
Federal Republic of Denton
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Author:  swin_lad [ April 5th, 2016, 3:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Federal Republic of Denton

That plain may be a bitch to control if you lose an engine with all that power!

Author:  Krakatoa [ April 7th, 2016, 1:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Federal Republic of Denton

Just as a visual identifier. Everybody is familiar with a B-29 and how huge those were.

Just to show how big Dentons new bomber is, (B-36 equivalent) the photo below is one of those "picture speaks a 1000 words".

[ img ]

The above is an original from 1948. No extra Jet packs yet.

Author:  apdsmith [ April 7th, 2016, 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Federal Republic of Denton

Heh, here's another photo to provide some sort of scale. It's a B-36 mod, the NB-36H (yes, "N" as in "Nuclear")

[ img ]

The little plane in the background is a B-50, all 99 foot of it...

Author:  ezgo394 [ April 8th, 2016, 2:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Federal Republic of Denton

@swin_lad - Nah. Shouldn't be too bad. It'll be like flying the B-36, which a pilot once said "it's like sitting on your front porch and flying your house around." Plus, one engine out of ten?

@Krakatoa, Apdsmith, Yep! The blasted thing is huge! It has a larger wingspan than that of the 747-8i (doesn't beat the A380, but we all know that Airbus is crap anyways). The B36 is what made me want to have a large bomber, and the NB-36H is what inspired me to draw one, so I started looking and found the Model 462 to work off of. In fact, the nose on the Condor is heavily based on the nose of the NB-36H. If you look, closely, you should be able to see it ;) .

Author:  heuhen [ April 8th, 2016, 4:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Federal Republic of Denton

careful boy, I would go out and say the A380 is crap, specially in a forum full of Europeans!

Fun fact. There was an A380 that had an incident, where on of it's engine exploded, cutting all power-line and communication line in one of the wing. causing a error message so long that you could go trough them for hours... still managed to fly and land with one functional wing, two of the starbord engine that was responding on cockpit command and the port engine stuck at full throttle that they had no control o, it took fire crew a 2 hour at ground hosing it down with water before they managed to stop that engine.

Author:  ezgo394 [ April 8th, 2016, 4:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Federal Republic of Denton

:D Well to be honest, while I prefer Boeing over Airbus, Boeing sucks too. The reason I don't like either of them is that essentially they have a duopoly on the airliner market. That's not cool. I miss the good ol' days where there were more choices and you didn't have to choose between two large multinational global enterprises. But really, that's just my opinion. I'm against globalisation anyways, so don't listen to me ;)

Author:  heuhen [ April 8th, 2016, 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Federal Republic of Denton

well it come down to that it's so unbelievable expensive to develop a new aircraft now. So either you have to be a company so big that you can afford to developed everything from ground up, or you must have meet the most retarded banker.

But it is possible for a small company to produce something, but if they shall have any type of chance to survive, they must make a deal with one of the bigger company, so they can use same parts as them. For in the end, if a part fails, it is the producer of that part, that have to pay for the damage... and that can cost a lot.

Author:  zagoreni010 [ April 16th, 2016, 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Federal Republic of Denton

Krakatoa wrote:
Just as a visual identifier. Everybody is familiar with a B-29 and how huge those were.

Just to show how big Dentons new bomber is, (B-36 equivalent) the photo below is one of those "picture speaks a 1000 words".

[ img ]

The above is an original from 1948. No extra Jet packs yet.
How cute, momie duck and little duckling, ups, what the hell did i just say, i apologize i am not soft like th is :oops:

Author:  ezgo394 [ July 17th, 2016, 7:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Federal Republic of Denton

Been away for some while, but still lurking and communicating with some members. It's been so long since I've finished a drawing, I decided to do just that. I've got several drawings in various stages, and this one was the most complete, so after a couple of hours of adding the final details and trying to remember all the specs I had conjured up, here it is.
I had used Rowdy36's Munglinup Frigate as inspiration (which reminds me, Rowdy, did you get rid of it? I can't find it in your thread), and did my usual thing. Some may notice the use of multiple angles throughout the ship, which I did as an experiment but I quickly liked it. If you look closely, you should be able to see that every angle complements another on the ship. I drew up most of my own systems, missiles, and electronics, but don't ask me about the technical aspects because I don't know. I'm horrible with the electronics, and really just had to guess at it. I was doing pretty good when I first started this ship, but 4 months have passed since then. Anyways, here she is.

[ img ]
MacGowan Class Guided Missile Frigates - 16 ships in class
First Commisioned in 2005

Length: 483ft
Beam: 61ft
Draught: 17ft (hull)
Displacement: 7,200tons
Speed: 30kts
Range: 7000nm at 18kts
Complement: 180
Aircraft Carried: 2x Ranger Helicopters

1x 5"/54 Dual Purpose Gun
1x 64 cell VLS
8x Anti-Ship Missiles
2x Champion 4x 37mm Rotary Cannon CIWS
2x Triple Torpedo Tubes

Ä€rai AESA Long Range Air Search

It has been a while since I've drawn a ship, so if I've missed anything, please let me know.


Author:  ezgo394 [ July 17th, 2016, 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Federal Republic of Denton

Double post, apologies.

I'm working on the FACs for the DN and I'm trying to figure out what I should do for the armaments. I'm basing the hull off of the Sa'ar 4.5 and was considering having 2x 3" compacts on the bow and stern, 2x4 AShM launchers amidships, behind the superstructure (just like the Sa'ar 4.5) and then adding a Champion CIWS (equipped with anti-missile SAM) on an elevated structure just aft of the AShM (replacing where the Gabriel AShM would be). Does this sound like a reasonable arrangement?


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