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Post subject: Rhodesia 1991Posted: August 6th, 2010, 7:57 am
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A Short History of the Rhodesian Navy

The premise behind my alternate universe Rhodesia is that it survives as an internationally unrecognized independent state under the 1961 constitution with the Cape Province style, non-racial but tax paying qualification Franchise up until 1991. I stopped at 1991 as this was “when” the British Government under Prime Minister John Major recognized independence. In order to do this Rhodesia is a bit different thanks to the efforts of a 'Howard Hughes' type character and his 'Hughes Tools, Hughes Aircraft' type company called Rhomel (Rhodesian Metals Pty.Ltd.). The efforts of this company post World War II provide Rhodesia with a more strategically sound and independent industrial economy and technological capability plus many more European immigrants and integrated Africans who are skilled, salary earning, taxpayers.

Rhodesia was quite an industrialized country but had some pretty crazy shortfalls like large scale steel and energetics (nitrates for explosives) production but no munitions plant meaning all ammunition had to be imported from South Africa. This made them very vulnerable to South African politics. Ultimately this is what lead to the downfall of Rhodesia when the South Africans under Prime Minister BJ Vorster set in place a crazy plan of thinking if they forced Rhodesia into accepting majority rule then the rest of the world would accept their Apartheid system! With South Africa making serious threats to cut off ammunition and other support Rhodesia had no choice but to try and make a settlement with the British, African Nationalist and Communists. With Rhomel producing a range of strategic products the Rhodesians are able to “go it alone” from 1976 to 79 rejecting Vorster’s pressure until there is a new government in South Africa with a bit more realism.

The story of the Rhodesian Navy (RhN) is interrelated with many of the events in my AU and is over 15,000 words in note form so there are plenty of interrelated events! But in short there are four significant alternate events:

(1) Establishment of a 220km river link from Rhodesia to Katima Mulio in the Caprivi Strip in 1966-67 with the dredging of Zambezi rapids at Mambova by South West Africa. With a construction of a Rhodesian port at Kazungula Customs Post and a small fleet of river barges this provides a 12 hour link between Rhodesia and SWA by barge and ferry. This link is used for trade between the two states and for the Portuguese to move forces by land between Angola and Mozambique. In the mid 1970s ZPIRA launches several attacks on the ferry link leading to a requirement for an increase in riverine security forces.

(2) Building of a high effective sensor fused mine (SFM) based Cordan Sanitre along the borders of Rhodesia from 1974. Unlike the conventional minefield built by the security forces the SFM provides acoustic, seismic and magnetic sensors that can detect infiltration by humans and vehicles allowing for either remote or command detonation of various mines. This makes for a very effective Corsan that provides instant warning of penetration efforts and a high degree of self protection from the mines being lifted or defeated. Originally built in the north east to stop ZANLA infiltration from Mozambique the Corsan is extended to cover the Zambezi Valley in 1975 when South African Police are withdrawn from this area. Because of the effectiveness of the Corsan the terrorists look for any way around it and find one in Lake Kariba which was originally left uncovered by the Corsan and up to the Rhodesian Corps of Engineers to patrol in a handful of boats.

By early 1977 most terrorist infiltration into Rhodesia is coming via Lake Kariba and combined with the increasing terrorist attacks on the Caprivi Ferry Link a new Army unit called the Rhodesian Marine Regiment (RMR) is formed to patrol the Zambezi. To equip the RMR a domestic combat boat program is launched. Without much of a boat building industry Rhomel’s Aircraft Division at Thornhill is given the task and designs a high speed, semi planning, aluminum boat powered by the PT6 turbines built for the Rhomel Charger attack aircraft. After all aerodynamics is part of hydrodynamics. With these boats the RMR launches a range of effective patrols and interceptions of terrorists operations. By 1979 they have three boat squadrons each with twelve operational 60 foot long Muramba (Catfish) combat boats and an Israeli trained diver squadron. They dominate the upper Zambezi between Victoria Falls and Katima Mulio, Lake Kariba, Cahora Bassa Lake (in Mozambique) and the upper Sabi River (also in Mozambique). RMR boat crews are also used to crew a large civilian yacht used to evacuate a force of Rhodesian special forces from the daring 1980 raid of a ZANLA training camp in northern Tanzania.

(3) In 1981 Rhodesian company Air Trans Africa flies in a well armed group of mercenaries, actually in the main Rhodesian SAS, lead by ‘Mad’ Mike Hoare to Mahe Island in the Seychelles. There they are successful in overthrowing the Communist government restoring President James Mancham, who had previously been overthrown by the Communists, to power. Seychelles, like the nearby Comoros, subsequently becomes a Rhodesian ally and a front for sanction busting but lacks a significant defensive capability. So the RMR raises another squadron to operate in the Seychelles to providing a naval defense. They establish a base near Mahe and another hundreds of kilometers away on Aldabra Island where they can spy on East Africa. To equip the Patrol Squadron, RMR with more than the Muramba day boats Israel is contracted to provide strike craft in a similar covert project to South Africa’s Minister Class (Sa’ar III class). The first of six boats is delivered in 1984.

(4) After South Africa completely cuts off Government aide and therefore influence to Rhodesia in early 1977 a campaign of ‘externals’ is launched against ZANLA bases in Mozambique. They are highly successful and by mid 1978 the Communist FRELIMO Government of Mozambique has little or no control over their border provinces. To fill this gap and to form a counter revolutionary force Rhodesian military intelligence helps establish the MNR, later renamed RENAMO. By mid 1983 they are in complete control of inland Mozambique and much of the countryside north of the Sabi River. After the defeat of a major FRELIMO counter offensive in the Gorongosa the victorious RENAMO and Rhodesian Army forces capture Beira by default.

With FRELIMO crumbling and their stronghold at Maputo cut from their coastal enclaves in the north the Soviet bloc launches a major effort to prop them up. Entering the region in late 1983 is a Soviet naval carrier battle group based on the new Kiev class carrier Novorossiysk (it did actually visit Mozambique at this time). In August the Soviets deploy their fleet to support an overland offensive to retake Beira. The Army and RENAMO have little trouble defeating the Cuban and FRELIMO mechanised column advancing across the Sabi but the Soviet Yak fighters are a completely unexpected presence over Beira. Since much of the land effort is spread out in the bush the Soviet fighters can make little difference but they do surprise the Rhodesian Air Force (RhAF) looting the airport of captured Soviet made equipment. The next day the Soviet Yaks return but a section is mauled by waiting RhAF Hunters and with losses from ground fire, including the fearsome Rhomel 42mm anti aircraft gun, about hald their number are destroyed. With their strike wing in dissaray and little to show for it the Soviet fleet escalates by deploying the surface to surface rockets arming their cruisers. Eighteen SS-N-3 missiles are launched that night at Umtali in Rhodesia where they cause major damage to the Aluminium smelting plant and local housing killing 249 Rhodesians (mostly African). With their non-nuclear armed missiles expended and half of their air wing knocked out the Soviet carrier force transits north to restock. But Rhodesia is outraged at the damage and the following night launches a successful air strike that sinks both the Kynda and Kresta cruisers that launched the missiles leaving the carrier Novorossiysk to flee to Yeman. The air sea battle between Rhodesia and the Soviet Union creates a major international incident but places the Mozambique Channel and the need for improved naval security high on the agenda for Rhodesia.

By mid 1984 the FRELIMO regime falls with a sea borne evacuation from Maputo to Tanzania, called the Soviet Saigon, but with a US Navy carrier battle group in the Channel further air sea fighting is deterred. The new RENAMO government of Mozambique is internationally recognised and closely aligned with Rhodesia and to a lesser extent South Africa. With Mozambique friendly again Rhodesia has unfettered access to the sea via the Beira corridor. Without the trained personnel or funds for new ships Mozambique maritime security is provided by the RMR which is honored with independence from the Army and re-establishment as the Rhodesian Navy (RhN).

Mozambique also offers its services as a front for the acquisition of key military systems, especially Naval, for Rhodesia and South Africa which fly their flag but are operated by the RhAF, RhN or SAN and SAAF. With the RhN only operating small boats and strike craft a new project to acquire a fleet of frigates and submarines is launched. With money flooding in from the restoration of easy bulk exports of metals via Beira the Rhodesians contract with Argentina for an instant Navy. Financially strapped Argentina sells the second pair of MEKO 140 corvettes and completes the third pair on the Rhodesian/ Mozambique account. The first two TR1700 submarines are also sold as is to Rhodesia with the final two completed for export. The first of these boats are promptly put to use operating off Angola to support UNITA’s drive on Luanda in 1988.

By 1991 the RhN has a smallish but balanced fleet of corvettes and submarines and a strong force of missile armed strike craft and coastal combat boats. They control the waters of the Mozambique Channel and Seychelles and operate deep into the northern Indian Ocean and South Atlantic. Despite being landlocked they are also pursing a plan to build their own corvettes and submarines by the late 1990s. True to the styles and attitude of Rhodesia their green, brown and grey naval vessels are heavily armed with automatic cannons and no naval officer would ever be disciplined for running aground if he was getting closer to the enemy.

RhN Uniforms: Dress uniform based on US Navy tan khaki service dress but with jacket cut like RhAF service dress. Also worn as casual working uniform without jacket and with metal collar rank insignia (also enlisted). Combat and working uniforms standard camouflage items with tank suits worn on large ships. Standard beret is navy blue with tombstone red anchor, rope and lion badge for ratings. Standard personal weapon across the RhN is ex FRELIMO captured Hungarian made AMD-65s modified with IMI Gali type folding stock.

Last edited by TurretHead on August 7th, 2010, 12:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post subject: Re: Rhodesia 1991Posted: August 6th, 2010, 4:19 pm
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Eager to see more, keep up the good work.

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Post subject: Re: Rhodesia 1991Posted: August 6th, 2010, 5:33 pm
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Waiting the naval review of your fleet, sir!

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Post subject: Re: Rhodesia 1991Posted: August 6th, 2010, 9:10 pm
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RhN Uniforms: Dress uniform based on US Navy tan khaki service dress but with jacket cut like RhAF service dress. Also worn as casual working uniform without jacket and with metal collar rank insignia (also enlisted). Combat and working uniforms standard camouflage items with tank suits worn on large ships. Standard beret is navy blue with tombstone red anchor, rope and lion badge for ratings. Standard personal weapon across the RhN is ex FRELIMO captured Hungarian made AMD-65s modified with IMI Gali type folding stock.
Ah, so by 1991 they've given up the venerable FN?

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Post subject: Re: Rhodesia 1991Posted: August 6th, 2010, 9:12 pm
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Also? Stickied, so that new users can see what type of thought should go into an AU scenario before any drawings are created.

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Post subject: Re: Rhodesia 1991Posted: August 7th, 2010, 12:07 am
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Colosseum wrote:
Ah, so by 1991 they've given up the venerable FN?
LOL, no way! Just the Navy to try and look different.

You and everyone who knows Rhodesia will be relived to know that part of the AU is that Rhomel have a license from Belgium to make FALs and MAGs in Rhodesia from 1962 and develop their own bullpup FAL version in the late 1970s. This is part of the AU that the then Federation government adopts a plan in 1960 to build up the Army’s capability to train a division for third world war operations. So they buy some second hand armour and artillery and set up local industry plans for armoured cars, small arms and ammunition. Its not big scale stuff but provides the foundation for Rhodesia after UDI.

So everyone has FNs and no need for poxy G3s to be issued. Captured AKs have their appeal because of the lighter recoil and ease of replenishment on the battlefield so Rhomel build their bullpup FAL in 7.62x39mm as well. I just based the bullpup FAL on the Keltec RFB which also has a forward casing ejection. Now that I think about it would really suit the Rhodesian Army. Troopies in Fire Force helicopters were not allowed to fire their FNs from the air because the casing is ejected upwards and would nick the rotor blades. Also if you use them from inside a vehicle a lot of gas fills up and the cases get underfoot. With the forward ejection pipe the cases are dumped in a safe direction from the rotor blades and outside the firing port of the mine protected combat vehicle.

As you can see in this picture I’m working on drawing them in pixel art in the firearms scale (1 inch = 20 pixels). I’ve brought the donor images of the ADM-65 and RFB into scale and chopped off the stuff I have to replace but I haven’t shown in this picture the layers with the new pixel art lines I’ve drawn over the top. I also like the American 180 and Automag .44 so have to work that into the Rhodesian arsenal! But I’m probably trying to draw too much stuff at once! Thanks for the positive feedback everyone.

[ img ]

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Post subject: Re: Rhodesia 1991Posted: August 7th, 2010, 2:15 am
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I have a standard FN rifle drawn up but realized it's slightly out of scale, hence why it's not posted. I may or may not redraw it in the proper scale, but right now I have a LOT more pressing things to attend to... lol...

I had several versions of it, mostly as in Rhodesian service as that's what my rifle is and I used mine to draw the details.

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Post subject: Re: Rhodesia 1991Posted: August 8th, 2010, 2:30 am
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Colosseum wrote:
I have a standard FN rifle drawn up but realized it's slightly out of scale, hence why it's not posted. I may or may not redraw it in the proper scale, but right now I have a LOT more pressing things to attend to... lol...

I had several versions of it, mostly as in Rhodesian service as that's what my rifle is and I used mine to draw the details.
I want to draw the FN FAL for my AU including a few AU versions of it. Also standard factory finish, Troopie improv cammie and a later factory finish cammie. But I'm still learning and drawing painfully slow so it might take a while. But I'm working out ways to draw quicker.

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Post subject: Re: Rhodesia 1991Posted: August 8th, 2010, 2:31 am
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Here is my first Rhodesian ship! Just a modification but of the bucket Saar 4. I'm working on the B Side and a gunboat version.

[ img ]
Edit for railings. 2nd Edit for improved secondary guns and mortars.

Last edited by TurretHead on August 8th, 2010, 8:44 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Post subject: Re: Rhodesia 1991Posted: August 8th, 2010, 2:35 am
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Very well done, but make sure to color the railing to match the camo.

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