I'm not sure, but shouldn't those things on the funnels be outlined in black?
That depends, but from where I stand it's fine. He might want to draw them in just to see how they look and decide from himself though.
And the white one pixel line on the "front" of the funnels seems odd.
It represents shading to give the illusion of a round cylinder. It looks fine to me too but I question if it's up to the spirit of the Shipbucket style. You might want to try a wider band of a lighter shade of gray instead, like what I do with my Konigsreich von Namaqua ships (or what Golly does for his, I stole the technique from him after all
Great draw though!
Yes. Chuck ship art came in here and after one or two renditions of this thing he's proven he's got what it takes to become a top-tier drawer on this forum. I'm quite impressed with his lightning-fast progress to say the least.