 2.5Posted: April 30th, 2021, 5:07 pm
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Emperor Franklin I-class battleship

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The Emperor Franklins (who's lead ship is fourth to carry that name), where a massive step up from previous battleships. Franklin I was the first Antaran battleship to use a unified main battery setup, ditching smaller artillery like 203mm guns. Her 305s were of a new 45 caliber type, giving the vessel much higher gun ranges than all previous vessels of her type, and rendering them obsolete in the process. Franklin-I was, however, again following the trend of other navies and was certainly not the first of her type world wide, but by no means weak.

Already somewhat obsolete a few years later, the Franklins formed the back line of the Antaran battle fleet in the Great War, but were present for major engagements like the Battle of Draken Wes and the 1st Battle of Hampton. At Hampton Island, King William I and Empress Azura I suffered major damage after trading salvos from the Wesmere 4th Battleship Squadron. William I was almost scuttled due to suffering from a boiler explosion, however ship limped away under cover of destroyer smoke screens. The warship was prematurely scrapped as a result.

After the Great War, the remaining ships were scrapped due to their age and obsolescence, which was also convenient to the Evinheim Naval Treaty.

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Tonnage - 17900 tonnes standard, 19000 tonnes full load
Speed - 21 knots
Range - 8000nm at 10 knots
Main battery - 6xII 305mm/45
Secondary battery - 10xI 76mm/50 (as built)
Torpedoes - 4xI 450mm underwater launchers
Armor - 278mm main belt, 76mm ends, 100mm upper belt, 330mm turret face, 305mm barbettes, 178mm turret sides, 76mm decks, 278mm CT

Ships in Class

Emperor Franklin I - scrapped, 1324
King Eisen I - destroyed as target ship, later scrapped, 1326
Empress Azura I - scrapped, 1324
King William I - scrapped, 1320

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Post subject: Re: Antara 2.5Posted: May 3rd, 2021, 3:44 pm
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V-100 class fleet submarine

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The V-100s would largely similiar to the V-78s, by making a return to the unenclosed deck gun layouts that were standard before. This was done to reduce drag and weight of the vessel. Improvements in other areas such as test depth were marginal, however the V-100s achieved the same capabilities on a lighter 1500 ton hull, gained from years of experience.

Production processes were largely streamlined, with the V-100 serving as a template for the later V-119s, which were almost exact repeats and would entered mass production shortly before the World War.

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Surface displacement - 1500 tonnes
Top speed - 21 knots
Range - 11 000nm at 10 knots
Test depth - 90 meters
Deepest survived depth - 165 meters
Torpedoes - 10 launchers, 6 fore, 4 aft. 14 reloads.

Ships in class

V-100 - scrapped, 1359
V-101 - sunk as reef ship, 1356
V-102 - scrapped, 1357
V-103 - sunk as target ship, 1347
V-104 - lost, 1344
V-105 - scrapped, 1357
V-106 - sunk by sabotage, 1347
V-107 - sunk by aircraft, 1346
V-108 - scrapped, 1352
V-109 - depth charged, 1346
V-110 - lost, 1344
V-111 - scrapped, 1358
V-112 - scrapped, 1358
V-113 - depth charged, 1345
V-114 - sunk by shore batteries, 1347
V-115 - scrapped, 1358
V-116 - lost, 1345

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Last edited by Shigure on February 18th, 2024, 8:34 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post subject: Re: Antara 2.5Posted: May 7th, 2021, 5:23 pm
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V-117 class command submarine

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The V-117 class of two boats were an anomaly in Antaran submarine design - being the only to be referred to as command submarines. They were to fulfil a doctrinal gap in submarine squadron co-ordination. In the mid 20s, it was theorized that submarines would be a more successful fighting force if they fought as squadrons, rather than as lone wolfs in the Great War. Initially, they coordinated with surface ships as part as a battle fleet, however the navy could not always be expected to be at see as part of a large force.

Submarines needed to operate as a squadron without an accompanying surface ship, especially deep in enemy territory, and the V-117s were designed for just that. Somewhat equivalent to a destroyer leader, V-117 had an enlarged size, with space for a command staff. An additional requirement as also added during the design stage, which called for even more room for additional passengers. The extra space would allow the vessel to carry a team of commandos for infiltration purposes - whereas existing boats were particularly cramped and had to sacrifice crew for space.

The idea was ultimately short lived, as experienced showed a command crew to be unnecessary as submarines rarely co-operated with each other. The extra space was a luxury, however the size of the boats negatively effected their maneuverability.

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Displacement - 2400 tonnes surfaced
Speed - 20 knots surfaced
Range - 13 000nm at 10 knots
Test depth - 90 meters
Torpedo armament - 6 forward, 4 aft, 24 torpedoes
Deck armament - 2xI 100mm/45 (as built)

Ships in Class

V-117 - sold to foreign navy, 1352
V-118 - sold to foreign navy, 1353

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Last edited by Shigure on February 18th, 2024, 8:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post subject: Re: Antara 2.5Posted: May 11th, 2021, 11:16 pm
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V-119 class fleet submarine

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The V-119s were a wartime mass production variant of the V-100s. While originally meant to be copies, the 119s were changed in their design phase to incorporate improvements based on war experience. The 119s made use of thicker, higher yield strength steel in the pressure hull skins and frames, allowing for greater dive depth. The fairwater was signficantly cut down, creating less drag under water and allowing for marginal increase in speed.

The V-119s were the most produced single class of submarines in the war, and were highly successful in disrupting Osoran merchant convoys, and to a similiar degree, Salian and Sieg convoys too.

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Surface displacement - 1500 tonnes
Top speed - 21 knots
Range - 11 000nm at 10 knots
Test depth - 120 meters
Deepest survived depth - 165 meters
Torpedoes - 10 launchers, 6 fore, 4 aft. 14 reloads.

Ships in class

Built - V-119 to V-211. 92 members.
Lost (unknown cause) - V-155 (1345), V-142 (1343), V-167 (1344), V-180 (1343)
Sunk by air attack - V-119 (1345), V-200 (1347)
Sunk in surface action - V-176 (1345)

All remaining vessels were scrapped between 1366 and 1384.

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Last edited by Shigure on February 18th, 2024, 8:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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