I think this one will work fine!
Length: 121,73 meters
Speed: Version 1: 28,1 knots, Version 2: 33,7 knots. "D 372" Managed to reach a speed of 37.04 knots when it tried to escape from a larger enemy forces. Those destroyers who survived long enough to be upgrade in 1942, got new machinery, and managed to reach a speed of approx. 42 knots!
4*single 6in (later upgradet to 7.5 in)
2*single 4in
4* single and twins Torpedo tubes
Depth charges, some had mine instead, therefore, large aft deck.
This was a popular design in the Haram, it was built many boats of this type, as a clean Destroyer, a submarine destroyer, escort vessels, etc.
hull design was extremely successful, it managed to combine seaworthiness with high speed capacity, and capacity to carry heavy loads, which earlier vessels in Haram has had major problems with before.
The most famous of them is the Destroyer "G 334" which managed to lure an enemy battleship into a minefield and that way managed to get out of the situation it was in.