In the early 1990's Popular Mechanics had a ship design from the David Taylor Center. The design was called The Carrier Dock Multimission a large (40,000+) ton platform that would serve as the base design for most naval ships. These would replace most ships in the fleet and complement the large Nimitz class carriers (CVNs) support groups of smaller "Scout fighters". A later Proceedings article called a similar ship called "Carrier of large objects". It was similar to the previous idea but included late Burke classes as Battleforce ships.
There was a similar drawing captioned as the LX in a 1980’s Surface Forces Review, but I don’t know if its ralated.
Designing the Future U.S. Naval Surface Fleet for Effectiveness and Producibility
The Industrial Perspective Conference Proceedings Meeting Minutes
I thought I posted this already but couldn't find it under my posts, If I did, sorry.