
Republic of Texas 2.0
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Author:  acelanceloet [ October 25th, 2016, 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Republic of Texas 2.0

Redhorse wrote:
As somebody who actually works on vessels that are actually build, and as somebody currently working on an calculation tool much like springsharp but for an a lot smaller series of vessels, I cannot help but comment on this.
When you get ready to beta test that, I'd love to try it. I hate trying to get smaller vessels to work in Springsharp.

Incidentally, where do you work? I did spend 3 years studying Naval Architecture at the University of New Orleans when I was young and indestructible, but I could not pass integral calculus and had to pick something else for a major.
these vessels are a bit smaller then what you would want to create, I am working on unmanned autonomous vessels for inland waters, between 1 and 5 meters :P I am still studying, so not really working yet, now working on my graduation thesis. I hope to keep working on these unmanned vessels after I graduate, though.

Author:  Colosseum [ October 26th, 2016, 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Republic of Texas 2.0

Krakatoa wrote:
That is what you call putting your reputation on the line.

Unfortunately for you, you do not seem to have read the various discussions held on Springsharp in the past. The outcome is normally to use Springsharp to check your drawing to see if what you have drawn is possible. But not to rely on it. All you have done is call into question the 60+ drawings you have done in the past 6 years. By now you should have learnt to do things better.
This post to me is almost the definition of "unreasonably disruptive"... :roll:

Anyway, great thread. I don't use springsharp so can't comment on the accuracy of it unfortunately, but these drawings (and backstories) are (as always) top notch.

Or, as I've become very fond of saying, "AWESOME!"

Author:  Rhade [ October 27th, 2016, 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Republic of Texas 2.0

Red' I have a question. Do you think that Texas Navy can use monitors to patrol Rio Grande or coastal/riverine "battleship" like Argentinian "Independencia"?

Author:  Redhorse [ October 27th, 2016, 12:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Republic of Texas 2.0

It was possible, but it would have to be a small, shallow-draft monitor. The Rio Grande wasn't/isn't very deep.

Author:  waritem [ October 27th, 2016, 3:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Republic of Texas 2.0

I really like your thread.
Although i also think that your ships should be a bit bigger, maybe that's simply a question of personal taste.
What is surprising to me is how outdated they are:
- still using sail for warship in 1910 (especially for a country who have great amount of oil....) is very strange i believe,
- The turrets of your Pedernales have the same design as the one of USS Olympia (almost 15 years older!).

Sometimes admiralty can be a bit optimistic, but calling your Invincible a battlecruiser..........

Author:  Redhorse [ October 27th, 2016, 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Republic of Texas 2.0

Although i also think that your ships should be a bit bigger, maybe that's simply a question of personal taste.
What is surprising to me is how outdated they are
Some of those are on their way out and only retained for the war. I could not upgrade the sail/steam vessels to all steam because the hulls could not be altered for the fuel requirement.

The James (the oldest) is laid up in 1912, Lampasas, Lavaca, and Leon in 1913. Campeche II and Navidad should be out, but I didn't have replacements for them and didn't want to have a capability gap while expanding the Navy. And I maxed out the budget those years, too. The defense budget expenditure was 103% in 1911 and 116% in 1912. 1913 it was 91%.

The turrets are older because I didn't think I could make a credible jump from the single mounts in earlier ships to the Invincible's turrets without something in between to show progress. So yes, they look obsolete and likely are, but that was the compromise I decided on.

The ships are small and short; early ranges are based on sail/steam combinations and early all steam propulsion is enough to get out into the Caribbean Sea and back under steam power. Later ranges let me reach New York, Brazil, and the UK before I have to refuel.

Invincible is a nominal battlecruiser at best, only because of her 10" guns. Otherwise she is just a very heavy cruiser.

I don't have major adversaries in the Atlantic or Mediterranean until the 1930s, so there wasn't any rush to modernize. I don't have imperial territories to protect, only trade routes (mainly to Brazil, England, the US, and Germany).

We're behind and I know it, but I do have a method to my madness. Thanks very much for your questions. I hope I helped you understand what I'm doing and why.

Author:  Redhorse [ October 30th, 2016, 8:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Republic of Texas 2.0

Also commissioned in 1915 were four Beaumont Class destroyers:

[ img ]

The Beaumonts were bigger and more capable than their predecessors, but they were not well liked. Of particular concern was the exposed rudder on the stern which was prone to damage or loss.

They were 200' at the waterline, with an 18' beam and a 9' draft. Normal tonnage was 509. They had a pair of 3"50 guns, one on the bow and one on the stern. Four 21" torpedo tubes were mounted on the deck, twice the number on the Abilenes.

Maximum speed was 27 knots, cruising range was 2650 miles at 15 knots.

These are the last ships built to the limited-range pre-war specifications. All other ships from this point forward will have much longer range.

Author:  RegiaMarina1939 [ October 30th, 2016, 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Republic of Texas 2.0

This AU is so amazing I really hope to learn some lessons both in drawing and design as well as country history. I am currently working on an AU for the Carolinas. The idea is that they become an independent nation after the civil war and become an ally of the confederacy, which won the war.

Author:  emperor_andreas [ October 31st, 2016, 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Republic of Texas 2.0

Awesome job!

Author:  reytuerto [ October 31st, 2016, 6:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Republic of Texas 2.0

Hi Redhorse:
May I ask why your torpedo tubes are painted in green? And also one structural question about your destroyer: Is your raised forward castle englobing the bridge (probably a somewhat more dry approach to the the wet turtle deck), leaving the pilot wheel exposed to the elements, shrapnell and small arms fire? Thanks, and cheers.

PS: Edited, the grammar is awful, and the spelling too.

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